conversion.rsuse arrow::temporal_conversions::*;
use chrono::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
pub(crate) const NS_IN_DAY: i64 = 86_400_000_000_000;
pub(crate) const US_IN_DAY: i64 = 86_400_000_000;
pub(crate) const MS_IN_DAY: i64 = 86_400_000;
pub(crate) const SECONDS_IN_DAY: i64 = 86_400;
impl From<&AnyValue<'_>> for NaiveDateTime {
fn from(v: &AnyValue) -> Self {
match v {
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-date")]
AnyValue::Date(v) => date32_to_datetime(*v),
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-datetime")]
AnyValue::Datetime(v, tu, _) => match tu {
TimeUnit::Nanoseconds => timestamp_ns_to_datetime(*v),
TimeUnit::Microseconds => timestamp_us_to_datetime(*v),
TimeUnit::Milliseconds => timestamp_ms_to_datetime(*v),
_ => panic!("can only convert date/datetime to NaiveDateTime"),
impl From<&AnyValue<'_>> for NaiveTime {
fn from(v: &AnyValue) -> Self {
match v {
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-time")]
AnyValue::Time(v) => time64ns_to_time(*v),
_ => panic!("can only convert date/datetime to NaiveTime"),
pub fn datetime_to_timestamp_ns(v: NaiveDateTime) -> i64 {
pub fn datetime_to_timestamp_ms(v: NaiveDateTime) -> i64 {
pub fn datetime_to_timestamp_us(v: NaiveDateTime) -> i64 {
let us = v.and_utc().timestamp() * 1_000_000;
us + v.and_utc().timestamp_subsec_micros() as i64
pub(crate) fn naive_datetime_to_date(v: NaiveDateTime) -> i32 {
(datetime_to_timestamp_ms(v) / (MILLISECONDS * SECONDS_IN_DAY)) as i32
pub fn get_strftime_format(fmt: &str, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<String> {
if fmt == "polars" && !matches!(dtype, DataType::Duration(_)) {
polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "'polars' is not a valid `to_string` format for {} dtype expressions", dtype);
} else {
let format_string = if fmt != "iso" && fmt != "iso:strict" {
} else {
let sep = if fmt == "iso" { " " } else { "T" };
match dtype {
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-datetime")]
DataType::Datetime(tu, tz) => match (tu, tz.is_some()) {
(TimeUnit::Milliseconds, true) => format!("%F{}%T%.3f%:z", sep),
(TimeUnit::Milliseconds, false) => format!("%F{}%T%.3f", sep),
(TimeUnit::Microseconds, true) => format!("%F{}%T%.6f%:z", sep),
(TimeUnit::Microseconds, false) => format!("%F{}%T%.6f", sep),
(TimeUnit::Nanoseconds, true) => format!("%F{}%T%.9f%:z", sep),
(TimeUnit::Nanoseconds, false) => format!("%F{}%T%.9f", sep),
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-date")]
DataType::Date => "%F".to_string(),
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-time")]
DataType::Time => "%T%.f".to_string(),
_ => {
let err = format!(
"invalid call to `get_strftime_format`; fmt={:?}, dtype={}",
fmt, dtype
unimplemented!("{}", err)