1//! Contains low-level parsers of different XML pieces.
3use crate::errors::SyntaxError;
5mod element;
6mod pi;
8pub use element::ElementParser;
9pub use pi::PiParser;
11/// Used to decouple reading of data from data source and parsing XML structure from it.
12/// This is a state preserved between getting chunks of bytes from the reader.
14/// This trait is implemented for every parser that processes piece of XML grammar.
15pub trait Parser {
16 /// Process new data and try to determine end of the parsed thing.
17 ///
18 /// Returns position of the end of thing in `bytes` in case of successful search
19 /// and `None` otherwise.
20 ///
21 /// # Parameters
22 /// - `bytes`: a slice to find the end of a thing.
23 /// Should contain text in ASCII-compatible encoding
24 fn feed(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>;
26 /// Returns parse error produced by this parser in case of reaching end of
27 /// input without finding the end of a parsed thing.
28 fn eof_error() -> SyntaxError;