name | Parameter name. When this value is set, it means that this is an OpenAPI parameter type. | string | Y |
in | Where to parse the parameter. The possible values are “query”, “path”, “header”, “cookie”. | string | Y |
extract | It means that this parameter is a Poem extractor. | bool | Y |
desc | Argument description | string | Y |
deprecated | Argument deprecated | bool | Y |
multiple_of | The value of “multiple_of” MUST be a number, strictly greater than 0. A numeric instance is only valid if division by this value results in an integer. | number | Y |
maximum | The value of “maximum” MUST be a number, representing an upper limit for a numeric instance. If exclusive is true and instance is less than the provided value, or else if the instance is less than or exactly equal to the provided value. | { value: <number> , exclusive: <bool> } | Y |
minimum | The value of “minimum” MUST be a number, representing a lower limit for a numeric instance. If exclusive is true and instance is greater than the provided value, or else if the instance is greater than or exactly equal to the provided value. | { value: <number> , exclusive: <bool> } | Y |
max_length | The value of “max_length” MUST be a non-negative integer. A string instance is valid against this validator if its length is less than, or equal to, the value. | usize | Y |
min_length | The value of “min_length” MUST be a non-negative integer. The value of this validator MUST be an integer. This integer MUST be greater than, or equal to, 0. | usize | Y |
pattern | The value of “pattern” MUST be a string. This string SHOULD be a valid regular expression, according to the ECMA 262 regular expression dialect. A string instance is considered valid if the regular expression matches the instance successfully. | string | Y |
max_items | The value of “max_items” MUST be an integer. This integer MUST be greater than, or equal to, 0. An array instance is valid if its size is less than, or equal to, the value of this validator. | usize | Y |
min_items | The value of “min_items” MUST be an integer. This integer MUST be greater than, or equal to, 0. An array instance is valid if its size is greater than, or equal to, the value of this validator. | usize | Y |