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//LICENSE Portions Copyright 2019-2021 ZomboDB, LLC.
//LICENSE Portions Copyright 2021-2023 Technology Concepts & Design, Inc.
//LICENSE Portions Copyright 2023-2023 PgCentral Foundation, Inc. <contact@pgcentral.org>
//LICENSE All rights reserved.
//LICENSE Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
`sql = ...` fragment related macro expansion for Rust to SQL translation
> Like all of the [`sql_entity_graph`][crate] APIs, this is considered **internal**
to the `pgrx` framework and very subject to change between versions. While you may use this, please do it with caution.
pub mod entity;
use std::hash::Hash;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{AttrStyle, Attribute, Lit};
use crate::pgrx_attribute::{ArgValue, PgrxArg, PgrxAttribute};
use crate::pgrx_sql::PgrxSql;
use crate::SqlGraphEntity;
/// Able to be transformed into to SQL.
pub trait ToSql {
/// Attempt to transform this type into SQL.
/// Some entities require additional context from a [`PgrxSql`], such as
/// `#[derive(PostgresType)]` which must include it's relevant in/out functions.
fn to_sql(&self, context: &PgrxSql) -> eyre::Result<String>;
/// The signature of a function that can transform a SqlGraphEntity to a SQL string
/// This is used to provide a facility for overriding the default SQL generator behavior using
/// the `#[to_sql(path::to::function)]` attribute in circumstances where the default behavior is
/// not desirable.
/// Implementations can invoke `ToSql::to_sql(entity, context)` on the unwrapped SqlGraphEntity
/// type should they wish to delegate to the default behavior for any reason.
pub type ToSqlFn =
) -> std::result::Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>;
/// A parsed `sql` option from a `pgrx` related procedural macro.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ToSqlConfig {
pub enabled: bool,
pub callback: Option<syn::Path>,
pub content: Option<syn::LitStr>,
impl From<bool> for ToSqlConfig {
fn from(enabled: bool) -> Self {
Self { enabled, callback: None, content: None }
impl From<syn::Path> for ToSqlConfig {
fn from(path: syn::Path) -> Self {
Self { enabled: true, callback: Some(path), content: None }
impl From<syn::LitStr> for ToSqlConfig {
fn from(content: syn::LitStr) -> Self {
Self { enabled: true, callback: None, content: Some(content) }
impl Default for ToSqlConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { enabled: true, callback: None, content: None }
"expected `#[pgrx(sql = content)]`, where `content` is a boolean, string, or path to a function";
impl ToSqlConfig {
/// Used for general purpose parsing from an attribute
pub fn from_attribute(attr: &Attribute) -> Result<Option<Self>, syn::Error> {
if attr.style != AttrStyle::Outer {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"#[pgrx(sql = ..)] is only valid in an outer context",
let attr = attr.parse_args::<PgrxAttribute>()?;
for arg in attr.args.iter() {
if let PgrxArg::NameValue(ref nv) = arg {
if !nv.path.is_ident("sql") {
match nv.value {
ArgValue::Path(ref callback_path) => {
return Ok(Some(Self {
enabled: true,
callback: Some(callback_path.clone()),
content: None,
ArgValue::Lit(Lit::Bool(ref b)) => {
return Ok(Some(Self { enabled: b.value, callback: None, content: None }));
ArgValue::Lit(Lit::Str(ref s)) => {
return Ok(Some(Self {
enabled: true,
callback: None,
content: Some(s.clone()),
ArgValue::Lit(ref other) => {
return Err(syn::Error::new(other.span(), INVALID_ATTR_CONTENT));
/// Used to parse a generator config from a set of item attributes
pub fn from_attributes(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Option<Self>, syn::Error> {
if let Some(attr) = attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("pgrx")) {
} else {
pub fn overrides_default(&self) -> bool {
!self.enabled || self.callback.is_some() || self.content.is_some()
impl ToTokens for ToSqlConfig {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream2) {
let enabled = self.enabled;
let callback = &self.callback;
let content = &self.content;
if let Some(callback_path) = callback {
tokens.append_all(quote! {
::pgrx::pgrx_sql_entity_graph::ToSqlConfigEntity {
enabled: #enabled,
callback: Some(#callback_path),
content: None,
if let Some(sql) = content {
tokens.append_all(quote! {
::pgrx::pgrx_sql_entity_graph::ToSqlConfigEntity {
enabled: #enabled,
callback: None,
content: Some(#sql),
tokens.append_all(quote! {
::pgrx::pgrx_sql_entity_graph::ToSqlConfigEntity {
enabled: #enabled,
callback: None,
content: None,