use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use polars_core::prelude::*;
use crate::logical_plan::LogicalPlan::DataFrameScan;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::utils::{expr_to_leaf_column_names, get_single_leaf};
pub(crate) mod aexpr;
pub(crate) mod alp;
pub(crate) mod anonymous_scan;
mod apply;
mod builder;
mod builder_alp;
pub mod builder_functions;
pub(crate) mod conversion;
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
pub(crate) mod debug;
mod file_scan;
mod format;
mod functions;
pub(super) mod hive;
pub(crate) mod iterator;
mod lit;
pub(crate) mod optimizer;
pub(crate) mod options;
pub(crate) mod projection;
mod projection_expr;
#[cfg(feature = "python")]
mod pyarrow;
mod schema;
pub(crate) mod tree_format;
pub mod visitor;
pub use aexpr::*;
pub use alp::*;
pub use anonymous_scan::*;
pub use apply::*;
pub use builder::*;
pub use builder_alp::*;
pub use conversion::*;
pub use file_scan::*;
pub use functions::*;
pub use iterator::*;
pub use lit::*;
pub use optimizer::*;
pub use schema::*;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use strum_macros::IntoStaticStr;
use self::tree_format::{TreeFmtNode, TreeFmtVisitor};
feature = "ipc",
feature = "parquet",
feature = "csv",
feature = "cse",
feature = "json"
pub use crate::logical_plan::optimizer::file_caching::{
collect_fingerprints, find_column_union_and_fingerprints, FileCacher, FileFingerPrint,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Context {
pub(crate) struct ErrorStateUnsync {
n_times: usize,
err: PolarsError,
pub struct ErrorState(pub(crate) Arc<Mutex<ErrorStateUnsync>>);
impl std::fmt::Debug for ErrorState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let this = self.0.lock().unwrap();
.field("n_times", &this.n_times)
.field("err", &this.err)
impl From<PolarsError> for ErrorState {
fn from(err: PolarsError) -> Self {
Self(Arc::new(Mutex::new(ErrorStateUnsync { n_times: 0, err })))
impl ErrorState {
fn take(&self) -> PolarsError {
let mut this = self.0.lock().unwrap();
let ret_err = if this.n_times == 0 {
this.err.wrap_msg(&|msg| msg.to_owned())
} else {
this.err.wrap_msg(&|msg| {
let n_times = this.n_times;
let plural_s;
let was_were;
if n_times == 1 {
plural_s = "";
was_were = "was"
} else {
plural_s = "s";
was_were = "were";
"{msg}\n\nLogicalPlan had already failed with the above error; \
after failure, {n_times} additional operation{plural_s} \
{was_were} attempted on the LazyFrame",
this.n_times += 1;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum LogicalPlan {
#[cfg(feature = "python")]
PythonScan { options: PythonOptions },
Selection {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
predicate: Expr,
Cache {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
id: usize,
count: usize,
Scan {
paths: Arc<[PathBuf]>,
file_info: FileInfo,
predicate: Option<Expr>,
file_options: FileScanOptions,
scan_type: FileScan,
DataFrameScan {
df: Arc<DataFrame>,
schema: SchemaRef,
output_schema: Option<SchemaRef>,
projection: Option<Arc<Vec<String>>>,
selection: Option<Expr>,
Projection {
expr: Vec<Expr>,
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
schema: SchemaRef,
options: ProjectionOptions,
Aggregate {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
keys: Arc<Vec<Expr>>,
aggs: Vec<Expr>,
schema: SchemaRef,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
apply: Option<Arc<dyn DataFrameUdf>>,
maintain_order: bool,
options: Arc<GroupbyOptions>,
Join {
input_left: Box<LogicalPlan>,
input_right: Box<LogicalPlan>,
schema: SchemaRef,
left_on: Vec<Expr>,
right_on: Vec<Expr>,
options: Arc<JoinOptions>,
HStack {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
exprs: Vec<Expr>,
schema: SchemaRef,
options: ProjectionOptions,
Distinct {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
options: DistinctOptions,
Sort {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
by_column: Vec<Expr>,
args: SortArguments,
Slice {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
offset: i64,
len: IdxSize,
MapFunction {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
function: FunctionNode,
Union {
inputs: Vec<LogicalPlan>,
options: UnionOptions,
HConcat {
inputs: Vec<LogicalPlan>,
schema: SchemaRef,
options: HConcatOptions,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip))]
Error {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
err: ErrorState,
ExtContext {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
contexts: Vec<LogicalPlan>,
schema: SchemaRef,
Sink {
input: Box<LogicalPlan>,
payload: SinkType,
impl Default for LogicalPlan {
fn default() -> Self {
let df = DataFrame::new::<Series>(vec![]).unwrap();
let schema = df.schema();
DataFrameScan {
df: Arc::new(df),
schema: Arc::new(schema),
output_schema: None,
projection: None,
selection: None,
impl LogicalPlan {
pub fn describe(&self) -> String {
pub fn describe_tree_format(&self) -> String {
let mut visitor = TreeFmtVisitor::default();
TreeFmtNode::root_logical_plan(self).traverse(&mut visitor);
pub fn to_alp(self) -> PolarsResult<(Node, Arena<ALogicalPlan>, Arena<AExpr>)> {
let mut lp_arena = Arena::with_capacity(16);
let mut expr_arena = Arena::with_capacity(16);
let node = to_alp(self, &mut expr_arena, &mut lp_arena)?;
Ok((node, lp_arena, expr_arena))