use polars::prelude::*;
use pyo3::ffi::Py_uintptr_t;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyList};
use crate::py_modules::polars;
use crate::series::PySeries;
use crate::{PyExpr, Wrap};
pub(crate) trait ToSeries {
fn to_series(
py: Python,
py_polars_module: &Py<PyModule>,
name: &str,
) -> PolarsResult<Series>;
impl ToSeries for PyObject {
fn to_series(
py: Python,
py_polars_module: &Py<PyModule>,
name: &str,
) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
let py_pyseries = match self.getattr(py, "_s") {
Ok(s) => s,
_ => {
let res = py_polars_module
.getattr(py, "Series")
.call1(py, (name, PyList::new(py, [self]).unwrap()));
match res {
Ok(python_s) => python_s.getattr(py, "_s").unwrap(),
Err(_) => {
"expected a something that could convert to a `Series` but got: {}",
let s = match py_pyseries.extract::<PySeries>(py) {
Ok(pyseries) => pyseries.series,
Err(_) => {
use arrow::ffi;
let kwargs = PyDict::new(py);
kwargs.set_item("in_place", true).unwrap();
.call_method(py, "rechunk", (), Some(&kwargs))
.map_err(|e| polars_err!(ComputeError: "could not rechunk: {e}"))?;
let array = Box::new(ffi::ArrowArray::empty());
let schema = Box::new(ffi::ArrowSchema::empty());
let array_ptr = &*array as *const ffi::ArrowArray;
let schema_ptr = &*schema as *const ffi::ArrowSchema;
(array_ptr as Py_uintptr_t, schema_ptr as Py_uintptr_t),
.map_err(|e| polars_err!(ComputeError: "{e}"))?;
unsafe {
let field = ffi::import_field_from_c(schema.as_ref())?;
let array = ffi::import_array_from_c(*array, field.dtype)?;
Series::from_arrow(, array)?
pub(crate) fn call_lambda_with_series(
py: Python,
s: Series,
lambda: &PyObject,
) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let pypolars = polars(py).bind(py);
let pyseries = PySeries::new(s);
let python_series_wrapper = pypolars
lambda.call1(py, (python_series_wrapper,))
pub(crate) fn binary_lambda(
lambda: &PyObject,
a: Series,
b: Series,
) -> PolarsResult<Option<Series>> {
Python::with_gil(|py| {
let pypolars = polars(py).bind(py);
let pyseries_a = PySeries::new(a);
let pyseries_b = PySeries::new(b);
let python_series_wrapper_a = pypolars
let python_series_wrapper_b = pypolars
let result_series_wrapper =
match lambda.call1(py, (python_series_wrapper_a, python_series_wrapper_b)) {
Ok(pyobj) => pyobj,
Err(e) => polars_bail!(
ComputeError: "custom python function failed: {}", e.value(py),
let pyseries = if let Ok(expr) = result_series_wrapper.getattr(py, "_pyexpr") {
let pyexpr = expr.extract::<PyExpr>(py).unwrap();
let expr = pyexpr.inner;
let df = DataFrame::empty();
let out = df
let s = out.select_at_idx(0).unwrap().clone();
} else {
return Some(result_series_wrapper.to_series(py, pypolars.as_unbound(), ""))
pub fn map_single(
pyexpr: &PyExpr,
lambda: PyObject,
output_type: Option<Wrap<DataType>>,
agg_list: bool,
is_elementwise: bool,
returns_scalar: bool,
) -> PyExpr {
let output_type =|wrap| wrap.0);
let func =
python_udf::PythonUdfExpression::new(lambda, output_type, is_elementwise, returns_scalar);
pyexpr.inner.clone().map_python(func, agg_list).into()
pub(crate) fn call_lambda_with_columns_slice(
py: Python,
s: &[Column],
lambda: &PyObject,
pypolars: &Py<PyModule>,
) -> PyObject {
let pypolars = pypolars.bind(py);
let iter = s.iter().map(|s| {
let ps = PySeries::new(s.as_materialized_series().clone());
let python_series_wrapper = pypolars.getattr("wrap_s").unwrap().call1((ps,)).unwrap();
let wrapped_s = PyList::new(py, iter).unwrap();
match lambda.call1(py, (wrapped_s,)) {
Ok(pyobj) => pyobj,
Err(e) => panic!("python function failed: {}", e.value(py)),
pub fn map_mul(
pyexpr: &[PyExpr],
py: Python,
lambda: PyObject,
output_type: Option<Wrap<DataType>>,
map_groups: bool,
returns_scalar: bool,
) -> PyExpr {
let pypolars = polars(py).clone_ref(py);
let function = move |s: &mut [Column]| {
Python::with_gil(|py| {
let out = call_lambda_with_columns_slice(py, s, &lambda, &pypolars);
if map_groups && out.is_none(py) {
return Ok(None);
Ok(Some(out.to_series(py, &pypolars, "")?.into_column()))
let exprs = pyexpr.iter().map(|pe| pe.clone().inner).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let output_map = GetOutput::map_field(move |fld| {
Ok(match output_type {
Some(ref dt) => Field::new(, dt.0.clone()),
None => fld.clone(),
if map_groups {
polars::lazy::dsl::apply_multiple(function, exprs, output_map, returns_scalar).into()
} else {
polars::lazy::dsl::map_multiple(function, exprs, output_map).into()