use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
use objc2_foundation::*;
use crate::*;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy(pub NSInteger);
impl WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy {
#[doc(alias = "WKInactiveSchedulingPolicySuspend")]
pub const Suspend: Self = Self(0);
#[doc(alias = "WKInactiveSchedulingPolicyThrottle")]
pub const Throttle: Self = Self(1);
#[doc(alias = "WKInactiveSchedulingPolicyNone")]
pub const None: Self = Self(2);
unsafe impl Encode for WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy {
const ENCODING: Encoding = NSInteger::ENCODING;
unsafe impl RefEncode for WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy {
const ENCODING_REF: Encoding = Encoding::Pointer(&Self::ENCODING);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct WKPreferences;
unsafe impl ClassType for WKPreferences {
type Super = NSObject;
type Mutability = InteriorMutable;
unsafe impl NSCoding for WKPreferences {}
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for WKPreferences {}
unsafe impl NSSecureCoding for WKPreferences {}
unsafe impl WKPreferences {
pub unsafe fn minimumFontSize(&self) -> CGFloat;
pub unsafe fn setMinimumFontSize(&self, minimum_font_size: CGFloat);
pub unsafe fn javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(
java_script_can_open_windows_automatically: bool,
pub unsafe fn isFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled(
fraudulent_website_warning_enabled: bool,
pub unsafe fn shouldPrintBackgrounds(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setShouldPrintBackgrounds(&self, should_print_backgrounds: bool);
pub unsafe fn tabFocusesLinks(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setTabFocusesLinks(&self, tab_focuses_links: bool);
pub unsafe fn isTextInteractionEnabled(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setTextInteractionEnabled(&self, text_interaction_enabled: bool);
pub unsafe fn isSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled(
site_specific_quirks_mode_enabled: bool,
pub unsafe fn isElementFullscreenEnabled(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setElementFullscreenEnabled(&self, element_fullscreen_enabled: bool);
pub unsafe fn inactiveSchedulingPolicy(&self) -> WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy;
pub unsafe fn setInactiveSchedulingPolicy(
inactive_scheduling_policy: WKInactiveSchedulingPolicy,
unsafe impl WKPreferences {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init init)]
pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics New new)]
pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
unsafe impl WKPreferences {
#[deprecated = "Java is no longer supported"]
pub unsafe fn javaEnabled(&self) -> bool;
#[deprecated = "Java is no longer supported"]
pub unsafe fn setJavaEnabled(&self, java_enabled: bool);
#[deprecated = "Plug-ins are no longer supported"]
pub unsafe fn plugInsEnabled(&self) -> bool;
#[deprecated = "Plug-ins are no longer supported"]
pub unsafe fn setPlugInsEnabled(&self, plug_ins_enabled: bool);
#[deprecated = "Use WKWebpagePreferences.allowsContentJavaScript to disable content JavaScript on a per-navigation basis"]
pub unsafe fn javaScriptEnabled(&self) -> bool;
#[deprecated = "Use WKWebpagePreferences.allowsContentJavaScript to disable content JavaScript on a per-navigation basis"]
pub unsafe fn setJavaScriptEnabled(&self, java_script_enabled: bool);