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//! # Changelog v0.7
//! * More group by aggregations:
//! - n_unique
//! - quantile
//! - median
//! - last
//! - group indexes
//! - agg (combined aggregations)
//! * explode operation
//! * melt operation
//! * df! macro
//! * Rem trait implemented for Series and ChunkedArrays
//! * ChunkedArrays broadcasting arithmetic
//! * ChunkedArray/Series `zip_with` operation
//! * ChunkedArray/Series `expand_at_index` operation
//! * laziness api initiated.
//! - Predicate pushdown optimizer
//! - Projection pushdown optimizer
//! - Type coercion optimizer
//! - Selection (filter, where clause)
//! - Projection (select foo from bar)
//! - Aggregation (groupby)
//! - all eager aggregations supported
//! - Joins
//! - WithColumn operation
//! - DSL
//! * (col, lit, lt, lt_eq, alias, etc.)
//! * arithmetic
//! * when / then /otherwise
//! * 1.3-1.7 performance increase of filter
//! * ChunkedArray/ Series creation speedup: No nulls: 10X speedup, Nulls: 1.1-2.2x speedup.