1//! This file has been automatically generated by `objc2`'s `header-translator`.
3use core::ffi::*;
4use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
5use objc2_foundation::*;
7use crate::*;
9/// The type of action that triggered a possible navigation.
11/// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webnavigationtype?language=objc)
12// NS_ENUM
15#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
16pub struct WebNavigationType(pub NSInteger);
17impl WebNavigationType {
18 #[deprecated]
19 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked")]
20 pub const LinkClicked: Self = Self(0);
21 #[deprecated]
22 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted")]
23 pub const FormSubmitted: Self = Self(1);
24 #[deprecated]
25 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeBackForward")]
26 pub const BackForward: Self = Self(2);
27 #[deprecated]
28 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeReload")]
29 pub const Reload: Self = Self(3);
30 #[deprecated]
31 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeFormResubmitted")]
32 pub const FormResubmitted: Self = Self(4);
33 #[deprecated]
34 #[doc(alias = "WebNavigationTypeOther")]
35 pub const Other: Self = Self(5);
38unsafe impl Encode for WebNavigationType {
39 const ENCODING: Encoding = NSInteger::ENCODING;
42unsafe impl RefEncode for WebNavigationType {
43 const ENCODING_REF: Encoding = Encoding::Pointer(&Self::ENCODING);
46extern "C" {
47 /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webactionnavigationtypekey?language=objc)
48 pub static WebActionNavigationTypeKey: Option<&'static NSString>;
51extern "C" {
52 /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webactionelementkey?language=objc)
53 pub static WebActionElementKey: Option<&'static NSString>;
56extern "C" {
57 /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webactionbuttonkey?language=objc)
58 pub static WebActionButtonKey: Option<&'static NSString>;
61extern "C" {
62 /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webactionmodifierflagskey?language=objc)
63 pub static WebActionModifierFlagsKey: Option<&'static NSString>;
66extern "C" {
67 /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webactionoriginalurlkey?language=objc)
68 pub static WebActionOriginalURLKey: Option<&'static NSString>;
72 /// This protocol is used to call back with the results of a
73 /// policy decision. This provides the ability to make these decisions
74 /// asyncrhonously, which means the decision can be made by prompting
75 /// with a sheet, for example.
76 ///
77 /// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webpolicydecisionlistener?language=objc)
78 #[deprecated]
79 pub unsafe trait WebPolicyDecisionListener: NSObjectProtocol {
80 /// Use the resource
81 ///
82 /// If there remain more policy decisions to be made, then
83 /// the next policy delegate method gets to decide. This will be
84 /// either the next navigation policy delegate if there is a redirect,
85 /// or the content policy delegate. If there are no more policy
86 /// decisions to be made, the resource will be displayed inline if
87 /// possible. If there is no view available to display the resource
88 /// inline, then unableToImplementPolicyWithError:frame: will be
89 /// called with an appropriate error.
90 ///
91 /// <p>
92 /// If a new window is going to be created for this navigation as a
93 /// result of frame targeting, then it will be created once you call
94 /// this method.
95 #[deprecated]
96 #[unsafe(method(use))]
97 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
98 unsafe fn r#use(&self);
100 /// Download the resource instead of displaying it.
101 ///
102 /// This method is more than just a convenience because it
103 /// allows an in-progress navigation to be converted to a download
104 /// based on content type, without having to stop and restart the
105 /// load.
106 #[deprecated]
107 #[unsafe(method(download))]
108 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
109 unsafe fn download(&self);
111 /// Do nothing (but the client may choose to handle the request itself)
112 ///
113 /// A policy of ignore prevents WebKit from doing anything
114 /// further with the load, however, the client is still free to handle
115 /// the request in some other way, such as opening a new window,
116 /// opening a new window behind the current one, opening the URL in an
117 /// external app, revealing the location in Finder if a file URL, etc.
118 #[deprecated]
119 #[unsafe(method(ignore))]
120 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
121 unsafe fn ignore(&self);
122 }
126 /// While loading a URL, WebKit asks the WebPolicyDelegate for
127 /// policies that determine the action of what to do with the URL or the data that
128 /// the URL represents. Typically, the policy handler methods are called in this order:
129 ///
130 /// decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request:newFrameName:decisionListener: (at most once)
131 /// <BR
132 /// >
133 /// decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener: (zero or more times)
134 /// <BR
135 /// >
136 /// decidePolicyForMIMEType:request:frame: (zero or more times)
137 /// <BR
138 /// >
139 ///
140 /// New window policy is always checked. Navigation policy is checked
141 /// for the initial load and every redirect unless blocked by an
142 /// earlier policy. Content policy is checked once the content type is
143 /// known, unless an earlier policy prevented it.
144 ///
145 /// In rare cases, content policy might be checked more than
146 /// once. This occurs when loading a "multipart/x-mixed-replace"
147 /// document, also known as "server push". In this case, multiple
148 /// documents come in one navigation, with each replacing the last. In
149 /// this case, conent policy will be checked for each one.
150 ///
151 /// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webpolicydelegate?language=objc)
152 #[deprecated]
153 pub unsafe trait WebPolicyDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
154 #[cfg(all(feature = "WebFrame", feature = "WebView", feature = "objc2-app-kit"))]
155 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
156 /// This method is called to decide what to do with a proposed navigation.
157 ///
158 /// Parameter `actionInformation`: Dictionary that describes the action that triggered this navigation.
159 ///
160 /// Parameter `request`: The request for the proposed navigation
161 ///
162 /// Parameter `frame`: The WebFrame in which the navigation is happening
163 ///
164 /// Parameter `listener`: The object to call when the decision is made
165 ///
166 /// This method will be called before loading starts, and
167 /// on every redirect.
168 #[deprecated]
169 #[optional]
170 #[unsafe(method(webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener:))]
171 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
172 unsafe fn webView_decidePolicyForNavigationAction_request_frame_decisionListener(
173 &self,
174 web_view: Option<&WebView>,
175 action_information: Option<&NSDictionary>,
176 request: Option<&NSURLRequest>,
177 frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
178 listener: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn WebPolicyDecisionListener>>,
179 );
181 #[cfg(all(feature = "WebView", feature = "objc2-app-kit"))]
182 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
183 /// This method is called to decide what to do with an targetted nagivation that would open a new window.
184 ///
185 /// Parameter `actionInformation`: Dictionary that describes the action that triggered this navigation.
186 ///
187 /// Parameter `request`: The request for the proposed navigation
188 ///
189 /// Parameter `frameName`: The frame in which the navigation is taking place
190 ///
191 /// Parameter `listener`: The object to call when the decision is made
192 ///
193 /// This method is provided so that modified clicks on a targetted link which
194 /// opens a new frame can prevent the new window from being opened if they decide to
195 /// do something else, like download or present the new frame in a specialized way.
196 ///
197 /// <p>
198 /// If this method picks a policy of Use, the new window will be
199 /// opened, and decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListner:
200 /// will be called with a WebNavigationType of WebNavigationTypeOther
201 /// in its action. This is to avoid possible confusion about the modifiers.
202 #[deprecated]
203 #[optional]
204 #[unsafe(method(webView:decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request:newFrameName:decisionListener:))]
205 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
206 unsafe fn webView_decidePolicyForNewWindowAction_request_newFrameName_decisionListener(
207 &self,
208 web_view: Option<&WebView>,
209 action_information: Option<&NSDictionary>,
210 request: Option<&NSURLRequest>,
211 frame_name: Option<&NSString>,
212 listener: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn WebPolicyDecisionListener>>,
213 );
215 #[cfg(all(feature = "WebFrame", feature = "WebView", feature = "objc2-app-kit"))]
216 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
217 /// Returns the policy for content which has been partially loaded.
218 /// Sent after webView:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: is sent on the WebFrameLoadDelegate.
219 ///
220 /// Parameter `type`: MIME type for the resource.
221 ///
222 /// Parameter `request`: A NSURLRequest for the partially loaded content.
223 ///
224 /// Parameter `frame`: The frame which is loading the URL.
225 ///
226 /// Parameter `listener`: The object to call when the decision is made
227 #[deprecated]
228 #[optional]
229 #[unsafe(method(webView:decidePolicyForMIMEType:request:frame:decisionListener:))]
230 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
231 unsafe fn webView_decidePolicyForMIMEType_request_frame_decisionListener(
232 &self,
233 web_view: Option<&WebView>,
234 r#type: Option<&NSString>,
235 request: Option<&NSURLRequest>,
236 frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
237 listener: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn WebPolicyDecisionListener>>,
238 );
240 #[cfg(all(feature = "WebFrame", feature = "WebView", feature = "objc2-app-kit"))]
241 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
242 /// Called when a WebPolicy could not be implemented. It is up to the client to display appropriate feedback.
243 ///
244 /// Parameter `error`: The error that caused the policy to not be implemented.
245 ///
246 /// Parameter `frame`: The frame in which the policy could not be implemented.
247 #[deprecated]
248 #[optional]
249 #[unsafe(method(webView:unableToImplementPolicyWithError:frame:))]
250 #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
251 unsafe fn webView_unableToImplementPolicyWithError_frame(
252 &self,
253 web_view: Option<&WebView>,
254 error: Option<&NSError>,
255 frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
256 );
257 }