
1//! This file has been automatically generated by `objc2`'s `header-translator`.
3use core::ffi::*;
4use core::ptr::NonNull;
5use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
6use objc2_foundation::*;
8use crate::*;
10mod private_NSObjectWebScripting {
11    pub trait Sealed {}
14/// Category "WebScripting" on [`NSObject`].
15#[doc(alias = "WebScripting")]
16pub unsafe trait NSObjectWebScripting:
17    ClassType + Sized + private_NSObjectWebScripting::Sealed
19    extern_methods!(
20        /// Parameter `selector`: The selector that will be exposed to the script environment.
21        ///
22        /// Use the returned string as the exported name for the selector
23        /// in the script environment. It is the responsibility of the class to ensure
24        /// uniqueness of the returned name. If nil is returned or this
25        /// method is not implemented the default name for the selector will
26        /// be used. The default name concatenates the components of the
27        /// Objective-C selector name and replaces ':' with '_'.  '_' characters
28        /// are escaped with an additional '$', i.e. '_' becomes "$_". '$' are
29        /// also escaped, i.e.
30        /// Objective-C name        Default script name
31        /// moveTo::                move__
32        /// moveTo_                 moveTo$_
33        /// moveTo$_                moveTo$$$_
34        ///
35        /// Returns: Returns the name to be used to represent the specified selector in the
36        /// scripting environment.
37        #[unsafe(method(webScriptNameForSelector:))]
38        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
39        unsafe fn webScriptNameForSelector(selector: Option<Sel>) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
41        /// Parameter `selector`: The selector the will be exposed to the script environment.
42        ///
43        /// Return NO to export the selector to the script environment.
44        /// Return YES to prevent the selector from being exported to the script environment.
45        /// If this method is not implemented on the class no selectors will be exported.
46        ///
47        /// Returns: Returns YES to hide the selector, NO to export the selector.
48        #[unsafe(method(isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:))]
49        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
50        unsafe fn isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript(selector: Option<Sel>) -> bool;
52        /// Parameter `name`: The name of the instance variable that will be exposed to the
53        /// script environment. Only instance variables that meet the export criteria will
54        /// be exposed.
55        ///
56        /// Provide an alternate name for a property.
57        ///
58        /// Returns: Returns the name to be used to represent the specified property in the
59        /// scripting environment.
60        #[unsafe(method(webScriptNameForKey:))]
61        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
62        unsafe fn webScriptNameForKey(name: *const c_char) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
64        /// Parameter `name`: The name of the instance variable that will be exposed to the
65        /// script environment.
66        ///
67        /// Return NO to export the property to the script environment.
68        /// Return YES to prevent the property from being exported to the script environment.
69        ///
70        /// Returns: Returns YES to hide the property, NO to export the property.
71        #[unsafe(method(isKeyExcludedFromWebScript:))]
72        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
73        unsafe fn isKeyExcludedFromWebScript(name: *const c_char) -> bool;
75        /// Parameter `name`: The name of the method to invoke.
76        ///
77        /// Parameter `arguments`: The arguments to pass the method.
78        ///
79        /// If a script attempts to invoke a method that is not exported,
80        /// invokeUndefinedMethodFromWebScript:withArguments: will be called.
81        ///
82        /// Returns: The return value of the invocation. The value will be converted as appropriate
83        /// for the script environment.
84        #[unsafe(method(invokeUndefinedMethodFromWebScript:withArguments:))]
85        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
86        unsafe fn invokeUndefinedMethodFromWebScript_withArguments(
87            &self,
88            name: Option<&NSString>,
89            arguments: Option<&NSArray>,
90        ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
92        /// Parameter `arguments`: The arguments to pass the method.
93        ///
94        /// If a script attempts to call an exposed object as a function,
95        /// this method will be called.
96        ///
97        /// Returns: The return value of the call. The value will be converted as appropriate
98        /// for the script environment.
99        #[unsafe(method(invokeDefaultMethodWithArguments:))]
100        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
101        unsafe fn invokeDefaultMethodWithArguments(
102            &self,
103            arguments: Option<&NSArray>,
104        ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
106        /// finalizeForScript is called on objects exposed to the script
107        /// environment just before the script environment garbage collects the object.
108        /// Subsequently, any references to WebScriptObjects made by the exposed object will
109        /// be invalid and have undefined consequences.
110        #[unsafe(method(finalizeForWebScript))]
111        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
112        unsafe fn finalizeForWebScript(&self);
113    );
116impl private_NSObjectWebScripting::Sealed for NSObject {}
117unsafe impl NSObjectWebScripting for NSObject {}
120    /// WebScriptObjects are used to wrap script objects passed from
121    /// script environments to Objective-C. WebScriptObjects cannot be created
122    /// directly. In normal uses of WebKit, you gain access to the script
123    /// environment using the "windowScriptObject" method on WebView.
124    ///
125    /// The following KVC methods are commonly used to access properties of the
126    /// WebScriptObject:
127    ///
128    /// - (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key
129    /// - (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key
130    ///
131    /// As it possible to remove attributes from web script objects, the following
132    /// additional method augments the basic KVC methods:
133    ///
134    /// - (void)removeWebScriptKey:(NSString *)name;
135    ///
136    /// Also, since the sparse array access allowed in script objects doesn't map well
137    /// to NSArray, the following methods can be used to access index based properties:
138    ///
139    /// - (id)webScriptValueAtIndex:(unsigned)index;
140    /// - (void)setWebScriptValueAtIndex:(unsigned)index value:(id)value;
141    ///
142    /// See also [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webscriptobject?language=objc)
143    #[unsafe(super(NSObject))]
144    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
145    #[deprecated]
146    pub struct WebScriptObject;
149unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for WebScriptObject {}
151impl WebScriptObject {
152    extern_methods!(
153        /// Throws an exception in the current script execution context.
154        ///
155        /// Returns: Either NO if an exception could not be raised, YES otherwise.
156        #[deprecated]
157        #[unsafe(method(throwException:))]
158        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
159        pub unsafe fn throwException(exception_message: Option<&NSString>) -> bool;
161        /// Parameter `name`: The name of the method to call in the script environment.
162        ///
163        /// Parameter `arguments`: The arguments to pass to the script environment.
164        ///
165        /// Calls the specified method in the script environment using the
166        /// specified arguments.
167        ///
168        /// Returns: Returns the result of calling the script method.
169        /// Returns WebUndefined when an exception is thrown in the script environment.
170        #[deprecated]
171        #[unsafe(method(callWebScriptMethod:withArguments:))]
172        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
173        pub unsafe fn callWebScriptMethod_withArguments(
174            &self,
175            name: Option<&NSString>,
176            arguments: Option<&NSArray>,
177        ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
179        /// Parameter `script`: The script to execute in the target script environment.
180        ///
181        /// The script will be executed in the target script environment. The format
182        /// of the script is dependent of the target script environment.
183        ///
184        /// Returns: Returns the result of evaluating the script in the script environment.
185        /// Returns WebUndefined when an exception is thrown in the script environment.
186        #[deprecated]
187        #[unsafe(method(evaluateWebScript:))]
188        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
189        pub unsafe fn evaluateWebScript(
190            &self,
191            script: Option<&NSString>,
192        ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
194        /// Parameter `name`: The name of the property to remove.
195        ///
196        /// Removes the property from the object in the script environment.
197        #[deprecated]
198        #[unsafe(method(removeWebScriptKey:))]
199        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
200        pub unsafe fn removeWebScriptKey(&self, name: Option<&NSString>);
202        /// Converts the target object to a string representation. The coercion
203        /// of non string objects type is dependent on the script environment.
204        ///
205        /// Returns: Returns the string representation of the object.
206        #[deprecated]
207        #[unsafe(method(stringRepresentation))]
208        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
209        pub unsafe fn stringRepresentation(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
211        /// Parameter `index`: The index of the property to return.
212        ///
213        /// Gets the value of the property at the specified index.
214        ///
215        /// Returns: The value of the property. Returns WebUndefined when an exception is
216        /// thrown in the script environment.
217        #[deprecated]
218        #[unsafe(method(webScriptValueAtIndex:))]
219        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
220        pub unsafe fn webScriptValueAtIndex(&self, index: c_uint) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
222        /// Parameter `index`: The index of the property to set.
223        ///
224        /// Parameter `value`: The value of the property to set.
225        ///
226        /// Sets the property value at the specified index.
227        #[deprecated]
228        #[unsafe(method(setWebScriptValueAtIndex:value:))]
229        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
230        pub unsafe fn setWebScriptValueAtIndex_value(
231            &self,
232            index: c_uint,
233            value: Option<&AnyObject>,
234        );
236        /// Parameter `description`: The description of the exception.
237        ///
238        /// Raises an exception in the script environment in the context of the
239        /// current object.
240        #[deprecated]
241        #[unsafe(method(setException:))]
242        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
243        pub unsafe fn setException(&self, description: Option<&NSString>);
244    );
247/// Methods declared on superclass `NSObject`.
248impl WebScriptObject {
249    extern_methods!(
250        #[unsafe(method(init))]
251        #[unsafe(method_family = init)]
252        pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
254        #[unsafe(method(new))]
255        #[unsafe(method_family = new)]
256        pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
257    );
261    /// [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/webundefined?language=objc)
262    #[unsafe(super(NSObject))]
263    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
264    #[deprecated]
265    pub struct WebUndefined;
268unsafe impl NSCoding for WebUndefined {}
270unsafe impl NSCopying for WebUndefined {}
272unsafe impl CopyingHelper for WebUndefined {
273    type Result = Self;
276unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for WebUndefined {}
278impl WebUndefined {
279    extern_methods!(
280        /// Returns: The WebUndefined shared instance.
281        #[deprecated]
282        #[unsafe(method(undefined))]
283        #[unsafe(method_family = none)]
284        pub unsafe fn undefined() -> Option<Retained<WebUndefined>>;
285    );
288/// Methods declared on superclass `NSObject`.
289impl WebUndefined {
290    extern_methods!(
291        #[unsafe(method(init))]
292        #[unsafe(method_family = init)]
293        pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
295        #[unsafe(method(new))]
296        #[unsafe(method_family = new)]
297        pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
298    );