[][src]Attribute Macro pin_project_internal::pinned_drop


An attribute for annotating a function that implements Drop.

This attribute is only needed when you wish to provide a Drop impl for your type. The function annotated with #[pinned_drop] acts just like a normal drop impl, except for the fact that it takes Pin<&mut Self>. In particular, it will never be called more than once, just like Drop::drop.


use pin_project::{pin_project, pinned_drop};
use std::pin::Pin;

struct Foo {
    #[pin] field: u8

fn my_drop(foo: Pin<&mut Foo>) {
    println!("Dropping: {}", foo.field);

fn main() {
    Foo { field: 50 };

See "pinned-drop" section of pin_project attribute for more details.