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use super::*;
/// Create a Column Expression based on a column name.
/// # Arguments
/// * `name` - A string slice that holds the name of the column. If a column with this name does not exist when the
/// LazyFrame is collected, an error is returned.
/// # Examples
/// ```ignore
/// // select a column name
/// col("foo")
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// // select all columns by using a wildcard
/// col("*")
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// // select specific column by writing a regular expression that starts with `^` and ends with `$`
/// // only if regex features is activated
/// col("^foo.*$")
/// ```
pub fn col(name: &str) -> Expr {
match name {
"*" => Expr::Wildcard,
_ => Expr::Column(Arc::from(name)),
/// Selects all columns. Shorthand for `col("*")`.
pub fn all() -> Expr {
/// Select multiple columns by name.
pub fn cols<I: IntoVec<String>>(names: I) -> Expr {
let names = names.into_vec();
/// Select multiple columns by dtype.
pub fn dtype_col(dtype: &DataType) -> Expr {
/// Select multiple columns by dtype.
pub fn dtype_cols<DT: AsRef<[DataType]>>(dtype: DT) -> Expr {
let dtypes = dtype.as_ref().to_vec();