
1use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
3use odbc_sys::SqlDataType;
5/// The relational type of the column. Think of it as the type used in the `CREATE TABLE` statement
6/// then creating the database.
8/// There might be a mismatch between the types supported by your database and the types defined in
9/// ODBC. E.g. ODBC does not have a timestamp with timezone type, theras Postgersql and Microsoft
10/// SQL Server both have one. In such cases it is up to the specific ODBC driver what happens.
11/// Microsoft SQL Server return a custom type, with its meaning specific to that driver. PostgreSQL
12/// identifies that column as an ordinary ODBC timestamp.
13#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
14/// Enumeration over valid SQL Data Types supported by ODBC
15pub enum DataType {
16    /// The type is not known.
17    #[default]
18    Unknown,
19    /// `Char(n)`. Character string of fixed length.
20    Char {
21        /// Column size in characters (excluding terminating zero).
22        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
23    },
24    /// `NChar(n)`. Character string of fixed length.
25    WChar {
26        /// Column size in characters (excluding terminating zero).
27        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
28    },
29    /// `Numeric(p,s). Signed, exact, numeric value with a precision p and scale s (1 <= p <= 15; s
30    /// <= p)
31    Numeric {
32        /// Total number of digits.
33        precision: usize,
34        /// Number of decimal digits.
35        scale: i16,
36    },
37    /// `Decimal(p,s)`. Signed, exact, numeric value with a precision of at least p and scale s.
38    /// The maximum precision is driver-defined. (1 <= p <= 15; s <= p)
39    Decimal {
40        /// Total number of digits.
41        precision: usize,
42        /// Number of decimal digits.
43        scale: i16,
44    },
45    /// `Integer`. 32 Bit Integer
46    Integer,
47    /// `Smallint`. 16 Bit Integer
48    SmallInt,
49    /// `Float(p)`. Signed, approximate, numeric value with a binary precision of at least p. The
50    /// maximum precision is driver-defined.
51    ///
52    /// Depending on the implementation binary precision is either 24 (`f32`) or 53 (`f64`).
53    Float { precision: usize },
54    /// `Real`. Signed, approximate, numeric value with a binary precision 24 (zero or absolute
55    /// value 10^-38] to 10^38).
56    Real,
57    /// `Double Precision`. Signed, approximate, numeric value with a binary precision 53 (zero or
58    /// absolute value 10^-308 to 10^308).
59    Double,
60    /// `Varchar(n)`. Variable length character string.
61    Varchar {
62        /// Maximum length of the character string (excluding terminating zero). Whether this length
63        /// is to be interpreted as bytes or Codepoints is ambigious and depends on the datasource.
64        ///
65        /// E.g. For Microsoft SQL Server this is the binary length, theras for a MariaDB this
66        /// refers to codepoints in case of UTF-8 encoding. If you need the binary size query the
67        /// octet length for that column instead.
68        ///
69        /// To find out how to interpret this value for a particular datasource you can use the
70        /// `odbcsv` command line tool `list-columns` subcommand and query a Varchar column. If the
71        /// buffer/octet length matches the column size, you can interpret this as the byte length.
72        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
73    },
74    /// `NVARCHAR(n)`. Variable length character string. Indicates the use of wide character strings
75    /// and use of UCS2 encoding on the side of the database.
76    WVarchar {
77        /// Maximum length of the character string (excluding terminating zero).
78        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
79    },
80    /// `TEXT`. Variable length characeter string for long text objects.
81    LongVarchar {
82        /// Maximum length of the character string (excluding terminating zero). Maximum size
83        /// depends on the capabilities of the driver and datasource. E.g. its 2^31 - 1 for MSSQL.
84        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
85    },
86    /// `BLOB`. Variable length data for long binary objects.
87    LongVarbinary {
88        /// Maximum length of the binary data. Maximum size depends on the capabilities of the
89        /// driver and datasource.
90        length: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
91    },
92    /// `Date`. Year, month, and day fields, conforming to the rules of the Gregorian calendar.
93    Date,
94    /// `Time`. Hour, minute, and second fields, with valid values for hours of 00 to 23, valid
95    /// values for minutes of 00 to 59, and valid values for seconds of 00 to 61. Precision p
96    /// indicates the seconds precision.
97    Time {
98        /// Number of radix ten digits used to represent the timestamp after the decimal points.
99        /// E.g. Milliseconds would be represented by precision 3, Microseconds by 6 and Nanoseconds
100        /// by 9.
101        precision: i16,
102    },
103    /// `Timestamp`. Year, month, day, hour, minute, and second fields, with valid values as
104    /// defined for the Date and Time variants.
105    Timestamp {
106        /// Number of radix ten digits used to represent the timestamp after the decimal points.
107        /// E.g. Milliseconds would be represented by precision 3, Microseconds by 6 and Nanoseconds
108        /// by 9.
109        precision: i16,
110    },
111    /// `BIGINT`. Exact numeric value with precision 19 (if signed) or 20 (if unsigned) and scale 0
112    /// (signed: -2^63 <= n <= 2^63 - 1, unsigned: 0 <= n <= 2^64 - 1). Has no corresponding
113    /// type in SQL-92.
114    BigInt,
115    /// `TINYINT`. Exact numeric value with precision 3 and scale 0 (signed: -128 <= n <= 127,
116    /// unsigned: 0 <= n <= 255)
117    TinyInt,
118    /// `BIT`. Single bit binary data.
119    Bit,
120    /// `VARBINARY(n)`. Type for variable sized binary data.
121    Varbinary { length: Option<NonZeroUsize> },
122    /// `BINARY(n)`. Type for fixed sized binary data.
123    Binary { length: Option<NonZeroUsize> },
124    /// The driver returned a type, but it is not among the other types of these enumeration. This
125    /// is a catchall, in case the library is incomplete, or the data source supports custom or
126    /// non-standard types.
127    Other {
128        /// Type of the column
129        data_type: SqlDataType,
130        /// Size of column element
131        column_size: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
132        /// Decimal digits returned for the column element. Exact meaning if any depends on the
133        /// `data_type` field.
134        decimal_digits: i16,
135    },
138impl DataType {
139    /// This constructor is useful to create an instance of the enumeration using values returned by
140    /// ODBC Api calls like `SQLDescribeCol`, rather than just initializing a variant directly.
141    pub fn new(data_type: SqlDataType, column_size: usize, decimal_digits: i16) -> Self {
142        match data_type {
143            SqlDataType::UNKNOWN_TYPE => DataType::Unknown,
144            SqlDataType::EXT_LONG_VARCHAR => DataType::LongVarchar {
145                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
146            },
147            SqlDataType::EXT_BINARY => DataType::Binary {
148                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
149            },
150            SqlDataType::EXT_VAR_BINARY => DataType::Varbinary {
151                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
152            },
153            SqlDataType::EXT_LONG_VAR_BINARY => DataType::LongVarbinary {
154                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
155            },
156            SqlDataType::CHAR => DataType::Char {
157                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
158            },
159            SqlDataType::VARCHAR => DataType::Varchar {
160                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
161            },
162            SqlDataType::NUMERIC => DataType::Numeric {
163                precision: column_size,
164                scale: decimal_digits,
165            },
166            SqlDataType::DECIMAL => DataType::Decimal {
167                precision: column_size,
168                scale: decimal_digits,
169            },
170            SqlDataType::INTEGER => DataType::Integer,
171            SqlDataType::SMALLINT => DataType::SmallInt,
172            SqlDataType::FLOAT => DataType::Float {
173                precision: column_size,
174            },
175            SqlDataType::REAL => DataType::Real,
176            SqlDataType::DOUBLE => DataType::Double,
177            SqlDataType::DATE => DataType::Date,
178            SqlDataType::TIME => DataType::Time {
179                precision: decimal_digits,
180            },
181            SqlDataType::TIMESTAMP => DataType::Timestamp {
182                precision: decimal_digits,
183            },
184            SqlDataType::EXT_BIG_INT => DataType::BigInt,
185            SqlDataType::EXT_TINY_INT => DataType::TinyInt,
186            SqlDataType::EXT_BIT => DataType::Bit,
187            SqlDataType::EXT_W_VARCHAR => DataType::WVarchar {
188                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
189            },
190            SqlDataType::EXT_W_CHAR => DataType::WChar {
191                length: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
192            },
193            other => DataType::Other {
194                data_type: other,
195                column_size: NonZeroUsize::new(column_size),
196                decimal_digits,
197            },
198        }
199    }
201    /// The associated `data_type` discriminator for this variant.
202    pub fn data_type(&self) -> SqlDataType {
203        match self {
204            DataType::Unknown => SqlDataType::UNKNOWN_TYPE,
205            DataType::Binary { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_BINARY,
206            DataType::Varbinary { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_VAR_BINARY,
207            DataType::LongVarbinary { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_LONG_VAR_BINARY,
208            DataType::Char { .. } => SqlDataType::CHAR,
209            DataType::Numeric { .. } => SqlDataType::NUMERIC,
210            DataType::Decimal { .. } => SqlDataType::DECIMAL,
211            DataType::Integer => SqlDataType::INTEGER,
212            DataType::SmallInt => SqlDataType::SMALLINT,
213            DataType::Float { .. } => SqlDataType::FLOAT,
214            DataType::Real => SqlDataType::REAL,
215            DataType::Double => SqlDataType::DOUBLE,
216            DataType::Varchar { .. } => SqlDataType::VARCHAR,
217            DataType::LongVarchar { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_LONG_VARCHAR,
218            DataType::Date => SqlDataType::DATE,
219            DataType::Time { .. } => SqlDataType::TIME,
220            DataType::Timestamp { .. } => SqlDataType::TIMESTAMP,
221            DataType::BigInt => SqlDataType::EXT_BIG_INT,
222            DataType::TinyInt => SqlDataType::EXT_TINY_INT,
223            DataType::Bit => SqlDataType::EXT_BIT,
224            DataType::WVarchar { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_W_VARCHAR,
225            DataType::WChar { .. } => SqlDataType::EXT_W_CHAR,
226            DataType::Other { data_type, .. } => *data_type,
227        }
228    }
230    // Return the column size, as it is required to bind the data type as a parameter. Fixed sized
231    // types are mapped to `None` and should be bound using `0`. See also
232    // [crates::Cursor::describe_col]. Variadic types without upper bound are also mapped to `None`.
233    pub fn column_size(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> {
234        match self {
235            DataType::Unknown
236            | DataType::Integer
237            | DataType::SmallInt
238            | DataType::Real
239            | DataType::Double
240            | DataType::Date
241            | DataType::Time { .. }
242            | DataType::Timestamp { .. }
243            | DataType::BigInt
244            | DataType::TinyInt
245            | DataType::Bit => None,
246            DataType::Char { length }
247            | DataType::Varchar { length }
248            | DataType::Varbinary { length }
249            | DataType::LongVarbinary { length }
250            | DataType::Binary { length }
251            | DataType::WChar { length }
252            | DataType::WVarchar { length }
253            | DataType::LongVarchar { length } => *length,
254            DataType::Float { precision, .. }
255            | DataType::Numeric { precision, .. }
256            | DataType::Decimal { precision, .. } => NonZeroUsize::new(*precision),
257            DataType::Other { column_size, .. } => *column_size,
258        }
259    }
261    /// Return the number of decimal digits as required to bind the data type as a parameter.
262    pub fn decimal_digits(&self) -> i16 {
263        match self {
264            DataType::Unknown
265            | DataType::Char { .. }
266            | DataType::Integer
267            | DataType::SmallInt
268            | DataType::Float { .. }
269            | DataType::Real
270            | DataType::Double
271            | DataType::Varchar { .. }
272            | DataType::WVarchar { .. }
273            | DataType::WChar { .. }
274            | DataType::Varbinary { .. }
275            | DataType::LongVarbinary { .. }
276            | DataType::Binary { .. }
277            | DataType::LongVarchar { .. }
278            | DataType::Date
279            | DataType::BigInt
280            | DataType::TinyInt
281            | DataType::Bit => 0,
282            DataType::Numeric { scale, .. } | DataType::Decimal { scale, .. } => *scale,
283            DataType::Time { precision } | DataType::Timestamp { precision } => *precision,
284            DataType::Other { decimal_digits, .. } => *decimal_digits,
285        }
286    }
288    /// The maximum number of characters needed to display data in character form.
289    ///
290    /// See: <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/appendixes/display-size>
291    pub fn display_size(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> {
292        match self {
293            DataType::Unknown
294            | DataType::Other {
295                data_type: _,
296                column_size: _,
297                decimal_digits: _,
298            } => None,
299            // Each binary byte is represented by a 2-digit hexadecimal number.
300            DataType::Varbinary { length }
301            | DataType::Binary { length }
302            | DataType::LongVarbinary { length } => {
303                length.map(|l| l.get() * 2).and_then(NonZeroUsize::new)
304            }
305            // The defined (for fixed types) or maximum (for variable types) number of characters
306            // needed to display the data in character form.
307            DataType::Varchar { length }
308            | DataType::WVarchar { length }
309            | DataType::WChar { length }
310            | DataType::Char { length }
311            | DataType::LongVarchar { length } => *length,
312            // The precision of the column plus 2 (a sign, precision digits, and a decimal point).
313            // For example, the display size of a column defined as NUMERIC(10,3) is 12.
314            DataType::Numeric {
315                precision,
316                scale: _,
317            }
318            | DataType::Decimal {
319                precision,
320                scale: _,
321            } => NonZeroUsize::new(precision + 2),
322            // 11 if signed (a sign and 10 digits) or 10 if unsigned (10 digits).
323            DataType::Integer => NonZeroUsize::new(11),
324            // 6 if signed (a sign and 5 digits) or 5 if unsigned (5 digits).
325            DataType::SmallInt => NonZeroUsize::new(6),
326            // 24 (a sign, 15 digits, a decimal point, the letter E, a sign, and 3 digits).
327            DataType::Float { .. } | DataType::Double => NonZeroUsize::new(24),
328            // 14 (a sign, 7 digits, a decimal point, the letter E, a sign, and 2 digits).
329            DataType::Real => NonZeroUsize::new(14),
330            // 10 (a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd).
331            DataType::Date => NonZeroUsize::new(10),
332            // 8 (a time in the format hh:mm:ss)
333            // or
334            // 9 + s (a time in the format hh:mm:ss[.fff...], where s is the fractional seconds
335            // precision).
336            DataType::Time { precision } => NonZeroUsize::new(if *precision == 0 {
337                8
338            } else {
339                9 + *precision as usize
340            }),
341            // 19 (for a timestamp in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format)
342            // or
343            // 20 + s (for a timestamp in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fff...] format, where s is the
344            // fractional seconds precision).
345            DataType::Timestamp { precision } => NonZeroUsize::new(if *precision == 0 {
346                19
347            } else {
348                20 + *precision as usize
349            }),
350            // 20 (a sign and 19 digits if signed or 20 digits if unsigned).
351            DataType::BigInt => NonZeroUsize::new(20),
352            // 4 if signed (a sign and 3 digits) or 3 if unsigned (3 digits).
353            DataType::TinyInt => NonZeroUsize::new(4),
354            // 1 digit.
355            DataType::Bit => NonZeroUsize::new(1),
356        }
357    }
359    /// The maximum length of the UTF-8 representation in bytes.
360    ///
361    /// ```
362    /// use odbc_api::DataType;
363    /// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
364    ///
365    /// let nz = NonZeroUsize::new;
366    /// // Character set data types length is multiplied by four.
367    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Varchar { length: nz(10) }.utf8_len(), nz(40));
368    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Char { length: nz(10) }.utf8_len(), nz(40));
369    /// assert_eq!(DataType::WVarchar { length: nz(10) }.utf8_len(), nz(40));
370    /// assert_eq!(DataType::WChar { length: nz(10) }.utf8_len(), nz(40));
371    /// // For other types return value is identical to display size as they are assumed to be
372    /// // entirely representable with ASCII characters.
373    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Numeric { precision: 10, scale: 3}.utf8_len(), nz(10 + 2));
374    /// ```
375    pub fn utf8_len(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> {
376        match self {
377            // One character may need up to four bytes to be represented in utf-8.
378            DataType::Varchar { length }
379            | DataType::WVarchar { length }
380            | DataType::WChar { length }
381            | DataType::Char { length } => length.map(|l| l.get() * 4).and_then(NonZeroUsize::new),
382            other => other.display_size(),
383        }
384    }
386    /// The maximum length of the UTF-16 representation in 2-Byte characters.
387    ///
388    /// ```
389    /// use odbc_api::DataType;
390    /// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
391    ///
392    /// let nz = NonZeroUsize::new;
393    ///
394    /// // Character set data types length is multiplied by two.
395    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Varchar { length: nz(10) }.utf16_len(), nz(20));
396    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Char { length: nz(10) }.utf16_len(), nz(20));
397    /// assert_eq!(DataType::WVarchar { length: nz(10) }.utf16_len(), nz(20));
398    /// assert_eq!(DataType::WChar { length: nz(10) }.utf16_len(), nz(20));
399    /// // For other types return value is identical to display size as they are assumed to be
400    /// // entirely representable with ASCII characters.
401    /// assert_eq!(DataType::Numeric { precision: 10, scale: 3}.utf16_len(), nz(10 + 2));
402    /// ```
403    pub fn utf16_len(&self) -> Option<NonZeroUsize> {
404        match self {
405            // One character may need up to two u16 to be represented in utf-16.
406            DataType::Varchar { length }
407            | DataType::WVarchar { length }
408            | DataType::WChar { length }
409            | DataType::Char { length } => length.map(|l| l.get() * 2).and_then(NonZeroUsize::new),
410            other => other.display_size(),
411        }
412    }