Static pgrx_pg_sys::InterruptPending
source · pub unsafe static mut InterruptPending: sig_atomic_t
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System interrupt and critical section handling
There are two types of interrupts that a running backend needs to accept without messing up its state: QueryCancel (SIGINT) and ProcDie (SIGTERM). In both cases, we need to be able to clean up the current transaction gracefully, so we can’t respond to the interrupt instantaneously — there’s no guarantee that internal data structures would be self-consistent if the code is interrupted at an arbitrary instant. Instead, the signal handlers set flags that are checked periodically during execution.
The CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() macro is called at strategically located spots where it is normally safe to accept a cancel or die interrupt. In some cases, we invoke CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() inside low-level subroutines that might sometimes be called in contexts that do not want to allow a cancel or die interrupt. The HOLD_INTERRUPTS() and RESUME_INTERRUPTS() macros allow code to ensure that no cancel or die interrupt will be accepted, even if CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() gets called in a subroutine. The interrupt will be held off until CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() is done outside any HOLD_INTERRUPTS() … RESUME_INTERRUPTS() section.
There is also a mechanism to prevent query cancel interrupts, while still allowing die interrupts: HOLD_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS() and RESUME_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS().
Note that ProcessInterrupts() has also acquired a number of tasks that do not necessarily cause a query-cancel-or-die response. Hence, it’s possible that it will just clear InterruptPending and return.
INTERRUPTS_PENDING_CONDITION() can be checked to see whether an interrupt needs to be serviced, without trying to do so immediately. Some callers are also interested in INTERRUPTS_CAN_BE_PROCESSED(), which tells whether ProcessInterrupts is sure to clear the interrupt.
Special mechanisms are used to let an interrupt be accepted when we are waiting for a lock or when we are waiting for command input (but, of course, only if the interrupt holdoff counter is zero). See the related code for details.
A lost connection is handled similarly, although the loss of connection does not raise a signal, but is detected when we fail to write to the socket. If there was a signal for a broken connection, we could make use of it by setting ClientConnectionLost in the signal handler.
A related, but conceptually distinct, mechanism is the “critical section” mechanism. A critical section not only holds off cancel/die interrupts, but causes any ereport(ERROR) or ereport(FATAL) to become ereport(PANIC) — that is, a system-wide reset is forced. Needless to say, only really critical code should be marked as a critical section! Currently, this mechanism is only used for XLOG-related code.