use super::*;
use crate::{map, map_as_slice};
impl From<TemporalFunction> for SpecialEq<Arc<dyn SeriesUdf>> {
fn from(func: TemporalFunction) -> Self {
use TemporalFunction::*;
match func {
Millennium => map!(datetime::millennium),
Century => map!(datetime::century),
Year => map!(datetime::year),
IsLeapYear => map!(datetime::is_leap_year),
IsoYear => map!(datetime::iso_year),
Month => map!(datetime::month),
Quarter => map!(datetime::quarter),
Week => map!(datetime::week),
WeekDay => map!(datetime::weekday),
Duration(tu) => map_as_slice!(datetime::duration, tu),
Day => map!(datetime::day),
OrdinalDay => map!(datetime::ordinal_day),
Time => map!(datetime::time),
Date => map!(datetime::date),
Datetime => map!(datetime::datetime),
Hour => map!(datetime::hour),
Minute => map!(datetime::minute),
Second => map!(datetime::second),
Millisecond => map!(datetime::millisecond),
Microsecond => map!(datetime::microsecond),
Nanosecond => map!(datetime::nanosecond),
TotalDays => map!(datetime::total_days),
TotalHours => map!(datetime::total_hours),
TotalMinutes => map!(datetime::total_minutes),
TotalSeconds => map!(datetime::total_seconds),
TotalMilliseconds => map!(datetime::total_milliseconds),
TotalMicroseconds => map!(datetime::total_microseconds),
TotalNanoseconds => map!(datetime::total_nanoseconds),
ToString(format) => map!(datetime::to_string, &format),
TimeStamp(tu) => map!(datetime::timestamp, tu),
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
ConvertTimeZone(tz) => map!(datetime::convert_time_zone, &tz),
WithTimeUnit(tu) => map!(datetime::with_time_unit, tu),
CastTimeUnit(tu) => map!(datetime::cast_time_unit, tu),
Truncate => {
#[cfg(feature = "offset_by")]
OffsetBy => {
#[cfg(feature = "month_start")]
MonthStart => map!(datetime::month_start),
#[cfg(feature = "month_end")]
MonthEnd => map!(datetime::month_end),
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
BaseUtcOffset => map!(datetime::base_utc_offset),
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
DSTOffset => map!(datetime::dst_offset),
Round => map_as_slice!(datetime::round),
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
ReplaceTimeZone(tz, non_existent) => {
map_as_slice!(dispatch::replace_time_zone, tz.as_deref(), non_existent)
Combine(tu) => map_as_slice!(temporal::combine, tu),
DatetimeFunction {
} => {
map_as_slice!(temporal::datetime, &time_unit, time_zone.as_deref())
pub(super) fn datetime(
s: &[Series],
time_unit: &TimeUnit,
time_zone: Option<&str>,
) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
use polars_core::export::chrono::NaiveDate;
use polars_core::utils::CustomIterTools;
let year = &s[0];
let month = &s[1];
let day = &s[2];
let hour = &s[3];
let minute = &s[4];
let second = &s[5];
let microsecond = &s[6];
let ambiguous = &s[7];
let max_len = s.iter().map(|s| s.len()).max().unwrap();
let mut year = year.cast(&DataType::Int32)?;
if year.len() < max_len {
year = year.new_from_index(0, max_len)
let year = year.i32()?;
let mut month = month.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if month.len() < max_len {
month = month.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let month = month.u32()?;
let mut day = day.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if day.len() < max_len {
day = day.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let day = day.u32()?;
let mut hour = hour.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if hour.len() < max_len {
hour = hour.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let hour = hour.u32()?;
let mut minute = minute.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if minute.len() < max_len {
minute = minute.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let minute = minute.u32()?;
let mut second = second.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if second.len() < max_len {
second = second.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let second = second.u32()?;
let mut microsecond = microsecond.cast(&DataType::UInt32)?;
if microsecond.len() < max_len {
microsecond = microsecond.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let microsecond = microsecond.u32()?;
let mut _ambiguous = ambiguous.cast(&DataType::String)?;
if _ambiguous.len() < max_len {
_ambiguous = _ambiguous.new_from_index(0, max_len);
let _ambiguous = _ambiguous.str()?;
let ca: Int64Chunked = year
.map(|((((((y, m), d), h), mnt), s), us)| {
if let (Some(y), Some(m), Some(d), Some(h), Some(mnt), Some(s), Some(us)) =
(y, m, d, h, mnt, s, us)
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(y, m, d)
.and_then(|nd| nd.and_hms_micro_opt(h, mnt, s, us))
.map(|ndt| match time_unit {
TimeUnit::Milliseconds => ndt.and_utc().timestamp_millis(),
TimeUnit::Microseconds => ndt.and_utc().timestamp_micros(),
TimeUnit::Nanoseconds => ndt.and_utc().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(),
} else {
let ca = match time_zone {
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
Some(_) => {
let mut ca = ca.into_datetime(*time_unit, None);
ca = replace_time_zone(&ca, time_zone, _ambiguous, NonExistent::Raise)?;
_ => {
ComputeError: "cannot make use of the `time_zone` argument without the 'timezones' feature enabled."
ca.into_datetime(*time_unit, None)
let mut s = ca.into_series();
pub(super) fn combine(s: &[Series], tu: TimeUnit) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
let date = &s[0];
let time = &s[1];
let tz = match date.dtype() {
DataType::Date => None,
DataType::Datetime(_, tz) => tz.as_ref(),
_dtype => {
polars_bail!(ComputeError: format!("expected Date or Datetime, got {}", _dtype))
let date = date.cast(&DataType::Date)?;
let datetime = date.cast(&DataType::Datetime(tu, None)).unwrap();
let duration = time.cast(&DataType::Duration(tu))?;
let result_naive = datetime + duration;
match tz {
#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
Some(tz) => Ok(polars_ops::prelude::replace_time_zone(
_ => result_naive,