1//! This file has been automatically generated by `objc2`'s `header-translator`.
3use core::ffi::*;
4use core::ptr::NonNull;
5use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
6use objc2_foundation::*;
8use crate::*;
11 /// WebBackForwardList holds an ordered list of WebHistoryItems that comprises the back and
12 /// forward lists.
13 ///
14 /// Note that the methods which modify instances of this class do not cause
15 /// navigation to happen in other layers of the stack; they are only for maintaining this data
16 /// structure.
17 ///
18 /// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webbackforwardlist?language=objc)
19 #[unsafe(super(NSObject))]
20 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
21 #[deprecated]
22 pub struct WebBackForwardList;
25unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for WebBackForwardList {}
27impl WebBackForwardList {
28 extern_methods!(
29 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
30 /// Adds an entry to the list.
31 ///
32 /// Parameter `item`: The entry to add.
33 ///
34 /// The added entry is inserted immediately after the current entry.
35 /// If the current position in the list is not at the end of the list, elements in the
36 /// forward list will be dropped at this point. In addition, entries may be dropped to keep
37 /// the size of the list within the maximum size.
38 #[deprecated]
39 #[unsafe(method(addItem:))]
40 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
41 pub unsafe fn addItem(&self, item: Option<&WebHistoryItem>);
43 /// Move the current pointer back to the entry before the current entry.
44 #[deprecated]
45 #[unsafe(method(goBack))]
46 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
47 pub unsafe fn goBack(&self);
49 /// Move the current pointer ahead to the entry after the current entry.
50 #[deprecated]
51 #[unsafe(method(goForward))]
52 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
53 pub unsafe fn goForward(&self);
55 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
56 /// Move the current pointer to the given entry.
57 ///
58 /// Parameter `item`: The history item to move the pointer to
59 #[deprecated]
60 #[unsafe(method(goToItem:))]
61 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
62 pub unsafe fn goToItem(&self, item: Option<&WebHistoryItem>);
64 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
65 /// The entry right before the current entry, or nil if there isn't one.
66 #[deprecated]
67 #[unsafe(method(backItem))]
68 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
69 pub unsafe fn backItem(&self) -> Option<Retained<WebHistoryItem>>;
71 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
72 /// Returns the current entry.
73 #[deprecated]
74 #[unsafe(method(currentItem))]
75 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
76 pub unsafe fn currentItem(&self) -> Option<Retained<WebHistoryItem>>;
78 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
79 /// The entry right after the current entry, or nil if there isn't one.
80 #[deprecated]
81 #[unsafe(method(forwardItem))]
82 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
83 pub unsafe fn forwardItem(&self) -> Option<Retained<WebHistoryItem>>;
85 /// Returns a portion of the list before the current entry.
86 ///
87 /// Parameter `limit`: A cap on the size of the array returned.
88 ///
89 /// Returns: An array of items before the current entry, or nil if there are none. The entries are in the order that they were originally visited.
90 #[deprecated]
91 #[unsafe(method(backListWithLimit:))]
92 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
93 pub unsafe fn backListWithLimit(&self, limit: c_int) -> Option<Retained<NSArray>>;
95 /// Returns a portion of the list after the current entry.
96 ///
97 /// Parameter `limit`: A cap on the size of the array returned.
98 ///
99 /// Returns: An array of items after the current entry, or nil if there are none. The entries are in the order that they were originally visited.
100 #[deprecated]
101 #[unsafe(method(forwardListWithLimit:))]
102 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
103 pub unsafe fn forwardListWithLimit(&self, limit: c_int) -> Option<Retained<NSArray>>;
105 /// The list's maximum size.
106 #[deprecated]
107 #[unsafe(method(capacity))]
108 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
109 pub unsafe fn capacity(&self) -> c_int;
111 /// Setter for [`capacity`][Self::capacity].
112 #[deprecated]
113 #[unsafe(method(setCapacity:))]
114 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
115 pub unsafe fn setCapacity(&self, capacity: c_int);
117 /// The number of items in the list.
118 #[deprecated]
119 #[unsafe(method(backListCount))]
120 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
121 pub unsafe fn backListCount(&self) -> c_int;
123 /// Returns: The number of items in the list.
124 #[deprecated]
125 #[unsafe(method(forwardListCount))]
126 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
127 pub unsafe fn forwardListCount(&self) -> c_int;
129 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
130 /// Parameter `item`: The item that will be checked for presence in the WebBackForwardList.
131 ///
132 /// Returns: Returns YES if the item is in the list.
133 #[deprecated]
134 #[unsafe(method(containsItem:))]
135 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
136 pub unsafe fn containsItem(&self, item: Option<&WebHistoryItem>) -> bool;
138 #[cfg(feature = "WebHistoryItem")]
139 /// Returns an entry the given distance from the current entry.
140 ///
141 /// Parameter `index`: Index of the desired list item relative to the current item; 0 is current item, -1 is back item, 1 is forward item, etc.
142 ///
143 /// Returns: The entry the given distance from the current entry. If index exceeds the limits of the list, nil is returned.
144 #[deprecated]
145 #[unsafe(method(itemAtIndex:))]
146 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
147 pub unsafe fn itemAtIndex(&self, index: c_int) -> Option<Retained<WebHistoryItem>>;
148 );
151/// Methods declared on superclass `NSObject`.
152impl WebBackForwardList {
153 extern_methods!(
154 #[unsafe(method(init))]
155 #[unsafe(method_family = init)]
156 pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
158 #[unsafe(method(new))]
159 #[unsafe(method_family = new)]
160 pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
161 );
164/// WebBackForwardListDeprecated.
165impl WebBackForwardList {
166 extern_methods!(
167 /// The size passed to this method determines whether the WebView
168 /// associated with this WebBackForwardList will use the shared page cache.
169 ///
170 /// Parameter `size`: If size is 0, the WebView associated with this WebBackForwardList
171 /// will not use the shared page cache. Otherwise, it will.
172 #[deprecated]
173 #[unsafe(method(setPageCacheSize:))]
174 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
175 pub unsafe fn setPageCacheSize(&self, size: NSUInteger);
177 /// Returns the size of the shared page cache, or 0.
178 ///
179 /// Returns: The size of the shared page cache (in pages), or 0 if the WebView
180 /// associated with this WebBackForwardList will not use the shared page cache.
181 #[deprecated]
182 #[unsafe(method(pageCacheSize))]
183 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
184 pub unsafe fn pageCacheSize(&self) -> NSUInteger;
185 );