
1//! This file has been automatically generated by `objc2`'s `header-translator`.
3use core::ffi::*;
4use core::ptr::NonNull;
5use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
6use objc2_foundation::*;
8use crate::*;
11    /// A WKWebsiteDataStore represents various types of data that a website might
12    /// make use of. This includes cookies, disk and memory caches, and persistent data such as WebSQL,
13    /// IndexedDB databases, and local storage.
14    ///
15    /// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebsitedatastore?language=objc)
16    #[unsafe(super(NSObject))]
17    #[thread_kind = MainThreadOnly]
18    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
19    pub struct WKWebsiteDataStore;
22unsafe impl NSCoding for WKWebsiteDataStore {}
24unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for WKWebsiteDataStore {}
26unsafe impl NSSecureCoding for WKWebsiteDataStore {}
28impl WKWebsiteDataStore {
29    extern_methods!(
30        #[unsafe(method(defaultDataStore))]
31        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
32        pub unsafe fn defaultDataStore(mtm: MainThreadMarker) -> Retained<WKWebsiteDataStore>;
34        /// Returns a new non-persistent data store.
35        ///
36        /// If a WKWebView is associated with a non-persistent data store, no data will
37        /// be written to the file system. This is useful for implementing "private browsing" in a web view.
38        #[unsafe(method(nonPersistentDataStore))]
39        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
40        pub unsafe fn nonPersistentDataStore(mtm: MainThreadMarker)
41            -> Retained<WKWebsiteDataStore>;
43        #[unsafe(method(new))]
44        #[unsafe(method_family = new)]
45        pub unsafe fn new(&self) -> Retained<Self>;
47        #[unsafe(method(init))]
48        #[unsafe(method_family = init)]
49        pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
51        /// Whether the data store is persistent or not.
52        #[unsafe(method(isPersistent))]
53        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
54        pub unsafe fn isPersistent(&self) -> bool;
56        /// Returns a set of all available website data types.
57        #[unsafe(method(allWebsiteDataTypes))]
58        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
59        pub unsafe fn allWebsiteDataTypes(mtm: MainThreadMarker) -> Retained<NSSet<NSString>>;
61        #[cfg(all(feature = "WKWebsiteDataRecord", feature = "block2"))]
62        /// Fetches data records containing the given website data types.
63        ///
64        /// Parameter `dataTypes`: The website data types to fetch records for.
65        ///
66        /// Parameter `completionHandler`: A block to invoke when the data records have been fetched.
67        #[unsafe(method(fetchDataRecordsOfTypes:completionHandler:))]
68        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
69        pub unsafe fn fetchDataRecordsOfTypes_completionHandler(
70            &self,
71            data_types: &NSSet<NSString>,
72            completion_handler: &block2::Block<dyn Fn(NonNull<NSArray<WKWebsiteDataRecord>>)>,
73        );
75        #[cfg(all(feature = "WKWebsiteDataRecord", feature = "block2"))]
76        /// Removes website data of the given types for the given data records.
77        ///
78        /// Parameter `dataTypes`: The website data types that should be removed.
79        ///
80        /// Parameter `dataRecords`: The website data records to delete website data for.
81        ///
82        /// Parameter `completionHandler`: A block to invoke when the website data for the records has been removed.
83        #[unsafe(method(removeDataOfTypes:forDataRecords:completionHandler:))]
84        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
85        pub unsafe fn removeDataOfTypes_forDataRecords_completionHandler(
86            &self,
87            data_types: &NSSet<NSString>,
88            data_records: &NSArray<WKWebsiteDataRecord>,
89            completion_handler: &block2::Block<dyn Fn()>,
90        );
92        #[cfg(feature = "block2")]
93        /// Removes all website data of the given types that has been modified since the given date.
94        ///
95        /// Parameter `dataTypes`: The website data types that should be removed.
96        ///
97        /// Parameter `date`: A date. All website data modified after this date will be removed.
98        ///
99        /// Parameter `completionHandler`: A block to invoke when the website data has been removed.
100        #[unsafe(method(removeDataOfTypes:modifiedSince:completionHandler:))]
101        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
102        pub unsafe fn removeDataOfTypes_modifiedSince_completionHandler(
103            &self,
104            data_types: &NSSet<NSString>,
105            date: &NSDate,
106            completion_handler: &block2::Block<dyn Fn()>,
107        );
109        #[cfg(feature = "WKHTTPCookieStore")]
110        /// Returns the cookie store representing HTTP cookies in this website data store.
111        #[unsafe(method(httpCookieStore))]
112        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
113        pub unsafe fn httpCookieStore(&self) -> Retained<WKHTTPCookieStore>;
115        /// Get identifier for a data store.
116        ///
117        /// Returns nil for default and non-persistent data store .
118        #[unsafe(method(identifier))]
119        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
120        pub unsafe fn identifier(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSUUID>>;
122        /// Get a persistent data store.
123        ///
124        /// Parameter `identifier`: An identifier that is used to uniquely identify the data store.
125        ///
126        /// If a data store with this identifier does not exist yet, it will be created. Throws exception if identifier
127        /// is 0.
128        #[unsafe(method(dataStoreForIdentifier:))]
129        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
130        pub unsafe fn dataStoreForIdentifier(
131            identifier: &NSUUID,
132            mtm: MainThreadMarker,
133        ) -> Retained<WKWebsiteDataStore>;
135        #[cfg(feature = "block2")]
136        /// Delete a persistent data store.
137        ///
138        /// Parameter `identifier`: An identifier that is used to uniquely identify the data store.
139        ///
140        /// Parameter `completionHandler`: A block to invoke with optional error when the operation completes.
141        ///
142        /// This should be called when the data store is not used any more. Returns error if removal fails
143        /// to complete. WKWebView using the data store must be released before removal.
144        #[unsafe(method(removeDataStoreForIdentifier:completionHandler:))]
145        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
146        pub unsafe fn removeDataStoreForIdentifier_completionHandler(
147            identifier: &NSUUID,
148            completion_handler: &block2::Block<dyn Fn(*mut NSError)>,
149            mtm: MainThreadMarker,
150        );
152        #[cfg(feature = "block2")]
153        /// Fetch all data stores identifiers.
154        ///
155        /// Parameter `completionHandler`: A block to invoke with an array of identifiers when the operation completes.
156        ///
157        /// Default or non-persistent data store do not have an identifier.
158        #[unsafe(method(fetchAllDataStoreIdentifiers:))]
159        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
160        pub unsafe fn fetchAllDataStoreIdentifiers(
161            completion_handler: &block2::Block<dyn Fn(NonNull<NSArray<NSUUID>>)>,
162            mtm: MainThreadMarker,
163        );
164    );
167/// Methods declared on superclass `NSObject`.
168impl WKWebsiteDataStore {
169    extern_methods!(
170        #[unsafe(method(new))]
171        #[unsafe(method_family = new)]
172        pub unsafe fn new_class(mtm: MainThreadMarker) -> Retained<Self>;
173    );