1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
//! A library for working with differential privacy.
//! This library implements the framework described in the paper,
//! [A Programming Framework for OpenDP](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/opendp/files/opendp_programming_framework_11may2020_1_01.pdf).
//! OpenDP (the library) is part of the larger [OpenDP Project](https://opendp.org).
//! [`Domain`]: core::Domain
//! [`Domain::Carrier`]: core::Domain::Carrier
//! [`Function`]: core::Function
//! [`Metric`]: core::Metric
//! [`Measure`]: core::Measure
//! [`PrivacyMap`]: core::PrivacyMap
//! [`StabilityMap`]: core::StabilityMap
//! [`Measurement`]: core::Measurement
//! [`Transformation`]: core::Transformation
//! # Overview
//! OpenDP provides three main concepts:
//! * A flexible architecture for modeling privacy-preserving computations.
//! * Implementations of several common algorithms for statistical analysis and data manipulation, which can be used
//! out-of-the-box to assemble DP applications.
//! * Facilities for extending OpenDP with new algorithms, privacy models, etc.
//! # User Guide
//! A more thorough User Guide [can be found on the docs website](https://docs.opendp.org/en/stable/user/index.html).
//! OpenDP applications are created by using constructors and combinators to create private computation pipelines.
//! These can be written directly in Rust, or by using a language binding that uses OpenDP through an FFI interface.
//! Python is the first language binding available, but we plan to add others in the future.
//! ## Rust Application Example
//! Here's a simple example of using OpenDP from Rust to create a private sum:
//! ```
//! use opendp::error::Fallible;
//! #[cfg(all(feature = "untrusted", feature = "partials"))]
//! pub fn example() -> Fallible<()> {
//! use opendp::transformations::{make_split_lines, then_cast_default, make_cast_default, then_clamp, then_sum};
//! use opendp::combinators::{make_chain_tt, make_chain_mt};
//! use opendp::measurements::then_base_laplace;
//! let data = "56\n15\n97\n56\n6\n17\n2\n19\n16\n50".to_owned();
//! let bounds = (0.0, 100.0);
//! let epsilon = 1.0;
//! // remove some epsilon to account for floating-point error
//! let sigma = (bounds.1 - bounds.0) / (epsilon - 0.0001);
//! // Construct a Transformation to parse a csv string.
//! let split_lines = make_split_lines()?;
//! // The next transformation wants to conform with the output domain and metric from `split_lines`.
//! let cast = make_cast_default::<_, String, f64>(
//! split_lines.output_domain.clone(),
//! split_lines.output_metric.clone())?;
//! // Since the domain and metric conforms, these two transformations may be chained.
//! let load_numbers = make_chain_tt(&cast, &split_lines)?;
//! // You can use the more convenient `>>` notation to chain instead.
//! // When you use the `then_` version of the constructor,
//! // the `>>` operator will automatically fill the input domain and metric from the previous transformation.
//! let load_and_clamp = load_numbers >> then_clamp(bounds);
//! // After chaining, the resulting transformation is wrapped in a `Result`.
//! let load_and_sum = (load_and_clamp >> then_sum())?;
//! // Construct a Measurement to calculate a noisy sum.
//! let noisy_sum = load_and_sum >> then_base_laplace(sigma, None);
//! // The same measurement, written more succinctly:
//! let noisy_sum = (
//! make_split_lines()? >>
//! then_cast_default() >>
//! then_clamp(bounds) >>
//! then_sum() >>
//! then_base_laplace(sigma, None)
//! )?;
//! // Check that the pipeline is (1, 1.0)-close
//! assert!(noisy_sum.check(&1, &epsilon)?);
//! // Make a 1.0-epsilon-DP release
//! let release = noisy_sum.invoke(&data)?;
//! println!("release = {}", release);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! #[cfg(all(feature = "untrusted", feature = "partials"))]
//! example().unwrap();
//! ```
//! # Contributor Guide
//! A more thorough Contributor Guide [can be found on the docs website](https://docs.opendp.org/en/stable/contributor/index.html).
//! ## Adding Constructors
//! Measurement constructors go in the module [`crate::measurements`],
//! Transformation constructors in the module [`crate::transformations`], and
//! Combinator constructors in the module [`crate::combinators`].
//! There are two code steps to adding a constructor function: Writing the function itself, and adding the FFI wrapper.
//! ### Writing Constructors
//! Constructors are functions that take some parameters and return a valid [`Measurement`] or [`Transformation`].
//! They typically follow a common pattern:
//! 1. Choose the appropriate input and output [`Domain`].
//! 2. Write a closure that implements the [`Function`].
//! 3. Choose the appropriate input and output [`Metric`]/[`Measure`].
//! 4. Write a closure that implements the [`PrivacyMap`]/[`StabilityMap`].
//! #### Example Transformation Constructor
//! ```
//!# use opendp::core::{Transformation, StabilityMap, Function};
//!# use opendp::metrics::AbsoluteDistance;
//!# use opendp::domains::AtomDomain;
//! pub fn make_i32_identity() -> Transformation<AtomDomain<i32>, AtomDomain<i32>, AbsoluteDistance<i32>, AbsoluteDistance<i32>> {
//! let input_domain = AtomDomain::default();
//! let output_domain = AtomDomain::default();
//! let function = Function::new(|arg: &i32| -> i32 { *arg });
//! let input_metric = AbsoluteDistance::default();
//! let output_metric = AbsoluteDistance::default();
//! let stability_map = StabilityMap::new_from_constant(1);
//! Transformation::new(input_domain, output_domain, function, input_metric, output_metric, stability_map).unwrap()
//! }
//! make_i32_identity();
//! ```
//! #### Input and Output Types
//! The [`Function`] created in a constructor is allowed to have any type for its input and output [`Domain::Carrier`].
//! There's no need for special data carrying wrappers. The glue code in the FFI layer handles this transparently.
//! However, the most common are the Rust primitives (e.g., `i32`, `f64`, etc.), and collections of the primitives
//! (`Vec<i32>`, `HashMap<String, f64>`).
//! #### Handling Generics
//! [`Measurement`]/[`Transformation`] constructors are allowed to be generic! Typically, this means that the type parameter on the
//! constructor will determine type of the input or output [`Domain::Carrier`] (or the generic type within, for instance the `i32` of `Vec<i32>`).
#![cfg_attr(feature = "ffi", allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "ffi", allow(non_snake_case))]
#![recursion_limit = "512"]
// create clones of variables that are free to be consumed by a closure
// Once we have things using `enclose!` that are outside of `contrib`, this should specify `feature="ffi"`.
#[cfg(feature = "contrib")]
macro_rules! enclose {
( $x:ident, $y:expr ) => (enclose!(($x), $y));
( ($( $x:ident ),*), $y:expr ) => {
$(let $x = $x.clone();)*
// #![feature(trace_macros)]
// trace_macros!(true);
#[cfg(feature = "ffi")]
mod ffi;
#[cfg(feature = "ffi")]
extern crate lazy_static;
pub mod error;
pub mod accuracy;
pub mod combinators;
pub mod core;
pub mod data;
pub mod domains;
#[cfg(feature = "contrib")]
pub mod interactive;
pub mod measurements;
pub mod measures;
pub mod metrics;
pub mod traits;
pub mod transformations;