1/// Information requested by SQLGetInfo
3#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
4pub enum InfoType {
5 MaxDriverConnections = 0,
6 MaxConcurrentActivities = 1,
7 DataSourceName = 2,
8 // FetchDirection = 8, Deprecated in ODBC 3
9 ServerName = 13,
10 SearchPatternEscape = 14,
11 DbmsName = 17,
12 DbmsVer = 18,
13 AccessibleTables = 19,
14 AccessibleProcedures = 20,
15 CursorCommitBehaviour = 23,
16 DataSourceReadOnly = 25,
17 DefaultTxnIsolation = 26,
18 IdentifierCase = 28,
19 IdentifierQuoteChar = 29,
20 MaxColumnNameLen = 30,
21 MaxCursorNameLen = 31,
22 MaxSchemaNameLen = 32,
23 MaxCatalogNameLen = 34,
24 MaxTableNameLen = 35,
25 // ScrollConcurrency = 43, deprecated in ODBC 3
26 /// `SQL_SCROLL_OPTIONS` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists the supported cursor
27 /// types (forward-only, static, keyset-driven, dynamic, or mixed). All data sources must
28 /// support forward-only cursors. See:
29 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
30 ScrollOptions = 44,
31 TransactionCapable = 46,
32 UserName = 47,
33 TransactionIsolationProtocol = 72,
34 Integrity = 73,
35 GetDataExtensions = 81,
36 NullCollation = 85,
37 AlterTable = 86,
38 OrderByColumnsInSelect = 90,
39 SpecialCharacters = 94,
40 MaxColumnsInGroupBy = 97,
41 MaxColumnsInIndex = 98,
42 MaxColumnsInOrderBy = 99,
43 MaxColumnsInSelect = 100,
44 MaxColumnsInTable = 101,
45 MaxIndexSize = 102,
46 MaxRowSize = 104,
47 MaxStatementLen = 105,
48 MaxTablesInSelect = 106,
49 MaxUserNameLen = 107,
50 OuterJoinCapabilities = 115,
51 /// `SQL_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENTS` C-API places this in the extended header. A `u16` value that
52 /// specifies the maximum number of active environments that the driver can support. If there is
53 /// no specified limit or the limit is unknown, this value is set to zero.
54 ActiveEnvironments = 116,
55 /// `SQL_DYNAMIC_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES1` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists the fetch
56 /// types supported by scrollable cursors. The bits in the return value correspond to the fetch
57 /// types in SQLFetchScroll. See:
58 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
59 DynamicCursorAttributes1 = 144,
60 /// `SQL_DYNAMIC_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES2` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists whether
61 /// cursors can detect their own updates, deletes, and inserts. See:
62 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
63 DynamicCursorAttributes2 = 145,
64 /// `SQL_FORWARD_ONLY_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES1` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists the
65 /// fetch types supported by scrollable cursors. The bits in the return value correspond to the
66 /// fetch types in SQLFetchScroll. See:
67 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
68 ForwardOnlyCursorAttributes1 = 146,
69 /// `SQL_FORWARD_ONLY_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES2` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists
70 /// whether cursors can detect their own updates, deletes, and inserts. See:
71 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
72 ForwardOnlyCursorAttributes2 = 147,
73 /// `SQL_KEYSET_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES1` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists the fetch
74 /// types supported by scrollable cursors. The bits in the return value correspond to the fetch
75 /// types in SQLFetchScroll. See:
76 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
77 KeysetCursorAttributes1 = 150,
78 /// `SQL_KEYSET_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES2` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists whether
79 /// cursors can detect their own updates, deletes, and inserts. See:
80 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
81 KeysetCursorAttributes2 = 151,
82 /// `SQL_STATIC_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES1` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists the fetch
83 /// types supported by scrollable cursors. The bits in the return value correspond to the fetch
84 /// types in SQLFetchScroll. See:
85 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
86 StaticCursorAttributes1 = 167,
87 /// `SQL_STATIC_CURSOR_ATTRIBUTES2` C-API places this in the extended header. Lists whether
88 /// cursors can detect their own updates, deletes, and inserts. See:
89 /// <https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/determining-cursor-capabilities>
90 StaticCursorAttributes2 = 168,
91 XopenCliYear = 10000,
92 CursorSensitivity = 10001,
93 DescribeParameter = 10002,
94 CatalogName = 10003,
95 CollationSeq = 10004,
96 MaxIdentifierLen = 10005,
97 AsyncMode = 10021,
98 MaxAsyncConcurrentStatements = 10022,
99 AsyncDbcFunctions = 10023,
100 DriverAwarePoolingSupported = 10024,
101 AsyncNotification = 10025,