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APIs to read from ORC

Reading from ORC is essentially composed by:

  1. Identify the column type based on the file’s schema
  2. Read the stripe (or part of it in projection pushdown)
  3. For each column, select the relevant region of the stripe
  4. Attach an Iterator to the region


Contains different iterators that receive a reader (std::io::Read) and return values for each of ORC’s physical types (e.g. boolean).


Helper struct used to access the streams associated to an ORC column. Its main use Column::get_stream, to get a stream.

The file’s metadata.


Reads column from the stripe into a Column. scratch becomes owned by Column, which you can recover via into_inner.

Reads, decompresses and deserializes the stripe’s footer as StripeFooter using scratch as an intermediary memory region.