1use crate::{
2 buffers::Indicator,
3 columnar_bulk_inserter::BoundInputSlice,
4 error::TooLargeBufferSize,
5 handles::{CData, CDataMut, HasDataType, Statement, StatementRef},
6 DataType, Error,
9use log::debug;
10use odbc_sys::{CDataType, NULL_DATA};
11use std::{cmp::min, ffi::c_void, num::NonZeroUsize};
13/// A buffer intended to be bound to a column of a cursor. Elements of the buffer will contain a
14/// variable amount of bytes up to a maximum length. Since elements of this type have variable
15/// length an additional indicator buffer is also maintained, whether the column is nullable or not.
16/// Therefore this buffer type is used for variable sized binary data whether it is nullable or not.
18pub struct BinColumn {
19 /// Maximum element length.
20 max_len: usize,
21 values: Vec<u8>,
22 /// Elements in this buffer are either `NULL_DATA` or hold the length of the element in value
23 /// with the same index. Please note that this value may be larger than `max_len` if the value
24 /// has been truncated.
25 indicators: Vec<isize>,
28impl BinColumn {
29 /// This will allocate a value and indicator buffer for `batch_size` elements. Each value may
30 /// have a maximum length of `element_size`. Uses a fallibale allocation for creating the
31 /// buffer. In applications often the `element_size` of the buffer, might be directly inspired
32 /// by the maximum size of the type, as reported, by ODBC. Which might get exceedingly large for
33 /// types like VARBINARY(MAX), or IMAGE. On the downside, this method is potentially slower than
34 /// new.
35 pub fn try_new(batch_size: usize, element_size: usize) -> Result<Self, TooLargeBufferSize> {
36 let len = element_size * batch_size;
37 let mut values = Vec::new();
38 values
39 .try_reserve_exact(len)
40 .map_err(|_| TooLargeBufferSize {
41 num_elements: batch_size,
42 element_size,
43 })?;
44 values.resize(len, 0);
45 Ok(BinColumn {
46 max_len: element_size,
47 values,
48 indicators: vec![0; batch_size],
49 })
50 }
52 /// This will allocate a value and indicator buffer for `batch_size` elements. Each value may
53 /// have a maximum length of `max_len`.
54 pub fn new(batch_size: usize, element_size: usize) -> Self {
55 let len = element_size * batch_size;
56 let mut values = Vec::new();
57 values.reserve_exact(len);
58 values.resize(len, 0);
59 BinColumn {
60 max_len: element_size,
61 values,
62 indicators: vec![0; batch_size],
63 }
64 }
66 /// Return the value for the given row index.
67 ///
68 /// The column buffer does not know how many elements were in the last row group, and therefore
69 /// can not guarantee the accessed element to be valid and in a defined state. It also can not
70 /// panic on accessing an undefined element. It will panic however if `row_index` is larger or
71 /// equal to the maximum number of elements in the buffer.
72 pub fn value_at(&self, row_index: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
73 self.content_length_at(row_index).map(|length| {
74 let offset = row_index * self.max_len;
75 &self.values[offset..offset + length]
76 })
77 }
79 /// Indicator value at the specified position. Useful to detect truncation of data.
80 ///
81 /// The column buffer does not know how many elements were in the last row group, and therefore
82 /// can not guarantee the accessed element to be valid and in a defined state. It also can not
83 /// panic on accessing an undefined element. It will panic however if `row_index` is larger or
84 /// equal to the maximum number of elements in the buffer.
85 pub fn indicator_at(&self, row_index: usize) -> Indicator {
86 Indicator::from_isize(self.indicators[row_index])
87 }
89 /// Length of value at the specified position. This is different from an indicator as it refers
90 /// to the length of the value in the buffer, not to the length of the value in the datasource.
91 /// The two things are different for truncated values.
92 pub fn content_length_at(&self, row_index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
93 match self.indicator_at(row_index) {
94 Indicator::Null => None,
95 // Seen no total in the wild then binding shorter buffer to fixed sized CHAR in MSSQL.
96 Indicator::NoTotal => Some(self.max_len),
97 Indicator::Length(length) => {
98 let length = min(self.max_len, length);
99 Some(length)
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 /// `Some` if any value is truncated in the range [0, num_rows).
105 ///
106 /// After fetching data we may want to know if any value has been truncated due to the buffer
107 /// not being able to hold elements of that size. This method checks the indicator buffer
108 /// element wise and reports one indicator which indicates a size large than the maximum element
109 /// size, if it exits.
110 pub fn has_truncated_values(&self, num_rows: usize) -> Option<Indicator> {
111 self.indicators
112 .iter()
113 .copied()
114 .take(num_rows)
115 .find_map(|indicator| {
116 let indicator = Indicator::from_isize(indicator);
117 indicator.is_truncated(self.max_len).then_some(indicator)
118 })
119 }
121 /// Changes the maximum element length the buffer can hold. This operation is useful if you find
122 /// an unexpected large input during insertion. All values in the buffer will be set to NULL.
123 ///
124 /// # Parameters
125 ///
126 /// * `new_max_len`: New maximum string length without terminating zero.
127 pub fn set_max_len(&mut self, new_max_len: usize) {
128 let batch_size = self.indicators.len();
129 // Allocate a new buffer large enough to hold a batch of strings with maximum length.
130 let new_values = vec![0u8; new_max_len * batch_size];
131 // Set all indicators to NULL
132 self.fill_null(0, batch_size);
133 self.values = new_values;
134 self.max_len = new_max_len;
135 }
137 /// Maximum length of elements in bytes.
138 pub fn max_len(&self) -> usize {
139 self.max_len
140 }
142 /// View of the first `num_rows` values of a binary column.
143 ///
144 /// Num rows may not exceed the actual amount of valid num_rows filled by the ODBC API. The
145 /// column buffer does not know how many elements were in the last row group, and therefore can
146 /// not guarantee the accessed element to be valid and in a defined state. It also can not panic
147 /// on accessing an undefined element. It will panic however if `row_index` is larger or equal
148 /// to the maximum number of elements in the buffer.
149 pub fn view(&self, num_rows: usize) -> BinColumnView<'_> {
150 BinColumnView {
151 num_rows,
152 col: self,
153 }
154 }
156 /// Sets the value of the buffer at index to NULL or the specified bytes. This method will panic
157 /// on out of bounds index, or if input holds a value which is longer than the maximum allowed
158 /// element length.
159 pub fn set_value(&mut self, index: usize, input: Option<&[u8]>) {
160 if let Some(input) = input {
161 self.indicators[index] = input.len().try_into().unwrap();
162 if input.len() > self.max_len {
163 panic!(
164 "Tried to insert a value into a binary buffer which is larger than the maximum \
165 allowed element length for the buffer."
166 );
167 }
168 let start = self.max_len * index;
169 let end = start + input.len();
170 let buf = &mut self.values[start..end];
171 buf.copy_from_slice(input);
172 } else {
173 self.indicators[index] = NULL_DATA;
174 }
175 }
177 /// Fills the column with NULL, between From and To
178 pub fn fill_null(&mut self, from: usize, to: usize) {
179 for index in from..to {
180 self.indicators[index] = NULL_DATA;
181 }
182 }
184 /// Changes the maximum number of bytes per row the buffer can hold. This operation is useful if
185 /// you find an unexpected large input during insertion.
186 ///
187 /// This is however costly, as not only does the new buffer have to be allocated, but all values
188 /// have to copied from the old to the new buffer.
189 ///
190 /// This method could also be used to reduce the maximum length, which would truncate values in
191 /// the process.
192 ///
193 /// This method does not adjust indicator buffers as these might hold values larger than the
194 /// maximum length.
195 ///
196 /// # Parameters
197 ///
198 /// * `new_max_len`: New maximum element length in bytes.
199 /// * `num_rows`: Number of valid rows currently stored in this buffer.
200 pub fn resize_max_element_length(&mut self, new_max_len: usize, num_rows: usize) {
201 debug!(
202 "Rebinding binary column buffer with {} elements. Maximum length {} => {}",
203 num_rows, self.max_len, new_max_len
204 );
206 let batch_size = self.indicators.len();
207 // Allocate a new buffer large enough to hold a batch of elements with maximum length.
208 let mut new_values = vec![0; new_max_len * batch_size];
209 // Copy values from old to new buffer.
210 let max_copy_length = min(self.max_len, new_max_len);
211 for ((&indicator, old_value), new_value) in self
212 .indicators
213 .iter()
214 .zip(self.values.chunks_exact_mut(self.max_len))
215 .zip(new_values.chunks_exact_mut(new_max_len))
216 .take(num_rows)
217 {
218 match Indicator::from_isize(indicator) {
219 Indicator::Null => (),
220 Indicator::NoTotal => {
221 // There is no good choice here in case we are expanding the buffer. Since
222 // NO_TOTAL indicates that we use the entire buffer, but in truth it would now
223 // be padded with 0. I currently cannot think of any use case there it would
224 // matter.
225 new_value[..max_copy_length].clone_from_slice(&old_value[..max_copy_length]);
226 }
227 Indicator::Length(num_bytes_len) => {
228 let num_bytes_to_copy = min(num_bytes_len, max_copy_length);
229 new_value[..num_bytes_to_copy].copy_from_slice(&old_value[..num_bytes_to_copy]);
230 }
231 }
232 }
233 self.values = new_values;
234 self.max_len = new_max_len;
235 }
237 /// Appends a new element to the column buffer. Rebinds the buffer to increase maximum element
238 /// length should the input be too large.
239 ///
240 /// # Parameters
241 ///
242 /// * `index`: Zero based index of the new row position. Must be equal to the number of rows
243 /// currently in the buffer.
244 /// * `bytes`: Value to store.
245 pub fn append(&mut self, index: usize, bytes: Option<&[u8]>) {
246 if let Some(bytes) = bytes {
247 if bytes.len() > self.max_len {
248 let new_max_len = (bytes.len() as f64 * 1.2) as usize;
249 self.resize_max_element_length(new_max_len, index)
250 }
252 let offset = index * self.max_len;
253 self.values[offset..offset + bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(bytes);
254 // And of course set the indicator correctly.
255 self.indicators[index] = bytes.len().try_into().unwrap();
256 } else {
257 self.indicators[index] = NULL_DATA;
258 }
259 }
261 /// Maximum number of elements this buffer can hold.
262 pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
263 self.indicators.len()
264 }
267unsafe impl<'a> BoundInputSlice<'a> for BinColumn {
268 type SliceMut = BinColumnSliceMut<'a>;
270 unsafe fn as_view_mut(
271 &'a mut self,
272 parameter_index: u16,
273 stmt: StatementRef<'a>,
274 ) -> Self::SliceMut {
275 BinColumnSliceMut {
276 column: self,
277 stmt,
278 parameter_index,
279 }
280 }
283/// A view to a mutable array parameter text buffer, which allows for filling the buffer with
284/// values.
285pub struct BinColumnSliceMut<'a> {
286 column: &'a mut BinColumn,
287 // Needed to rebind the column in case of reallocation
288 stmt: StatementRef<'a>,
289 // Also needed to rebind the column in case of reallocation
290 parameter_index: u16,
293impl BinColumnSliceMut<'_> {
294 /// Sets the value of the buffer at index at Null or the specified binary Text. This method will
295 /// panic on out of bounds index, or if input holds a text which is larger than the maximum
296 /// allowed element length. `element` must be specified without the terminating zero.
297 pub fn set_cell(&mut self, row_index: usize, element: Option<&[u8]>) {
298 self.column.set_value(row_index, element)
299 }
301 /// Ensures that the buffer is large enough to hold elements of `element_length`. Does nothing
302 /// if the buffer is already large enough. Otherwise it will reallocate and rebind the buffer.
303 /// The first `num_rows_to_copy_elements` will be copied from the old value buffer to the new
304 /// one. This makes this an extremly expensive operation.
305 pub fn ensure_max_element_length(
306 &mut self,
307 element_length: usize,
308 num_rows_to_copy: usize,
309 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
310 // Column buffer is not large enough to hold the element. We must allocate a larger buffer
311 // in order to hold it. This invalidates the pointers previously bound to the statement. So
312 // we rebind them.
313 if element_length > self.column.max_len() {
314 self.column
315 .resize_max_element_length(element_length, num_rows_to_copy);
316 unsafe {
317 self.stmt
318 .bind_input_parameter(self.parameter_index, self.column)
319 .into_result(&self.stmt)?
320 }
321 }
322 Ok(())
323 }
326#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
327pub struct BinColumnView<'c> {
328 num_rows: usize,
329 col: &'c BinColumn,
332impl<'c> BinColumnView<'c> {
333 /// The number of valid elements in the text column.
334 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
335 self.num_rows
336 }
338 /// True if, and only if there are no valid rows in the column buffer.
339 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
340 self.num_rows == 0
341 }
343 /// Slice of text at the specified row index without terminating zero.
344 pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&'c [u8]> {
345 self.col.value_at(index)
346 }
348 /// Iterator over the valid elements of the text buffer
349 pub fn iter(&self) -> BinColumnIt<'c> {
350 BinColumnIt {
351 pos: 0,
352 num_rows: self.num_rows,
353 col: self.col,
354 }
355 }
357 /// Finds an indicator larger than max element in the range [0, num_rows).
358 ///
359 /// After fetching data we may want to know if any value has been truncated due to the buffer
360 /// not being able to hold elements of that size. This method checks the indicator buffer
361 /// element wise.
362 pub fn has_truncated_values(&self) -> Option<Indicator> {
363 self.col.has_truncated_values(self.num_rows)
364 }
367/// Iterator over a binary column. See [`crate::buffers::BinColumn`]
369pub struct BinColumnIt<'c> {
370 pos: usize,
371 num_rows: usize,
372 col: &'c BinColumn,
375impl<'c> Iterator for BinColumnIt<'c> {
376 type Item = Option<&'c [u8]>;
378 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
379 if self.pos == self.num_rows {
380 None
381 } else {
382 let ret = Some(self.col.value_at(self.pos));
383 self.pos += 1;
384 ret
385 }
386 }
388 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
389 let len = self.num_rows - self.pos;
390 (len, Some(len))
391 }
394impl ExactSizeIterator for BinColumnIt<'_> {}
396unsafe impl CData for BinColumn {
397 fn cdata_type(&self) -> CDataType {
398 CDataType::Binary
399 }
401 fn indicator_ptr(&self) -> *const isize {
402 self.indicators.as_ptr()
403 }
405 fn value_ptr(&self) -> *const c_void {
406 self.values.as_ptr() as *const c_void
407 }
409 fn buffer_length(&self) -> isize {
410 self.max_len.try_into().unwrap()
411 }
414impl HasDataType for BinColumn {
415 fn data_type(&self) -> DataType {
416 DataType::Varbinary {
417 length: NonZeroUsize::new(self.max_len),
418 }
419 }
422unsafe impl CDataMut for BinColumn {
423 fn mut_indicator_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut isize {
424 self.indicators.as_mut_ptr()
425 }
427 fn mut_value_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut c_void {
428 self.values.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void
429 }
433mod test {
434 use crate::error::TooLargeBufferSize;
436 use super::BinColumn;
438 #[test]
439 fn allocating_too_big_a_binary_column() {
440 let two_gib = 2_147_483_648;
441 let result = BinColumn::try_new(10_000, two_gib);
442 let error = result.unwrap_err();
443 assert!(matches!(
444 error,
445 TooLargeBufferSize {
446 num_elements: 10_000,
447 element_size: 2_147_483_648
448 }
449 ))
450 }