macro_rules! endpoint {
($tyname:ident, $req:ty, $resp:ty) => {
endpoint!($tyname, $req, $resp, stringify!($tyname));
($tyname:ident, $req:ty, $resp:ty, $path:expr,) => {
endpoint!($tyname, $req, $resp, $path)
($tyname:ident, $req:ty, $resp:ty, $path:expr) => {
pub struct $tyname;
impl $crate::Endpoint for $tyname {
type Request = $req;
type Response = $resp;
const PATH: &'static str = $path;
const REQ_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$req>($path);
const RESP_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$resp>($path);
macro_rules! endpoints {
(@ep_tys $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
$crate::endpoints!(@ep_tys omit_std=false; $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*)
(@ep_tys omit_std=true; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const LISTS: &[&[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType]] = &[
$crate::unique_types!(<$ep_name as $crate::Endpoint>::Request),
$crate::unique_types!(<$ep_name as $crate::Endpoint>::Response),
const TTL_COUNT: usize = $crate::uniques::total_len(LISTS);
const BIG_RPT: ([Option<&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType>; TTL_COUNT], usize) = $crate::uniques::merge_nty_lists(LISTS);
const SMALL_RPT: [&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType; BIG_RPT.1] = $crate::uniques::cruncher(BIG_RPT.0.as_slice());
(@ep_tys omit_std=false; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const USER_TYS: &[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType] =
$crate::endpoints!(@ep_tys omit_std=true; $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*);
const STD_TYS: &[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType]
= $crate::standard_icd::STANDARD_ICD_ENDPOINTS.types;
const BOTH: &[&[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType]] = &[
const TTL_COUNT: usize = $crate::uniques::total_len(BOTH);
const BIG_RPT: ([Option<&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType>; TTL_COUNT], usize) = $crate::uniques::merge_nty_lists(BOTH);
const SMALL_RPT: [&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType; BIG_RPT.1] = $crate::uniques::cruncher(BIG_RPT.0.as_slice());
(@ep_eps $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
$crate::endpoints!(@ep_eps omit_std=false; $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*)
(@ep_eps omit_std=true; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
<$ep_name as $crate::Endpoint>::PATH,
<$ep_name as $crate::Endpoint>::REQ_KEY,
<$ep_name as $crate::Endpoint>::RESP_KEY,
(@ep_eps omit_std=false; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $ep_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const USER_EPS: &[(&str, $crate::Key, $crate::Key)] =
$crate::endpoints!(@ep_eps omit_std=true; $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*);
const NULL_KEY: $crate::Key = unsafe { $crate::Key::from_bytes([0u8; 8]) };
const STD_EPS: &[(&str, $crate::Key, $crate::Key)] =
$crate::concat_arrays! {
init = ("", NULL_KEY, NULL_KEY);
ty = (&str, $crate::Key, $crate::Key);
list = $list_name:ident;
$(omit_std = $omit:tt;)?
| EndpointTy | RequestTy | ResponseTy | Path | $( Cfg |)?
| $(-)* | $(-)* | $(-)* | $(-)* | $($(-)* |)?
$( | $ep_name:ident | $req_ty:tt $(< $($req_lt:lifetime),+ >)? | $resp_ty:tt $(< $($resp_lt:lifetime),+ >)? | $path_str:literal | $($meta:meta)? $(|)? )*
) => {
pub struct $ep_name < $($($req_lt,)+)? $($($resp_lt,)+)? > {
_plt_req: core::marker::PhantomData<($(& $req_lt (),)+)>,
_plt_resp: core::marker::PhantomData<($(& $resp_lt (),)+)>,
_priv: core::marker::PhantomData<()>,
impl < $($($req_lt,)+)? $($($resp_lt,)+)? > $crate::Endpoint for $ep_name < $($($req_lt,)+)? $($($resp_lt,)+)? > {
type Request = $req_ty $(< $($req_lt,)+ >)?;
type Response = $resp_ty $(< $($resp_lt,)+ >)?;
const PATH: &'static str = $path_str;
const REQ_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$req_ty>($path_str);
const RESP_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$resp_ty>($path_str);
pub const $list_name: $crate::EndpointMap = $crate::EndpointMap {
types: $crate::endpoints!(@ep_tys $(omit_std = $omit;)? $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*),
endpoints: $crate::endpoints!(@ep_eps $(omit_std = $omit;)? $([[$($meta)?] $ep_name])*),
macro_rules! topic {
($tyname:ident, $msg:ty) => {
topic!($tyname, $msg, stringify!($tyname));
($tyname:ident, $msg:ty, $path:expr,) => {
topic!($tyname, $msg, $path)
($tyname:ident, $msg:ty, $path:expr) => {
pub struct $tyname;
impl $crate::Topic for $tyname {
type Message = $msg;
const PATH: &'static str = $path;
const TOPIC_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$msg>($path);
macro_rules! topics {
(@tp_tys ( $dir:expr ) $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
$crate::topics!(@tp_tys ( $dir ) omit_std=false; $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*)
(@tp_tys ( $dir:expr ) omit_std=true; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const LISTS: &[&[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType]] = &[
$crate::unique_types!(<$tp_name as $crate::Topic>::Message),
const TTL_COUNT: usize = $crate::uniques::total_len(LISTS);
const BIG_RPT: ([Option<&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType>; TTL_COUNT], usize) = $crate::uniques::merge_nty_lists(LISTS);
const SMALL_RPT: [&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType; BIG_RPT.1] = $crate::uniques::cruncher(BIG_RPT.0.as_slice());
(@tp_tys ( $dir:expr ) omit_std=false; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const USER_TYS: &[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType] =
$crate::topics!(@tp_tys ( $dir ) omit_std=true; $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*);
const STD_TYS: &[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType] = const {
match $dir {
$crate::TopicDirection::ToServer => $crate::standard_icd::STANDARD_ICD_TOPICS_IN.types,
$crate::TopicDirection::ToClient => $crate::standard_icd::STANDARD_ICD_TOPICS_OUT.types,
const BOTH: &[&[&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType]] = &[
const TTL_COUNT: usize = $crate::uniques::total_len(BOTH);
const BIG_RPT: ([Option<&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType>; TTL_COUNT], usize) = $crate::uniques::merge_nty_lists(BOTH);
const SMALL_RPT: [&'static postcard_schema::schema::NamedType; BIG_RPT.1] = $crate::uniques::cruncher(BIG_RPT.0.as_slice());
(@tp_tps ( $dir:expr ) $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
$crate::topics!(@tp_tps ( $dir ) omit_std=false; $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*)
(@tp_tps ( $dir:expr ) omit_std=true; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
<$tp_name as $crate::Topic>::PATH,
<$tp_name as $crate::Topic>::TOPIC_KEY,
(@tp_tps ( $dir:expr ) omit_std=false; $([[$($meta:meta)?] $tp_name:ident])*) => {
const {
const USER_TPS: &[(&str, $crate::Key)] =
$crate::topics!(@tp_tps ( $dir ) omit_std=true; $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*);
const NULL_KEY: $crate::Key = unsafe { $crate::Key::from_bytes([0u8; 8]) };
const STD_TPS: &[(&str, $crate::Key)] = const {
match $dir {
$crate::TopicDirection::ToServer => $crate::standard_icd::STANDARD_ICD_TOPICS_IN.topics,
$crate::TopicDirection::ToClient => $crate::standard_icd::STANDARD_ICD_TOPICS_OUT.topics,
$crate::concat_arrays! {
init = ("", NULL_KEY);
ty = (&str, $crate::Key);
list = $list_name:ident;
direction = $direction:expr;
$(omit_std = $omit:tt;)?
| TopicTy | MessageTy | Path | $( Cfg |)?
| $(-)* | $(-)* | $(-)* | $($(-)* |)?
$(| $tp_name:ident | $msg_ty:tt $(< $($msg_lt:lifetime),+ >)? | $path_str:literal | $($meta:meta)? $(|)?)*
) => {
pub struct $tp_name $(< $($msg_lt,)+ >)? {
_plt: core::marker::PhantomData<($(& $msg_lt (),)+)>,
_priv: core::marker::PhantomData<()>,
impl $(< $($msg_lt),+ >)? $crate::Topic for $tp_name $(< $($msg_lt,)+ >)? {
type Message = $msg_ty $(< $($msg_lt,)+ >)?;
const PATH: &'static str = $path_str;
const TOPIC_KEY: $crate::Key = $crate::Key::for_path::<$msg_ty>($path_str);
pub const $list_name: $crate::TopicMap = $crate::TopicMap {
direction: $direction,
types: $crate::topics!(@tp_tys ( $direction ) $(omit_std = $omit;)? $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*),
topics: $crate::topics!(@tp_tps ( $direction ) $(omit_std = $omit;)? $([[$($meta)?] $tp_name])*),
macro_rules! concat_arrays {
init = $init:expr;
ty = $tyname:ty;
) => {
const {
const SLI: &[&[$tyname]] = &[
const LEN: usize = $crate::uniques::total_len(SLI);
const ARR: [$tyname; LEN] = $crate::uniques::combine_with_copy(SLI, $init);
mod concat_test {
fn concats() {
const A: &[u32] = &[1, 2, 3];
const B: &[u32] = &[4, 5, 6];
const BOTH: &[u32] = concat_arrays!(
init = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
ty = u32;
[A, B]
assert_eq!(BOTH, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
macro_rules! sender_fmt {
($sender:ident, $($arg:tt)*) => {
($($arg:tt)*) => {
compile_error!("You must pass the sender to `sender_log`!");
mod endpoints_test {
use postcard_schema::{schema::owned::OwnedNamedType, Schema};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
pub struct AReq(pub u8);
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
pub struct AResp(pub u16);
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Schema)]
pub struct BTopic(pub u32);
endpoints! {
| EndpointTy | RequestTy | ResponseTy | Path |
| ---------- | --------- | ---------- | ---- |
| AlphaEndpoint1 | AReq | AResp | "test/alpha1" |
| AlphaEndpoint2 | AReq | AResp | "test/alpha2" |
| AlphaEndpoint3 | AReq | AResp | "test/alpha3" |
topics! {
direction = crate::TopicDirection::ToServer;
| TopicTy | MessageTy | Path |
| ---------- | --------- | ---- |
| BetaTopic1 | BTopic | "test/in/beta1" |
| BetaTopic2 | BTopic | "test/in/beta2" |
| BetaTopic3 | BTopic | "test/in/beta3" |
topics! {
direction = crate::TopicDirection::ToClient;
| TopicTy | MessageTy | Path |
| ---------- | --------- | ---- |
| BetaTopic4 | BTopic | "test/out/beta1" |
fn eps() {
for ep in ENDPOINT_LIST.types {
println!("{}", OwnedNamedType::from(*ep));
assert_eq!(ENDPOINT_LIST.types.len(), 3);
for ep in ENDPOINT_LIST.endpoints {
println!("{}", ep.0);
assert_eq!(ENDPOINT_LIST.endpoints.len(), 5);
fn tps() {
for tp in TOPICS_IN_LIST.types {
println!("TY IN: {}", OwnedNamedType::from(*tp));
for tp in TOPICS_IN_LIST.topics {
println!("TP IN: {}", tp.0);
for tp in TOPICS_OUT_LIST.types {
println!("TY OUT: {}", OwnedNamedType::from(*tp));
for tp in TOPICS_OUT_LIST.topics {
println!("TP OUT: {}", tp.0);
assert_eq!(TOPICS_IN_LIST.types.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(TOPICS_IN_LIST.topics.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(TOPICS_OUT_LIST.types.len(), 5);
assert_eq!(TOPICS_OUT_LIST.topics.len(), 3);