Module polars_core::chunked_array::ops[][src]

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Traits for miscellaneous operations on ChunkedArray





One of the three arguments allowed in unchecked_take


Argmin/ Argmax

Aggregation operations

Fastest way to do elementwise operations on a ChunkedArray when the operation is cheaper than branching due to null checking

Apply kernels on the arrow array chunks in a ChunkedArray.

Cast ChunkedArray<T> to ChunkedArray<N>

Compare Series and ChunkedArray’s and get a boolean mask that can be used to filter rows.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Explode/ flatten a

Replace None values with various strategies

Replace None values with a value

Filter values by a boolean mask.

Fill a ChunkedArray with one value.

Find local minima/ maxima

Reverse a ChunkedArray


This differs from ChunkWindowCustom and ChunkWindow by not using a fold aggregator, but reusing a Series wrapper and calling Series aggregators. This likely is a bit slower than ChunkWindow

Create a ChunkedArray with new values by index or by boolean mask. Note that these operations clone data. This is however the only way we can modify at mask or index level as the underlying Arrow arrays are immutable.

Shift the values of a ChunkedArray by a number of periods.

Sort operations on ChunkedArray.

Fast access by index.

Traverse and collect every nth element

Get unique values in a ChunkedArray

Variance and standard deviation aggregation.

Combine 2 ChunkedArrays based on some predicate.


Create a type that implements a faster TakeRandom.


Mask the first unique values as true


Check if element is member of list array


Mask the last unique values as true


Repeat the values n times.


Concat the values into a string array.

Random access

Type Definitions

Dummy type, we need to instantiate all generic types, so we fill one with a dummy.