Available on crate feature metrics only.
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Metrics Export



  • A container for the exported data for a single metric instrument and attribute set, as prepared by an Accumulator for the Processor.
  • Individually exported metric
  • A number exported as debug for serialization
  • A container for the common elements for exported metric data that are shared by the Accumulator->Processor and Processor->Exporter steps.
  • A container for the exported data for a single metric instrument and attribute set, as prepared by the Processor for the Exporter. This includes the effective start and end time for the aggregation.
  • An OpenTelemetry metric exporter that transmits telemetry to the local STDOUT or via the registered implementation of Write.
  • Configuration for a given stdout exporter.


  • AggregatorSelector supports selecting the kind of Aggregator to use at runtime for a specific metric instrument.
  • A utility extension to allow upcasting.
  • The interface used to create checkpoints.
  • An interface for producing configured Checkpointer instances.
  • InstrumentationLibraryReader is an interface for exporters to iterate over one instrumentation library of metric data at a time.
  • The interface used by a controller to coordinate the processor with accumulator(s) and exporter(s).
  • Metric data processor.
  • Exporter handles presentation of the checkpoint of aggregate metrics. This is the final stage of a metrics export pipeline, where metric data are formatted for a specific system.
  • Processor is responsible for deciding which kind of aggregation to use (via aggregation_selector), gathering exported results from the SDK during collection, and deciding over which dimensions to group the exported data.
  • Reader allows a controller to access a complete checkpoint of aggregated metrics from the Processor for a single library of metric data. This is passed to the Exporter which may then use ForEach to iterate over the collection of aggregated metrics.


  • Allows Accumulator implementations to construct new Accumulations to send to Processors. The Descriptor, Attributes, Resource, and Aggregator represent aggregate metric events received over a single collection period.
  • Allows Processor implementations to construct export records. The Descriptor, Attributes, and Aggregator represent aggregate metric events received over a single collection period.
  • Create a new stdout exporter builder with the configuration for a stdout exporter.