Crate pgrx_pg_sys

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  • Log to Postgres’ fatal log level. This will abort the current Postgres backend connection process.
  • Log to Postgres’ panic log level. This will cause the entire Postgres cluster to crash.
  • If an interrupt is pending (perhaps a user-initiated “cancel query” message to this backend), this will safely abort the current transaction
  • Log to Postgres’ debug1 log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ debug2 log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ debug3 log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ debug4 log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ debug5 log level.
  • Sends some kind of message to Postgres, and if it’s a PgLogLevel::ERROR or greater, Postgres’ error handling takes over and, in the case of PgLogLevel::ERROR, aborts the current transaction.
  • Log to Postgres’ error log level. This will abort the current Postgres transaction.
  • This macro returns the name of the enclosing function. As the internal implementation is based on the std::any::type_name, this macro derives all the limitations of this function.
  • Log to Postgres’ info log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ log log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ notice log level.
  • Log to Postgres’ warning log level.






  • A trait for converting a thing into a char * that is allocated by Postgres’ palloc
  • A trait applied to all Postgres pg_sys::Node types and subtypes


Type Definitions
