ockam_api 0.89.0

Ockam's request-response API
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crate docs license discuss

Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.

This crate supports the creation of a fully-featured Ockam Node (see NodeManager in src/nodes/service.rs).


A NodeManager maintains its database and log files on disk in the OCKAM_HOME directory (~/.ockam) by default:

├─ database.sqlite
├─ nodes
│  ├─ node1
│  │  ├─ stderr.log
│  │  ├─ stdout.log
│  ├─ node2
│  └─ ...


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ockam_api = "0.89.0"


This code is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.