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//! The different ARM core implementations with all constants and custom handling.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::{
core::{BreakpointCause, RegisterValue},
CoreStatus, HaltReason,
use super::memory::ArmMemoryInterface;
pub mod armv6m;
pub mod armv7a;
pub mod armv7m;
pub mod armv8a;
pub mod armv8m;
pub(crate) mod armv7a_debug_regs;
pub(crate) mod armv8a_debug_regs;
pub(crate) mod cortex_m;
pub(crate) mod instructions;
pub(crate) mod registers;
/// Core information data which is downloaded from the target, represents its state and can be used for debugging.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Dump {
/// The register values at the time of the dump.
pub regs: [u32; 16],
stack_addr: u32,
stack: Vec<u8>,
impl Dump {
/// Create a new dump from a SP and a stack dump with zeroed out registers.
pub fn new(stack_addr: u32, stack: Vec<u8>) -> Dump {
Dump {
regs: [0u32; 16],
memory_mapped_bitfield_register! {
pub struct Dfsr(u32);
0xE000_ED30, "DFSR",
/// Indicates an asynchronous debug event generated because of **EDBGRQ** being asserted:
/// * `false`: no **EDBGRQ** debug event.
/// * `true`: **EDBGRQ** debug event.
pub external, set_external: 4;
/// Indicates whether a vector catch debug event was generated:
/// * `false`: no vector catch debug event generated.
/// * `true`: vector catch debug event generated.
/// The corresponding FSR shows the primary cause of the exception.
pub vcatch, set_vcatch: 3;
/// Indicates a debug event generated by the DWT:
/// * `false`: no debug events generated by the DWT.
/// * `true`: at least one debug event generated by the DWT.
pub dwttrap, set_dwttrap: 2;
/// Indicates a debug event generated by BKPT instruction execution or a breakpoint match in the BPU:
/// * `false`: no breakpoint debug event.
/// * `true`: at least one breakpoint debug event.
pub bkpt, set_bkpt: 1;
/// Indicates a debug event generated by a C_HALT or C_STEP request, triggered by a write to the DHCSR:
/// * `false`: no active halt request debug event.
/// * `true`: halt request debug event active.
pub halted, set_halted: 0;
impl Dfsr {
fn clear_all() -> Self {
/// This only returns the correct halt_reason for armv(x)-m variants. The armv(x)-a variants have their own implementation.
// TODO: The different implementations between -m and -a can do with cleanup/refactoring.
fn halt_reason(&self) -> HaltReason {
if self.0 == 0 {
// No bit is set
} else if self.0.count_ones() > 1 {
tracing::debug!("DFSR: {:?}", self);
// We cannot identify why the chip halted,
// it could be for multiple reasons.
// For debuggers, it's important to know if
// the core halted because of a breakpoint.
// Because of this, we still return breakpoint
// even if other reasons are possible as well.
if self.bkpt() {
} else {
} else if self.bkpt() {
} else if self.external() {
} else if self.dwttrap() {
} else if self.halted() {
} else if self.vcatch() {
} else {
// We check that exactly one bit is set, so we should hit one of the cases above.
panic!("This should not happen. Please open a bug report.")
impl From<u32> for Dfsr {
fn from(val: u32) -> Self {
// Ensure that all unused bits are set to zero
// This makes it possible to check the number of
// set bits using count_ones().
Dfsr(val & 0b11111)
impl From<Dfsr> for u32 {
fn from(register: Dfsr) -> Self {
/// The state cache of a Cortex-M core.
/// This state is used internally to not having to poll the core constantly.
pub struct CortexMState {
initialized: bool,
hw_breakpoints_enabled: bool,
current_state: CoreStatus,
fp_present: bool,
/// The semihosting command that was decoded at the current program counter
semihosting_command: Option<SemihostingCommand>,
impl CortexMState {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
initialized: false,
hw_breakpoints_enabled: false,
current_state: CoreStatus::Unknown,
fp_present: false,
semihosting_command: None,
fn initialize(&mut self) {
self.initialized = true;
fn initialized(&self) -> bool {
/// The state cache of a Cortex-A core.
/// This state is used internally to not having to poll the core constantly.
pub struct CortexAState {
initialized: bool,
current_state: CoreStatus,
// Is the core currently in a 64-bit mode?
is_64_bit: bool,
register_cache: Vec<Option<(RegisterValue, bool)>>,
// Number of floating point registers
fp_reg_count: usize,
impl CortexAState {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
initialized: false,
current_state: CoreStatus::Unknown,
is_64_bit: false,
register_cache: vec![],
fp_reg_count: 0,
fn initialize(&mut self) {
self.initialized = true;
fn initialized(&self) -> bool {
/// Core implementations should call this function when they
/// wish to update the [`CoreStatus`] of their core.
/// It will reflect the core status to the probe/memory interface if
/// the status has changed, and will replace `current_status` with
/// `new_status`.
pub fn update_core_status<P: ArmMemoryInterface + ?Sized, T: core::ops::DerefMut<Target = P>>(
probe: &mut T,
current_status: &mut CoreStatus,
new_status: CoreStatus,
) {
if *current_status != new_status {
*current_status = new_status;