pub fn make_variance<S>(
    input_domain: VectorDomain<AtomDomain<S::Item>>,
    input_metric: SymmetricDistance,
    ddof: usize
) -> Fallible<Transformation<VectorDomain<AtomDomain<S::Item>>, AtomDomain<S::Item>, SymmetricDistance, AbsoluteDistance<S::Item>>>
where S: UncheckedSum, S::Item: 'static + Float, AtomDomain<S::Item>: LipschitzMulFloatDomain<Atom = S::Item>, AbsoluteDistance<S::Item>: LipschitzMulFloatMetric<Distance = S::Item>,
Expand description

Make a Transformation that computes the variance of bounded data.

This uses a restricted-sensitivity proof that takes advantage of known dataset size. Use make_clamp to bound data and make_resize to establish dataset size.



  • size - Number of records in input data.
  • bounds - Tuple of lower and upper bounds for data in the input domain.
  • ddof - Delta degrees of freedom. Set to 0 if not a sample, 1 for sample estimate.


  • S - Summation algorithm to use on data type T. One of Sequential<T> or Pairwise<T>.