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//! Configuration used by PyO3 for conditional support of varying Python versions. //! //! The only public API currently exposed is [`use_pyo3_cfgs`], which is intended to be used in //! build scripts to add a standard set of `#[cfg]` attributes for handling multiple Python //! versions. //! //! The full list of attributes added are the following: //! //! | Flag | Description | //! | ---- | ----------- | //! | `#[cfg(Py_3_6)]`, `#[cfg(Py_3_7)]`, `#[cfg(Py_3_8)]`, `#[cfg(Py_3_9)]`, `#[cfg(Py_3_10)]` | These attributes mark code only for a given Python version and up. For example, `#[cfg(Py_3_6)]` marks code which can run on Python 3.6 **and newer**. | //! | `#[cfg(Py_LIMITED_API)]` | This marks code which is run when compiling with PyO3's `abi3` feature enabled. | //! | `#[cfg(PyPy)]` | This marks code which is run when compiling for PyPy. | //! //! For examples of how to use these attributes, [see PyO3's guide](https://pyo3.rs/main/building_and_distribution/multiple_python_versions.html). mod impl_; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; #[doc(hidden)] pub use crate::impl_::{ make_interpreter_config, InterpreterConfig, PythonImplementation, PythonVersion, }; /// Reads the configuration written by PyO3's build.rs /// /// Because this will never change in a given compilation run, this is cached in a `once_cell`. #[doc(hidden)] pub fn get() -> &'static InterpreterConfig { static CONFIG: OnceCell<InterpreterConfig> = OnceCell::new(); CONFIG.get_or_init(|| { let config_file = std::fs::File::open(PATH).expect("config file missing"); let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(config_file); InterpreterConfig::from_reader(reader).expect("failed to parse config file") }) } /// Path where PyO3's build.rs will write configuration. #[doc(hidden)] pub const PATH: &str = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/pyo3-build-config.txt"); pub fn use_pyo3_cfgs() { get().emit_pyo3_cfgs(); }