use poem::{web::StaticFileResponse, Body};
use crate::{
payload::{Binary, Payload},
registry::{MetaHeader, MetaMediaType, MetaResponse, MetaResponses, Registry},
const ETAG_DESCRIPTION: &str = r#"The ETag (or entity tag) HTTP response header is an identifier for a specific version of a resource. It lets caches be more efficient and save bandwidth, as a web server does not need to resend a full response if the content was not changed. Additionally, etags help to prevent simultaneous updates of a resource from overwriting each other ("mid-air collisions")."#;
const LAST_MODIFIED_DESCRIPTION: &str = r#"The Last-Modified response HTTP header contains a date and time when the origin server believes the resource was last modified. It is used as a validator to determine if the resource is the same as the previously stored one. Less accurate than an ETag header, it is a fallback mechanism. Conditional requests containing If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since headers make use of this field."#;
const CONTENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION: &str = r#"The Content-Type representation header is used to indicate the original media type of the resource (prior to any content encoding applied for sending)."#;
impl ApiResponse for StaticFileResponse {
fn meta() -> MetaResponses {
MetaResponses {
responses: vec![
MetaResponse {
description: "",
status: Some(200),
content: vec![MetaMediaType {
content_type: Binary::<Body>::CONTENT_TYPE,
schema: Binary::<Body>::schema_ref(),
headers: vec![MetaHeader {
name: "etag".to_string(),
description: Some(ETAG_DESCRIPTION.to_string()),
required: false,
deprecated: false,
schema: String::schema_ref(),
}, MetaHeader {
name: "last-modified".to_string(),
description: Some(LAST_MODIFIED_DESCRIPTION.to_string()),
required: false,
deprecated: false,
schema: String::schema_ref(),
}, MetaHeader {
name: "content-type".to_string(),
description: Some(CONTENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION.to_string()),
required: false,
deprecated: false,
schema: String::schema_ref(),
MetaResponse {
description: "Not modified",
status: Some(304),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
MetaResponse {
description: "Bad request",
status: Some(400),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
MetaResponse {
description: "Resource was not found",
status: Some(404),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
MetaResponse {
description: "Precondition failed",
status: Some(412),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
MetaResponse {
description: "The Content-Range response HTTP header indicates where in a full body message a partial message belongs.",
status: Some(416),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
}, MetaResponse {
description: "Internal server error",
status: Some(500),
content: vec![],
headers: vec![],
fn register(_registry: &mut Registry) {}