construction.rsuse polars::frame::row::{rows_to_schema_supertypes, rows_to_supertypes, Row};
use polars::prelude::*;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::PyDict;
use super::PyDataFrame;
use crate::conversion::any_value::py_object_to_any_value;
use crate::conversion::{vec_extract_wrapped, Wrap};
use crate::error::PyPolarsErr;
use crate::interop;
impl PyDataFrame {
#[pyo3(signature = (data, schema=None, infer_schema_length=None))]
pub fn from_rows(
py: Python,
data: Vec<Wrap<Row>>,
schema: Option<Wrap<Schema>>,
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<Self> {
let data = vec_extract_wrapped(data);
let schema = schema.map(|wrap| wrap.0);
py.allow_threads(move || finish_from_rows(data, schema, None, infer_schema_length))
#[pyo3(signature = (data, schema=None, schema_overrides=None, strict=true, infer_schema_length=None))]
pub fn from_dicts(
py: Python,
data: &Bound<PyAny>,
schema: Option<Wrap<Schema>>,
schema_overrides: Option<Wrap<Schema>>,
strict: bool,
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<Self> {
let schema = schema.map(|wrap| wrap.0);
let schema_overrides = schema_overrides.map(|wrap| wrap.0);
let names = get_schema_names(data, schema.as_ref(), infer_schema_length)?;
let rows = dicts_to_rows(data, &names, strict)?;
let schema = schema.or_else(|| {
py.allow_threads(move || {
finish_from_rows(rows, schema, schema_overrides, infer_schema_length)
pub fn from_arrow_record_batches(
py: Python,
rb: Vec<Bound<PyAny>>,
schema: Bound<PyAny>,
) -> PyResult<Self> {
let df = interop::arrow::to_rust::to_rust_df(py, &rb, schema)?;
fn finish_from_rows(
rows: Vec<Row>,
schema: Option<Schema>,
schema_overrides: Option<Schema>,
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<PyDataFrame> {
let mut schema = if let Some(mut schema) = schema {
resolve_schema_overrides(&mut schema, schema_overrides);
update_schema_from_rows(&mut schema, &rows, infer_schema_length)?;
} else {
rows_to_schema_supertypes(&rows, infer_schema_length).map_err(PyPolarsErr::from)?
erase_decimal_precision_scale(&mut schema);
let df = DataFrame::from_rows_and_schema(&rows, &schema).map_err(PyPolarsErr::from)?;
fn update_schema_from_rows(
schema: &mut Schema,
rows: &[Row],
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
let schema_is_complete = schema.iter_values().all(|dtype| dtype.is_known());
if schema_is_complete {
return Ok(());
let inferred_dtypes =
rows_to_supertypes(rows, infer_schema_length).map_err(PyPolarsErr::from)?;
let inferred_dtypes_slice = inferred_dtypes.as_slice();
for (i, dtype) in schema.iter_values_mut().enumerate() {
if !dtype.is_known() {
*dtype = inferred_dtypes_slice.get(i).ok_or_else(|| {
polars_err!(SchemaMismatch: "the number of columns in the schema does not match the data")
fn resolve_schema_overrides(schema: &mut Schema, schema_overrides: Option<Schema>) {
if let Some(overrides) = schema_overrides {
for (name, dtype) in overrides.into_iter() {
schema.set_dtype(name.as_str(), dtype);
fn erase_decimal_precision_scale(schema: &mut Schema) {
for dtype in schema.iter_values_mut() {
if let DataType::Decimal(_, _) = dtype {
*dtype = DataType::Decimal(None, None)
fn columns_names_to_empty_schema<'a, I>(column_names: I) -> Schema
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
let fields = column_names
.map(|c| Field::new(c.into(), DataType::Unknown(Default::default())));
fn dicts_to_rows<'a>(
data: &Bound<'a, PyAny>,
names: &'a [String],
strict: bool,
) -> PyResult<Vec<Row<'a>>> {
let len = data.len()?;
let mut rows = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for d in data.try_iter()? {
let d = d?;
let d = d.downcast::<PyDict>()?;
let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(names.len());
for k in names.iter() {
let val = match d.get_item(k)? {
None => AnyValue::Null,
Some(val) => py_object_to_any_value(&val.as_borrowed(), strict, true)?,
fn get_schema_names(
data: &Bound<PyAny>,
schema: Option<&Schema>,
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<Vec<String>> {
if let Some(schema) = schema {
Ok(schema.iter_names().map(|n| n.to_string()).collect())
} else {
infer_schema_names_from_data(data, infer_schema_length)
fn infer_schema_names_from_data(
data: &Bound<PyAny>,
infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
) -> PyResult<Vec<String>> {
let data_len = data.len()?;
let infer_schema_length = infer_schema_length
.map(|n| std::cmp::max(1, n))
let mut names = PlIndexSet::new();
for d in data.try_iter()?.take(infer_schema_length) {
let d = d?;
let d = d.downcast::<PyDict>()?;
let keys = d.keys();
for name in keys {
let name = name.extract::<String>()?;