[−][src]Module postgres_parser::nodes
Generated types to represent a parse tree in a safe manner as returned from parse_query()
A_ArrayExpr | A_ArrayExpr an ARRAY[] construct |
A_Const | A_Const a literal constant |
A_Expr | |
A_Indices | A_Indices array subscript or slice bounds ([idx] or [lidx:uidx]) |
A_Indirection | A_Indirection select a field and/or array element from an expression |
A_Star | A_Star '*' representing all columns of a table or compound field |
AccessPriv | An access privilege, with optional list of column names priv_name == NULL denotes ALL PRIVILEGES (only used with a column list) cols == NIL denotes "all columns" Note that simple "ALL PRIVILEGES" is represented as a NIL list, not an AccessPriv with both fields null. |
Aggref | Aggref |
Alias | Alias specifies an alias for a range variable; the alias might also specify renaming of columns within the table. |
AlterCollationStmt | Alter Collation |
AlterDatabaseSetStmt | |
AlterDatabaseStmt | Alter Database |
AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt | Alter Default Privileges Statement |
AlterDomainStmt | Alter Domain |
AlterEnumStmt | Alter Type Statement, enum types |
AlterEventTrigStmt | Alter EVENT TRIGGER Statement |
AlterExtensionContentsStmt | |
AlterExtensionStmt | Only used for ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE; later might need an action field |
AlterFdwStmt | |
AlterForeignServerStmt | |
AlterFunctionStmt | |
AlterObjectDependsStmt | ALTER object DEPENDS ON EXTENSION extname |
AlterObjectSchemaStmt | ALTER object SET SCHEMA Statement |
AlterOpFamilyStmt | Alter Operator Family Statement |
AlterOperatorStmt | Alter Operator Set Restrict, Join |
AlterOwnerStmt | Alter Object Owner Statement |
AlterPolicyStmt | Alter POLICY Statement |
AlterPublicationStmt | |
AlterRoleSetStmt | |
AlterRoleStmt | |
AlterSeqStmt | |
AlterSubscriptionStmt | |
AlterSystemStmt | Alter System Statement |
AlterTSConfigurationStmt | |
AlterTSDictionaryStmt | TS Dictionary stmts: DefineStmt, RenameStmt and DropStmt are default |
AlterTableCmd | |
AlterTableMoveAllStmt | |
AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt | |
AlterTableStmt | Alter Table |
AlterUserMappingStmt | |
AlternativeSubPlan | AlternativeSubPlan expression node for a choice among SubPlans |
ArrayCoerceExpr | ArrayCoerceExpr |
ArrayExpr | ArrayExpr an ARRAY[] expression |
BoolExpr | |
BooleanTest | |
CallContext | |
CallStmt | CALL statement |
CaseExpr | CaseExpr a CASE expression |
CaseTestExpr | Placeholder node for the test value to be processed by a CASE expression. This is effectively like a Param, but can be implemented more simply since we need only one replacement value at a time. |
CaseWhen | CaseWhen one arm of a CASE expression |
CheckPointStmt | Checkpoint Statement |
ClosePortalStmt | Close Portal Statement |
ClusterStmt | |
CoalesceExpr | CoalesceExpr a COALESCE expression |
CoerceToDomain | CoerceToDomain |
CoerceToDomainValue | Placeholder node for the value to be processed by a domain's check constraint. This is effectively like a Param, but can be implemented more simply since we need only one replacement value at a time. |
CoerceViaIO | CoerceViaIO |
CollateClause | CollateClause a COLLATE expression |
CollateExpr | CollateExpr COLLATE |
ColumnDef | ColumnDef column definition (used in various creates) |
ColumnRef | ColumnRef specifies a reference to a column, or possibly a whole tuple |
CommentStmt | Comment On Statement |
CommonTableExpr | |
CompositeTypeStmt | Create Type Statement, composite types |
Const | Const |
Constraint | |
ConstraintsSetStmt | SET CONSTRAINTS Statement |
ConvertRowtypeExpr | ConvertRowtypeExpr |
CopyStmt | Copy Statement |
CreateAmStmt | Create ACCESS METHOD Statement |
CreateCastStmt | CREATE CAST Statement |
CreateConversionStmt | CREATE CONVERSION Statement |
CreateDomainStmt | Create Domain Statement |
CreateEnumStmt | Create Type Statement, enum types |
CreateEventTrigStmt | Create EVENT TRIGGER Statement |
CreateExtensionStmt | Create/Alter Extension Statements |
CreateFdwStmt | Create/Alter FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER Statements |
CreateForeignServerStmt | Create/Alter FOREIGN SERVER Statements |
CreateForeignTableStmt | Create FOREIGN TABLE Statement |
CreateFunctionStmt | Create Function Statement |
CreateOpClassItem | |
CreateOpClassStmt | Create Operator Class Statement |
CreateOpFamilyStmt | Create Operator Family Statement |
CreatePLangStmt | Create LANGUAGE Statements |
CreatePolicyStmt | Create POLICY Statement |
CreatePublicationStmt | |
CreateRangeStmt | Create Type Statement, range types |
CreateRoleStmt | |
CreateSchemaStmt | Create Schema Statement |
CreateSeqStmt | {Create|Alter} SEQUENCE Statement |
CreateStatsStmt | Create Statistics Statement |
CreateStmt | Create Table Statement |
CreateSubscriptionStmt | |
CreateTableAsStmt | CREATE TABLE AS Statement (a/k/a SELECT INTO) |
CreateTableSpaceStmt | Create/Drop Table Space Statements |
CreateTransformStmt | CREATE TRANSFORM Statement |
CreateTrigStmt | Create TRIGGER Statement |
CreateUserMappingStmt | Create/Drop USER MAPPING Statements |
CreatedbStmt | Createdb Statement |
CurrentOfExpr | Node representing [WHERE] CURRENT OF cursor_name |
DeallocateStmt | DEALLOCATE Statement |
DeclareCursorStmt | parallel mode OK |
DefElem | |
DefineStmt | Create {Aggregate|Operator|Type} Statement |
DeleteStmt | Delete Statement |
DiscardStmt | |
DoStmt | DO Statement |
DropOwnedStmt | DROP OWNED statement |
DropRoleStmt | |
DropStmt | Drop Table|Sequence|View|Index|Type|Domain|Conversion|Schema Statement |
DropSubscriptionStmt | |
DropTableSpaceStmt | |
DropUserMappingStmt | |
DropdbStmt | Dropdb Statement |
ExecuteStmt | EXECUTE Statement |
ExplainStmt | Explain Statement |
Expr | Expr generic superclass for executableexpression nodes |
FetchStmt | |
FieldSelect | FieldSelect |
FieldStore | FieldStore |
FromExpr | FromExpr represents a FROM ... WHERE ... construct |
FuncCall | FuncCall a function or aggregate invocation |
FuncExpr | FuncExpr expression node for a function call |
FunctionParameter | |
GrantRoleStmt | Grant/Revoke Role Statement |
GrantStmt | |
GroupingFunc | GroupingFunc |
GroupingSet | |
ImportForeignSchemaStmt | |
IndexElem | IndexElem index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX, and in ON CONFLICT) |
IndexStmt | Create Index Statement |
InferClause | InferClause ON CONFLICT unique index inference clause |
InferenceElem | InferenceElem an element of a unique index inference specification |
InlineCodeBlock | |
InsertStmt | Insert Statement |
IntoClause | IntoClause target information for SELECT INTO, CREATE TABLE AS, and CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW |
JoinExpr | JoinExpr for SQL JOIN expressions |
ListenStmt | Listen Statement |
LoadStmt | Load Statement |
LockStmt | LOCK Statement |
LockingClause | LockingClause raw representation of FOR [NO KEY] UPDATE/[KEY] SHARE options |
MinMaxExpr | |
MultiAssignRef | MultiAssignRef element of a row source expression for UPDATE |
NamedArgExpr | NamedArgExpr a named argument of a function |
NextValueExpr | NextValueExpr get next value from sequence |
NotifyStmt | Notify Statement |
NullTest | |
ObjectWithArgs | Note: ObjectWithArgs carries only the types of the input parameters of the function. So it is sufficient to identify an existing function, but it is not enough info to define a function nor to call it. |
OnConflictClause | OnConflictClause representation of ON CONFLICT clause |
OnConflictExpr | OnConflictExpr represents an ON CONFLICT DO ... expression |
OpExpr | OpExpr expression node for an operator invocation |
Param | |
ParamRef | ParamRef specifies a $n parameter reference |
PartitionBoundSpec | PartitionBoundSpec a partition bound specification |
PartitionCmd | PartitionCmd info for ALTER TABLE/INDEX ATTACH/DETACH PARTITION commands |
PartitionElem | PartitionElem parsetime representation of a single partition key |
PartitionRangeDatum | |
PartitionSpec | PartitionSpec parsetime representation of a partition key specification |
PrepareStmt | PREPARE Statement |
RangeFunction | RangeFunction function call appearing in a FROM clause |
RangeSubselect | RangeSubselect subquery appearing in a FROM clause |
RangeTableFunc | RangeTableFunc raw form of "table functions" such as XMLTABLE |
RangeTableFuncCol | RangeTableFuncCol one column in a RangeTableFunc>columns |
RangeTableSample | RangeTableSample TABLESAMPLE appearing in a raw FROM clause |
RangeTblRef | RangeTblRef reference to an entry in the query's rangetable |
RangeVar | RangeVar range variable, used in FROM clauses |
RawStmt | RawStmt container for any one statement's raw parse tree |
ReassignOwnedStmt | REASSIGN OWNED statement |
RefreshMatViewStmt | REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW Statement |
ReindexStmt | |
RelabelType | RelabelType |
RenameStmt | Alter Object Rename Statement |
ReplicaIdentityStmt | |
ResTarget | ResTarget result target (used in target list of pretransformed parse trees) |
RoleSpec | |
RowCompareExpr | |
RowExpr | RowExpr a ROW() expression |
RowMarkClause | RowMarkClause parser output representation of FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clauses |
RuleStmt | Create Rule Statement |
SQLValueFunction | |
ScalarArrayOpExpr | ScalarArrayOpExpr expression node for "scalar op ANY/ALL (array)" |
SecLabelStmt | SECURITY LABEL Statement |
SelectStmt | |
SetOperationStmt | Set Operation node for postanalysis query trees |
SetToDefault | Placeholder node for a DEFAULT marker in an INSERT or UPDATE command. |
SortBy | SortBy for ORDER BY clause |
SortGroupClause | SortGroupClause representation of ORDER BY, GROUP BY, PARTITION BY, DISTINCT, DISTINCT ON items |
SubLink | |
SubscriptingRef | SubscriptingRef: describes a subscripting operation over a container (array, etc). |
TableFunc | TableFunc node for a table function, such as XMLTABLE. |
TableLikeClause | TableLikeClause CREATE TABLE ( ... LIKE ... ) clause |
TableSampleClause | TableSampleClause TABLESAMPLE appearing in a transformed FROM clause |
TargetEntry | TargetEntry a target entry (used in query target lists) |
TransactionStmt | |
TriggerTransition | TriggerTransition representation of transition row or table naming clause |
TruncateStmt | Truncate Table Statement |
TypeCast | TypeCast a CAST expression |
TypeName | TypeName specifies a type in definitions |
UnlistenStmt | Unlisten Statement |
UpdateStmt | Update Statement |
VacuumRelation | Info about a single target table of VACUUM/ANALYZE. |
VacuumStmt | Vacuum and Analyze Statements |
Value | |
Var | |
VariableSetStmt | |
VariableShowStmt | Show Statement |
ViewStmt | |
WindowClause | WindowClause transformed representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses |
WindowDef | WindowDef raw representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses |
WindowFunc | WindowFunc |
WithCheckOption | |
WithClause | WithClause representation of WITH clause |
XmlExpr | |
XmlSerialize | XMLSERIALIZE (in raw parse tree only) |
Node | All the various Postgres parse tree nodes that can be returned upon parsing a SQL statement |