1use prettytable::{format::Alignment, table, Cell, Row};
3fn main() {
4 /*
5 The following code will output
7 +---------------+---------------+--------------+
8 | A table with horizontal span |
9 +===============+===============+==============+
10 | This is a cell with span of 2 | span of 1 |
11 +---------------+---------------+--------------+
12 | span of 1 | span of 1 | span of 1 |
13 +---------------+---------------+--------------+
14 | This cell with a span of 3 is centered |
15 +---------------+---------------+--------------+
16 */
18 let mut table: prettytable::Table = table![
19 [H2 -> "This is a cell with span of 2", "span of 1"],
20 ["span of 1", "span of 1", "span of 1"],
21 [H03c -> "This cell with a span of 3 is centered"]
22 ];
23 table.set_titles(Row::new(vec![Cell::new_align(
24 "A table with horizontal span",
25 Alignment::CENTER,
26 )
27 .with_hspan(3)]));
28 table.printstd();