pub fn make_pureDP_to_fixed_approxDP<DI, TO, MI, QO>(
    m: Measurement<DI, TO, MI, MaxDivergence<QO>>
) -> Fallible<Measurement<DI, TO, MI, FixedSmoothedMaxDivergence<QO>>>
where DI: Domain, MI: 'static + Metric, QO: Float, (DI, MI): MetricSpace,
Expand description

Constructs a new output measurement where the output measure is casted from MaxDivergence<QO> to FixedSmoothedMaxDivergence<QO>.


  • meas - a measurement with a privacy measure to be casted


  • DI - Input Domain
  • DO - Output Domain
  • MI - Input Metric
  • QO - Output distance type. One of f32 or f64.