mod argument;
mod operator;
mod returning;
pub use argument::PgExternArgumentEntity;
pub use operator::PgOperatorEntity;
pub use returning::{PgExternReturnEntity, PgExternReturnEntityIteratedItem};
use crate::metadata::{Returns, SqlMapping};
use crate::pgrx_sql::PgrxSql;
use crate::to_sql::entity::ToSqlConfigEntity;
use crate::to_sql::ToSql;
use crate::ExternArgs;
use crate::{SqlGraphEntity, SqlGraphIdentifier};
use eyre::{eyre, WrapErr};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct PgExternEntity {
pub name: &'static str,
pub unaliased_name: &'static str,
pub module_path: &'static str,
pub full_path: &'static str,
pub metadata: crate::metadata::FunctionMetadataEntity,
pub fn_args: Vec<PgExternArgumentEntity>,
pub fn_return: PgExternReturnEntity,
pub schema: Option<&'static str>,
pub file: &'static str,
pub line: u32,
pub extern_attrs: Vec<ExternArgs>,
pub search_path: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
pub operator: Option<PgOperatorEntity>,
pub to_sql_config: ToSqlConfigEntity,
impl From<PgExternEntity> for SqlGraphEntity {
fn from(val: PgExternEntity) -> Self {
impl SqlGraphIdentifier for PgExternEntity {
fn dot_identifier(&self) -> String {
format!("fn {}",
fn rust_identifier(&self) -> String {
fn file(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
fn line(&self) -> Option<u32> {
impl ToSql for PgExternEntity {
fn to_sql(&self, context: &PgrxSql) -> eyre::Result<String> {
let self_index = context.externs[self];
let mut extern_attrs = self.extern_attrs.clone();
let mut strict_upgrade = !extern_attrs.iter().any(|i| i == &ExternArgs::Strict);
if strict_upgrade {
for arg in &self.metadata.arguments {
if arg.optional {
strict_upgrade = false;
if strict_upgrade {
let module_pathname = &context.get_module_pathname();
let fn_sql = format!(
CREATE {or_replace} FUNCTION {schema}\"{name}\"({arguments}) {returns}\n\
LANGUAGE c /* Rust */\n\
AS '{module_pathname}', '{unaliased_name}_wrapper';\
or_replace =
if extern_attrs.contains(&ExternArgs::CreateOrReplace) { "OR REPLACE" } else { "" },
schema = self
.map(|schema| format!("{}.", schema))
.unwrap_or_else(|| context.schema_prefix_for(&self_index)),
name =,
module_pathname = module_pathname,
arguments = if !self.fn_args.is_empty() {
let mut args = Vec::new();
let metadata_without_arg_skips = &self
.filter(|v| v.argument_sql != Ok(SqlMapping::Skip))
for (idx, arg) in self.fn_args.iter().enumerate() {
let graph_index = context
.find(|neighbor| match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(ty) => ty.id_matches(&arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(en) => en.id_matches(&arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => {
defined == arg.used_ty.full_path
_ => false,
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Could not find arg type in graph. Got: {:?}", arg))?;
let needs_comma = idx < (metadata_without_arg_skips.len().saturating_sub(1));
let metadata_argument = &self.metadata.arguments[idx];
match metadata_argument.argument_sql {
Ok(SqlMapping::As(ref argument_sql)) => {
let buf = format!("\
\t\"{pattern}\" {variadic}{schema_prefix}{sql_type}{default}{maybe_comma}/* {type_name} */\
pattern = arg.pattern,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
sql_type = argument_sql,
default = if let Some(def) = arg.used_ty.default { format!(" DEFAULT {}", def) } else { String::from("") },
variadic = if metadata_argument.variadic { "VARIADIC " } else { "" },
maybe_comma = if needs_comma { ", " } else { " " },
type_name = metadata_argument.type_name,
Ok(SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets }) => {
let sql =
.map(|v| {
if array_brackets {
} else {
.ok_or_else(|| {
"Macro expansion time suggested a composite_type!() in return"
let buf = format!("\
\t\"{pattern}\" {variadic}{schema_prefix}{sql_type}{default}{maybe_comma}/* {type_name} */\
pattern = arg.pattern,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
sql_type = sql,
default = if let Some(def) = arg.used_ty.default { format!(" DEFAULT {}", def) } else { String::from("") },
variadic = if metadata_argument.variadic { "VARIADIC " } else { "" },
maybe_comma = if needs_comma { ", " } else { " " },
type_name = metadata_argument.type_name,
Ok(SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets }) => {
let sql =
.map(|v| {
if array_brackets {
} else {
.ok_or_else(|| {
"Macro expansion time suggested a source only mapping in return"
let buf = format!("\
\t\"{pattern}\" {variadic}{schema_prefix}{sql_type}{default}{maybe_comma}/* {type_name} */\
pattern = arg.pattern,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
sql_type = sql,
default = if let Some(def) = arg.used_ty.default { format!(" DEFAULT {}", def) } else { String::from("") },
variadic = if metadata_argument.variadic { "VARIADIC " } else { "" },
maybe_comma = if needs_comma { ", " } else { " " },
type_name = metadata_argument.type_name,
Ok(SqlMapping::Skip) => (),
Err(err) => {
match context.source_only_to_sql_type(arg.used_ty.ty_source) {
Some(source_only_mapping) => {
let buf = format!("\
\t\"{pattern}\" {variadic}{schema_prefix}{sql_type}{default}{maybe_comma}/* {type_name} */\
pattern = arg.pattern,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
sql_type = source_only_mapping,
default = if let Some(def) = arg.used_ty.default { format!(" DEFAULT {}", def) } else { String::from("") },
variadic = if metadata_argument.variadic { "VARIADIC " } else { "" },
maybe_comma = if needs_comma { ", " } else { " " },
type_name = metadata_argument.type_name,
None => return Err(err).wrap_err("While mapping argument"),
String::from("\n") + &args.join("\n") + "\n"
} else {
returns = match &self.fn_return {
PgExternReturnEntity::None => String::from("RETURNS void"),
PgExternReturnEntity::Type { ty } => {
let graph_index = context
.find(|neighbor| match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(neighbor_ty) => neighbor_ty.id_matches(&ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(neighbor_en) => neighbor_en.id_matches(&ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => &*defined == ty.full_path,
_ => false,
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Could not find return type in graph."))?;
let metadata_retval = self.metadata.retval.clone().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Macro expansion time and SQL resolution time had differing opinions about the return value existing"))?;
let metadata_retval_sql = match metadata_retval.return_sql {
Ok(Returns::One(SqlMapping::As(ref sql))) => sql.clone(),
Ok(Returns::One(SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets })) => ty.composite_type.unwrap().to_string()
+ if array_brackets {
} else {
Ok(Returns::SetOf(SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets })) =>
context.source_only_to_sql_type(ty.ty_source).unwrap().to_string() + if array_brackets {
} else {
Ok(other) => return Err(eyre!("Got non-plain mapped/composite return variant SQL in what macro-expansion thought was a type, got: {other:?}")),
Err(err) => {
match context.source_only_to_sql_type(ty.ty_source) {
Some(source_only_mapping) => source_only_mapping,
None => return Err(err).wrap_err("Error mapping return SQL")
"RETURNS {schema_prefix}{sql_type} /* {full_path} */",
sql_type = metadata_retval_sql,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
full_path = ty.full_path
PgExternReturnEntity::SetOf { ty, optional: _, result: _ } => {
let graph_index = context
.find(|neighbor| match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(neighbor_ty) => neighbor_ty.id_matches(&ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(neighbor_en) => neighbor_en.id_matches(&ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => defined == ty.full_path,
_ => false,
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Could not find return type in graph."))?;
let metadata_retval = self.metadata.retval.clone().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Macro expansion time and SQL resolution time had differing opinions about the return value existing"))?;
let metadata_retval_sql = match metadata_retval.return_sql {
Ok(Returns::SetOf(SqlMapping::As(ref sql))) => sql.clone(),
Ok(Returns::SetOf(SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets })) =>
ty.composite_type.unwrap().to_string() + if array_brackets {
} else {
Ok(Returns::SetOf(SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets })) =>
context.source_only_to_sql_type(ty.ty_source).unwrap().to_string() + if array_brackets {
} else {
Ok(_other) => return Err(eyre!("Got non-setof mapped/composite return variant SQL in what macro-expansion thought was a setof")),
Err(err) => return Err(err).wrap_err("Error mapping return SQL"),
"RETURNS SETOF {schema_prefix}{sql_type} /* {full_path} */",
sql_type = metadata_retval_sql,
schema_prefix = context.schema_prefix_for(&graph_index),
full_path = ty.full_path
PgExternReturnEntity::Iterated { tys: table_items, optional: _, result: _ } => {
let mut items = String::new();
let metadata_retval = self.metadata.retval.clone().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Macro expansion time and SQL resolution time had differing opinions about the return value existing"))?;
let metadata_retval_sqls = match metadata_retval.return_sql {
Ok(Returns::Table(variants)) => {
let mut retval_sqls = vec![];
for (idx, variant) in variants.iter().enumerate() {
let sql = match variant {
SqlMapping::As(sql) => sql.clone(),
SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets } => {
let composite = table_items[idx].ty.composite_type.unwrap().to_string();
composite + if *array_brackets {
} else {
SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets } =>
context.source_only_to_sql_type(table_items[idx].ty.ty_source).unwrap() + if *array_brackets {
} else {
SqlMapping::Skip => todo!(),
Ok(_other) => return Err(eyre!("Got non-table return variant SQL in what macro-expansion thought was a table")),
Err(err) => return Err(err).wrap_err("Error mapping return SQL"),
for (idx, returning::PgExternReturnEntityIteratedItem { ty, name: col_name }) in
let graph_index =
context.graph.neighbors_undirected(self_index).find(|neighbor| {
match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(neightbor_ty) => {
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(neightbor_en) => {
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => defined == ty.ty_source,
_ => false,
let needs_comma = idx < (table_items.len() - 1);
let item = format!(
"\n\t{col_name} {schema_prefix}{ty_resolved}{needs_comma} /* {ty_name} */",
col_name = col_name.expect("An iterator of tuples should have `named!()` macro declarations."),
schema_prefix = if let Some(graph_index) = graph_index {
} else { "".into() },
ty_resolved = metadata_retval_sqls[idx],
needs_comma = if needs_comma { ", " } else { " " },
ty_name = ty.full_path
format!("RETURNS TABLE ({}\n)", items)
PgExternReturnEntity::Trigger => String::from("RETURNS trigger"),
search_path = if let Some(search_path) = &self.search_path {
let retval = format!("SET search_path TO {}", search_path.join(", "));
retval + "\n"
} else {
extern_attrs = if extern_attrs.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut retval = extern_attrs
.filter(|attr| **attr != ExternArgs::CreateOrReplace)
.map(|attr| format!("{}", attr).to_uppercase())
.join(" ");
unaliased_name = self.unaliased_name,
let ext_sql = format!(
-- {file}:{line}\n\
-- {module_path}::{name}\n\
name =,
module_path = self.module_path,
file = self.file,
line = self.line,
fn_sql = fn_sql,
requires = {
let requires_attrs = self
.filter_map(|x| match x {
ExternArgs::Requires(requirements) => Some(requirements),
_ => None,
if !requires_attrs.is_empty() {
"-- requires:\n{}\n",
.map(|i| format!("-- {}", i))
} else {
let rendered = if let Some(op) = &self.operator {
let mut optionals = vec![];
if let Some(it) = op.commutator {
optionals.push(format!("\tCOMMUTATOR = {}", it));
if let Some(it) = op.negator {
optionals.push(format!("\tNEGATOR = {}", it));
if let Some(it) = op.restrict {
optionals.push(format!("\tRESTRICT = {}", it));
if let Some(it) = op.join {
optionals.push(format!("\tJOIN = {}", it));
if op.hashes {
if op.merges {
let left_arg =
self.metadata.arguments.get(0).ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("Did not find `left_arg` for operator `{}`.",
let left_fn_arg = self
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Did not find `left_arg` for operator `{}`.",;
let left_arg_graph_index = context
.find(|neighbor| match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(ty) => ty.id_matches(&left_fn_arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(en) => en.id_matches(&left_fn_arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => defined == &left_arg.type_name,
_ => false,
.ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("Could not find left arg type in graph. Got: {:?}", left_arg)
let left_arg_sql = match left_arg.argument_sql {
Ok(SqlMapping::As(ref sql)) => sql.clone(),
Ok(SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets }) => {
if array_brackets {
let composite_type = self.fn_args[0].used_ty.composite_type
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?;
} else {
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?.to_string()
Ok(SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets }) => {
if array_brackets {
let composite_type = context
"Found a source only mapping but no source mapping exists for this"
} else {
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?.to_string()
Ok(SqlMapping::Skip) => {
return Err(eyre!(
"Found an skipped SQL type in an operator, this is not valid"
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
let right_arg =
self.metadata.arguments.get(1).ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("Did not find `left_arg` for operator `{}`.",
let right_fn_arg = self
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Did not find `left_arg` for operator `{}`.",;
let right_arg_graph_index = context
.find(|neighbor| match &context.graph[*neighbor] {
SqlGraphEntity::Type(ty) => ty.id_matches(&right_fn_arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::Enum(en) => en.id_matches(&right_fn_arg.used_ty.ty_id),
SqlGraphEntity::BuiltinType(defined) => defined == &right_arg.type_name,
_ => false,
.ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("Could not find right arg type in graph. Got: {:?}", right_arg)
let right_arg_sql = match right_arg.argument_sql {
Ok(SqlMapping::As(ref sql)) => sql.clone(),
Ok(SqlMapping::Composite { array_brackets }) => {
if array_brackets {
let composite_type = self.fn_args[1].used_ty.composite_type
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?;
} else {
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?.to_string()
Ok(SqlMapping::Source { array_brackets }) => {
if array_brackets {
let composite_type = context
"Found a source only mapping but no source mapping exists for this"
} else {
.ok_or(eyre!("Found a composite type but macro expansion time did not reveal a name, use `pgrx::composite_type!()`"))?.to_string()
Ok(SqlMapping::Skip) => {
return Err(eyre!(
"Found an skipped SQL type in an operator, this is not valid"
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
let operator_sql = format!("\n\n\
-- {file}:{line}\n\
-- {module_path}::{name}\n\
CREATE OPERATOR {opname} (\n\
\tLEFTARG={schema_prefix_left}{left_arg}, /* {left_name} */\n\
\tRIGHTARG={schema_prefix_right}{right_arg}{maybe_comma} /* {right_name} */\n\
opname = op.opname.unwrap(),
file = self.file,
line = self.line,
name =,
module_path = self.module_path,
left_name = left_arg.type_name,
right_name = right_arg.type_name,
schema_prefix_left = context.schema_prefix_for(&left_arg_graph_index),
left_arg = left_arg_sql,
schema_prefix_right = context.schema_prefix_for(&right_arg_graph_index),
right_arg = right_arg_sql,
maybe_comma = if optionals.len() >= 1 { "," } else { "" },
optionals = if !optionals.is_empty() { optionals.join(",\n") + "\n" } else { "".to_string() },
ext_sql + &operator_sql
} else {