
1use std::{
2    mem::swap,
3    sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, Receiver, SyncSender},
4    thread::{self, JoinHandle},
7use crate::{BlockCursor, Cursor, Error};
9use super::RowSetBuffer;
11/// A wrapper around block cursors which fetches data in a dedicated system thread. Intended to
12/// fetch data batch by batch while the application processes the batch last fetched. Works best
13/// with a double buffer strategy using two fetch buffers.
15/// # Example
17/// ```no_run
18/// use odbc_api::{
19///     Environment, buffers::{ColumnarAnyBuffer, BufferDesc}, Cursor, ConcurrentBlockCursor
20/// };
21/// use std::sync::OnceLock;
23/// // We want to use the ODBC environment from another system thread without scope => Therefore it
24/// // needs to be static.
25/// static ENV: OnceLock<Environment> = OnceLock::new();
26/// let env = Environment::new()?;
28/// let conn = ENV.get_or_init(|| env).connect_with_connection_string(
29///     "Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};Server=localhost;UID=SA;PWD=My@Test@Password1;",
30///     Default::default())?;
32/// let query = "SELECT * FROM very_big_table";
33/// let params = ();
34/// let timeout_sec = None;
35/// // We must use into_cursor to create a statement handle with static lifetime, which also owns
36/// // the connection. This way we can send it to another thread safely.
37/// let cursor = conn.into_cursor(query, params, timeout_sec)?.unwrap();
39/// // Batch size and buffer description. Here we assume there is only one integer column
40/// let buffer_a = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1000, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]);
41/// let mut buffer_b = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1000, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]);
42/// // And now we have a sendable block cursor with static lifetime
43/// let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_a)?;
45/// let mut cbc = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor);
46/// while cbc.fetch_into(&mut buffer_b)? {
47///     // Proccess batch in buffer b asynchronously to fetching it
48/// }
50/// # Ok::<_, odbc_api::Error>(())
51/// ```
52pub struct ConcurrentBlockCursor<C, B> {
53    /// In order to avoid reallocating buffers over and over again, we use this channel to send the
54    /// buffers back to the fetch thread after we copied their contents into arrow arrays.
55    send_buffer: SyncSender<B>,
56    /// Receives filled batches from the fetch thread. Once the source is empty or if an error
57    /// occurs its associated sender is dropped, and receiving batches will return an error (which
58    /// we expect during normal operation and cleanup, and is not forwarded to the user).
59    receive_batch: Receiver<B>,
60    /// We join with the fetch thread if we stop receiving batches (i.e. receive_batch.recv()
61    /// returns an error) or `into_cursor` is called. `None` if the thread has already been joined.
62    /// In this case either an error has been reported to the user, or the cursor is stored in
63    /// `cursor`.
64    fetch_thread: Option<JoinHandle<Result<C, Error>>>,
65    /// Only `Some`, if the cursor has been consumed succesfully and `fetch_thread` has been joined.
66    /// Can only be `Some` if `fetch_thread` is `None`. If both `fetch_thread` and `cursor` are
67    /// `None`, it is implied that `fetch_thread` returned an error joining.
68    cursor: Option<C>,
71impl<C, B> ConcurrentBlockCursor<C, B>
73    C: Cursor + Send + 'static,
74    B: RowSetBuffer + Send + 'static,
76    /// Construct a new concurrent block cursor.
77    ///
78    /// # Parameters
79    ///
80    /// * `block_cursor`: Taking a BlockCursor instead of a Cursor allows for better resource
81    ///   stealing if constructing starting from a sequential Cursor, as we do not need to undbind
82    ///   and bind the cursor.
83    pub fn from_block_cursor(block_cursor: BlockCursor<C, B>) -> Self {
84        let (send_buffer, receive_buffer) = sync_channel(1);
85        let (send_batch, receive_batch) = sync_channel(1);
87        let fetch_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
88            let mut block_cursor = block_cursor;
89            loop {
90                match block_cursor.fetch_with_truncation_check(true) {
91                    Ok(Some(_batch)) => (),
92                    Ok(None) => {
93                        break block_cursor
94                            .unbind()
95                            .map(|(undbound_cursor, _buffer)| undbound_cursor);
96                    }
97                    Err(odbc_error) => {
98                        drop(send_batch);
99                        break Err(odbc_error);
100                    }
101                }
102                // There has been another row group fetched by the cursor. We unbind the buffers so
103                // we can pass ownership of it to the application and bind a new buffer to the
104                // cursor in order to start fetching the next batch.
105                let (cursor, buffer) = block_cursor.unbind()?;
106                if send_batch.send(buffer).is_err() {
107                    // Should the main thread stop receiving buffers, this thread should
108                    // also stop fetching batches.
109                    break Ok(cursor);
110                }
111                // Wait for the application thread to give us a buffer to fill.
112                match receive_buffer.recv() {
113                    Err(_) => {
114                        // Application thread dropped sender and does not want more buffers to be
115                        // filled. Let's stop this thread and return the cursor
116                        break Ok(cursor);
117                    }
118                    Ok(next_buffer) => {
119                        block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(next_buffer).unwrap();
120                    }
121                }
122            }
123        });
125        Self {
126            send_buffer,
127            receive_batch,
128            fetch_thread: Some(fetch_thread),
129            cursor: None,
130        }
131    }
133    /// Join fetch thread and yield the cursor back.
134    pub fn into_cursor(self) -> Result<C, Error> {
135        drop(self.receive_batch);
136        // Dropping the send buffer is necessary to avoid deadlocks, in case there would not be any
137        // buffer in the channel waiting for the fetch thread. Since we consume the cursor here, it
138        // is also impossible for the application to send another buffer.
139        drop(self.send_buffer);
140        if let Some(cursor) = self.cursor {
141            Ok(cursor)
142        } else {
143            self.fetch_thread.unwrap().join().unwrap()
144        }
145    }
148impl<C, B> ConcurrentBlockCursor<C, B> {
149    /// Receive the current batch and take ownership of its buffer. `None` if the cursor is already
150    /// consumed, or had an error previously. This method blocks until a new batch available. In
151    /// order for new batches available new buffers must be send to the thread in order for it to
152    /// fill them. So calling fetch repeatedly without calling [`Self::fill`] in between may
153    /// deadlock.
154    pub fn fetch(&mut self) -> Result<Option<B>, Error> {
155        match self.receive_batch.recv() {
156            // We successfully fetched a batch from the database.
157            Ok(batch) => Ok(Some(batch)),
158            // Fetch thread stopped sending batches. Either because we consumed the result set
159            // completly or we hit an error.
160            Err(_receive_error) => {
161                if let Some(join_handle) = self.fetch_thread.take() {
162                    // If there has been an error returning the batch, or unbinding the buffer `?`
163                    // will raise it.
164                    self.cursor = Some(join_handle.join().unwrap()?);
165                    // We ran out of batches in the result set. End the stream.
166                    Ok(None)
167                } else {
168                    // This only happen if this method is called after it returned either `false` or
169                    // `Err` once. Let us treat this scenario like a result set which is consumed
170                    // completly.
171                    Ok(None)
172                }
173            }
174        }
175    }
177    /// Send a buffer to the thread fetching in order for it to be filled and to be retrieved later
178    /// using either `fetch`, or `fetch_into`.
179    pub fn fill(&mut self, buffer: B) {
180        let _ = self.send_buffer.send(buffer);
181    }
183    /// Fetches values from the ODBC datasource into buffer. Values are streamed batch by batch in
184    /// order to avoid reallocation of the buffers used for tranistion. This call blocks until a new
185    /// batch is ready. This method combines both [`Self::fetch`] and [`Self::fill`].
186    ///
187    /// # Parameters
188    ///
189    /// * `buffer`: A columnar any buffer which can bind to the cursor wrapped by this instance.
190    ///   After the method call the reference will not point to the same instance which had been
191    ///   passed into the function call, but to the one which was bound to the cursor in order to
192    ///   fetch the last batch. The buffer passed into this method, is then used to fetch the next
193    ///   batch. As such this method is ideal to implement concurrent fetching using two buffers.
194    ///   One which is written to, and one that is read, which flip their roles between batches.
195    ///   Also called double buffering.
196    ///
197    /// # Return
198    ///
199    /// * `true`: Fetched a batch from the data source. The contents of that batch are now in
200    ///   `buffer`.
201    /// * `false`: No batch could be fetched. The result set is consumed completly.
202    pub fn fetch_into(&mut self, buffer: &mut B) -> Result<bool, Error> {
203        if let Some(mut batch) = self.fetch()? {
204            swap(buffer, &mut batch);
205            self.fill(batch);
206            Ok(true)
207        } else {
208            Ok(false)
209        }
210    }