Crate prettytable

Expand description

A formatted and aligned table printer written in rust


  • Terminal color definitions
  • CSV impl and reexported types
  • Define table formatting utilities


  • This macro simplifies Cell creation
  • Create a table with table! macro, print it to standard output, then return this table for future usage.
  • This macro simplifies Row creation
  • Create a table filled with some values


  • Represent a table cell containing a string.
  • Iterator over immutable cells in a column
  • Iterator over mutable cells in a column
  • Represent a table row made of cells
  • An owned printable table
  • A borrowed immutable Table slice A TableSlice is obtained by slicing a Table with the Slice::slice method.


  • Terminal attributes for use with term.attr().


  • Trait implemented by types which can be sliced
  • Trait implemented by types which can be sliced