
1//! Templates for generating discrete IQ value sequences representing Quil's defined set of waveforms.
3use std::f64::consts::PI;
5use crate::{imag, real};
6use ndarray::Array;
7use num_complex::Complex64;
8use statrs::function::erf::erf;
10use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
12const J: Complex64 = Complex64::new(0f64, 1f64);
14/// Modulate and phase shift waveform IQ data in place.
15pub fn apply_phase_and_detuning(
16    iq_values: &mut [Complex64],
17    phase: f64,
18    detuning: f64,
19    sample_rate: f64,
20) {
21    for (index, value) in iq_values.iter_mut().enumerate() {
22        *value *= (2.0 * PI * J * (detuning * (index as f64) / sample_rate + phase)).exp();
23    }
26/// A custom `ceil()` method that includes a machine-epsilon sized region above each integer in the
27/// set of values that are mapped to that integer. In other words:
28/// ceil_eps(x) = n, for all x and integers n s.t. n <= x < (n + n*epsilon)
30/// To handle accumulated floating point errors in sweeps above typical floating point imprecision
31/// we make epsilon 10x larger than floating point epsilon.
32fn ceiling_with_epsilon(value: f64) -> f64 {
33    let truncated = value - (value * 10.0 * f64::EPSILON);
34    truncated.ceil()
37/// Convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates.
38fn polar_to_rectangular(magnitude: f64, angle: crate::units::Radians<f64>) -> Complex64 {
39    magnitude * imag!(angle.0).exp()
42pub trait WaveformTemplate {
43    fn into_iq_values(self) -> Vec<Complex64>;
46#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
47pub struct BoxcarKernel {
48    pub phase: crate::units::Cycles<f64>,
49    pub scale: f64,
50    pub sample_count: u64,
53impl BoxcarKernel {
54    pub fn into_iq_value(self) -> Complex64 {
55        polar_to_rectangular(self.scale / self.sample_count as f64, self.phase.into())
56    }
59/// Creates a waveform with a flat top and edges that are error functions (erfs).
60#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
61pub struct ErfSquare {
62    /// Full duration of the pulse (s)
63    pub duration: f64,
64    /// Slope of erf shoulders (2x FWHM of erf in s)
65    pub risetime: f64,
66    /// Generate wavform samples at this rate (Hz)
67    pub sample_rate: f64,
68    /// Length of zero padding to add to beginning of pulse (s)
69    pub pad_left: f64,
70    /// Length of zero padding to add to end of pulse (s)
71    pub pad_right: f64,
72    /// Toggle for positive/negative polarity
73    pub positive_polarity: bool,
74    /// Scale to apply to waveform envelope
75    pub scale: f64,
76    /// Phase shift for entire waveform
77    pub phase: f64,
78    /// Explicit detuning to bake into iq values
79    pub detuning: f64,
82impl WaveformTemplate for ErfSquare {
83    fn into_iq_values(self) -> Vec<Complex64> {
84        let length = ceiling_with_epsilon(self.duration * self.sample_rate);
85        let mut time_steps = Array::<f64, _>::range(0f64, length, 1f64) / self.sample_rate;
87        let fwhm = 0.5 * self.risetime;
88        let t1 = fwhm;
89        let t2 = self.duration - fwhm;
90        let sigma = 0.5 * fwhm / (2f64 * 2f64.ln()).sqrt();
91        time_steps.mapv_inplace(|el| 0.5 * (erf((el - t1) / sigma) - erf((el - t2) / sigma)));
92        if !self.positive_polarity {
93            time_steps *= -1f64;
94        }
96        let left_pad_length = (self.pad_left * self.sample_rate).ceil() as usize;
97        let mut waveform = vec![real!(0f64); left_pad_length];
98        waveform.extend(time_steps.into_iter().map(|el| self.scale * real!(el)));
100        let right_pad_length = (self.pad_right * self.sample_rate).ceil() as usize;
101        waveform.extend_from_slice(&vec![real!(0f64); right_pad_length]);
102        apply_phase_and_detuning(&mut waveform, self.phase, self.detuning, self.sample_rate);
103        waveform
104    }
107/// Creates a waveform with a Gaussian shape.
108#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
109pub struct Gaussian {
110    /// Full duration of the pulse (s)
111    pub duration: f64,
112    /// Full width half maximum of the pulse (s)
113    pub fwhm: f64,
114    /// Center/offset for pulse centroid (s)
115    pub t0: f64,
116    /// Generate waveform samples at this rate (Hz)
117    pub sample_rate: f64,
118    /// Scale to apply to waveform envelope
119    pub scale: f64,
120    /// Phase shift for entire waveform
121    pub phase: f64,
122    /// Explicit detuning to bake into IQ values
123    pub detuning: f64,
126impl WaveformTemplate for Gaussian {
127    fn into_iq_values(self) -> Vec<Complex64> {
128        let length = ceiling_with_epsilon(self.duration * self.sample_rate);
129        let mut time_steps = Array::<f64, _>::range(0f64, length, 1f64) / self.sample_rate;
131        let sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / (2f64 * 2f64.ln()).sqrt();
132        time_steps.mapv_inplace(|el| (-0.5 * (el - self.t0).powf(2f64) / sigma.powf(2f64)).exp());
134        let mut waveform = time_steps
135            .into_iter()
136            .map(|el| self.scale * real!(el))
137            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
138        apply_phase_and_detuning(&mut waveform, self.phase, self.detuning, self.sample_rate);
139        waveform
140    }
143/// Creates a waveform with a DRAG-corrected Gaussian shape.
145/// This is a Gaussian shape with an additional component proportional to the time derivative of the main Gaussian pulse.
147/// See Motzoi F. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (2009) 110501. for details.
148#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
149pub struct DragGaussian {
150    /// Full duration of the pulse (s)
151    pub duration: f64,
152    /// Full width half maximum of the pulse (s)
153    pub fwhm: f64,
154    /// Center/offset for pulse centroid (s)
155    pub t0: f64,
156    /// Qubit anharmonicity - sets rate of evolution for the imaginary term (Hz)
157    pub anh: f64,
158    /// DRAG parameter - controls strength of the imaginary term
159    pub alpha: f64,
160    /// Generate samples at this rate (Hz)
161    pub sample_rate: f64,
162    /// Scale to apply to waveform envelope
163    pub scale: f64,
164    /// Phase shift for entire waveform
165    pub phase: f64,
166    /// Explicit detuning to bake into iq values
167    pub detuning: f64,
170impl WaveformTemplate for DragGaussian {
171    fn into_iq_values(self) -> Vec<Complex64> {
172        let length = ceiling_with_epsilon(self.duration * self.sample_rate);
173        let time_steps = Array::<f64, _>::range(0f64, length, 1f64) / self.sample_rate;
175        let sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / (2f64 * 2f64.ln()).sqrt();
177        let mut waveform = vec![Complex64::new(0f64, 0f64,); length as usize];
178        for i in 0..length as usize {
179            // Generate envelope sample
180            let env = (-0.5 * (time_steps[i] - self.t0).powf(2f64) / sigma.powf(2f64)).exp();
181            // Generate modified envelope sample
182            let env_mod = (self.alpha * (1f64 / (2f64 * PI * self.anh * sigma.powf(2f64))))
183                * (time_steps[i] - self.t0)
184                * env;
185            waveform[i] = self.scale * Complex64::new(env, env_mod);
186        }
187        apply_phase_and_detuning(&mut waveform, self.phase, self.detuning, self.sample_rate);
189        waveform
190    }
193/// Creates a Hermite Gaussian waveform.
195/// This extends the basic DRAG pulse by adding an additional imaginary term to the pulse envelope consisting of a
196/// Gaussian pulse modified by the second order Hermite polynomial.
198/// Refer to
199/// "Effects of arbitrary laser or NMR pulse shapes on population inversion and coherence"
200/// Warren S. Warren. 81, (1984); doi: 10.1063/1.447644
201/// for details.
202#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
203pub struct HermiteGaussian {
204    /// Full duration of the pulse
205    pub duration: f64,
206    /// Full width half maximum of the pulse
207    pub fwhm: f64,
208    /// Center/offset for pulse centroid
209    pub t0: f64,
210    /// Qubit anharmonicity - sets rate of evolution for the imaginary term
211    pub anh: f64,
212    /// DRAG parameter - controls strength of the imaginary term
213    pub alpha: f64,
214    /// Generate samples at this rate
215    pub sample_rate: f64,
216    /// Coefficient of the second order Hermite polynomial term.
217    pub second_order_hrm_coeff: f64,
218    /// Scale to apply to waveform envelope
219    pub scale: f64,
220    /// Phase shift for entire waveform
221    pub phase: f64,
222    /// Explicit detuning to bake into iq values
223    pub detuning: f64,
226impl WaveformTemplate for HermiteGaussian {
227    fn into_iq_values(self) -> Vec<Complex64> {
228        let length = ceiling_with_epsilon(self.duration * self.sample_rate);
229        let time_steps = Array::<f64, _>::range(0f64, length, 1f64) / self.sample_rate;
231        let sigma = 0.5 * self.fwhm / (2f64 * 2f64.ln()).sqrt();
232        let deriv_prefactor = -self.alpha / (2f64 * PI * self.anh);
234        let mut waveform = vec![Complex64::new(0f64, 0f64,); length as usize];
235        for i in 0..length as usize {
236            let exp_t = 0.5 * (time_steps[i] - self.t0).powf(2f64) / sigma.powf(2f64);
237            let g = (-exp_t).exp();
238            let env = (1f64 - self.second_order_hrm_coeff * exp_t) * g;
239            let env_derived = deriv_prefactor * (time_steps[i] - self.t0) / sigma.powf(2f64)
240                * g
241                * (self.second_order_hrm_coeff * (exp_t - 1f64) - 1f64);
242            waveform[i] = self.scale * Complex64::new(env, env_derived);
243        }
244        apply_phase_and_detuning(&mut waveform, self.phase, self.detuning, self.sample_rate);
246        waveform
247    }
251mod tests {
252    use super::*;
254    /// Clean up a Debug representation to something more apt for a filename.
255    /// It's important that this remain stable or there'll be a mess of updating snapshot files.
256    fn format_snapshot_name(item: impl std::fmt::Debug) -> String {
257        format!("{item:?}")
258            .replace(['{', '}', ':', ','], "")
259            .replace([' ', '.'], "_")
260    }
262    fn assert_almost_eq(left: Complex64, right: Complex64, epsilon: f64) {
263        assert!(
264            (left - right).norm() < epsilon,
265            "Expected {} to be almost equal to {} with epsilon {}",
266            left,
267            right,
268            epsilon
269        );
270    }
272    #[rstest::rstest]
273    #[case(BoxcarKernel {
274        phase: crate::units::Cycles(0.0),
275        scale: 1.0,
276        sample_count: 10,
277    }, Complex64::new(0.1, 0.0))]
278    #[case(BoxcarKernel {
279        phase: crate::units::Cycles(0.5),
280        scale: 1.0,
281        sample_count: 10,
282    }, Complex64::new(-0.1, 0.0))]
283    #[case(BoxcarKernel {
284        phase: crate::units::Cycles(0.0),
285        scale: -1.0,
286        sample_count: 10,
287    }, Complex64::new(-0.1, 0.0))]
288    #[case(BoxcarKernel {
289        phase: crate::units::Cycles(0.0),
290        scale: 0.0,
291        sample_count: 10,
292    }, Complex64::new(0.0, 0.0))]
293    fn boxcar_kernel(#[case] kernel: BoxcarKernel, #[case] expected: Complex64) {
294        let iq_value = kernel.into_iq_value();
295        assert_almost_eq(iq_value, expected, 1e-10);
296    }
298    #[rstest::rstest]
299    #[case(0.0, 0.0)]
300    #[case(0.0-f64::EPSILON, 0.0)]
301    #[case(0.0+f64::EPSILON, 1.0)]
302    // Based on a past edge case
303    #[case(8.800_000_000_000_001e-8 * 1.0e9, 88.0)]
304    fn ceiling_with_epsilon(#[case] value: f64, #[case] expected: f64) {
305        let result = super::ceiling_with_epsilon(value);
306        assert_eq!(result, expected);
307    }
309    /// Assert that for some exemplar waveform templates, the right IQ values are generated.
310    /// This is done by comparing the generated IQ values to two snapshots:
311    ///
312    /// * one, a rendered IQ plot in ascii art format. This is mostly for the benefit of the reviewer.
313    /// * two, the raw IQ values. At the end of the day this is all that matters.
314    ///
315    /// The IQ values may not need to be inspected carefully, but the benefit of the snapshot approach is that
316    /// we'll be alerted when they change. The plot is only generated for shorter lists of IQ values.
317    ///
318    /// The plot snapshot is asserted first (before IQ values) so that the user can get a visual impression of the problem.
319    ///
320    /// Snapshot filenames are based on the debug representation of the waveform template, so if template fields
321    /// are added, removed, or renamed, then this test will fail for those cases. Additionally, if the string printing
322    /// of `Complex64` changes, then the IQ values snapshot will also change.
323    #[rstest::rstest]
324    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: true, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
325    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 1e-5, pad_right: 2e-5, positive_polarity: false, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
326    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-4, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: false, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 1e6 })]
327    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: true, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.5, detuning: 0.0 })]
328    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: true, scale: -1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
329    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: true, scale: 0.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
330    #[case(ErfSquare { duration: 1e-4, risetime: 1e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, pad_left: 0.0, pad_right: 0.0, positive_polarity: false, scale: 0.5, phase: 0.4, detuning: -1e6 })]
331    #[case(Gaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 0.0, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
332    #[case(Gaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 5e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 1e6 })]
333    #[case(Gaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 2e-5, t0: 5e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 0.5, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
334    #[case(Gaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 4e-5, t0: 5e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 0.5, phase: 0.5, detuning: 0.0 })]
335    #[case(Gaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 4e-5, t0: 5e-5, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: -1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
336    #[case(DragGaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 0.0, anh: 1e6, alpha: 1.0, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
337    #[case(DragGaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 0.0, anh: 1e6, alpha: 1.0, sample_rate: 1e6, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 1e6 })]
338    #[case(HermiteGaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 0.0, anh: 1e6, alpha: 1.0, sample_rate: 1e6, second_order_hrm_coeff: 0.1, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 0.0 })]
339    #[case(HermiteGaussian { duration: 1e-4, fwhm: 1e-5, t0: 0.0, anh: 1e6, alpha: 1.0, sample_rate: 1e6, second_order_hrm_coeff: 0.1, scale: 1.0, phase: 0.0, detuning: 1e6 })]
340    fn into_iq_values(#[case] parameters: impl WaveformTemplate + Copy + std::fmt::Debug) {
341        let iq_values = parameters.into_iq_values();
342        let count = iq_values.len();
344        let all_values_zero = iq_values.iter().all(|el| el == &Complex64::new(0.0, 0.0));
346        // count <= 200 prevents huge runaway plots if we test a long waveform
347        // !all_values_zero prevents a useless plot that appears to render differently on different platforms, making the snapshot a poor comparison
348        if count <= 200 && !all_values_zero {
349            let split = iq_values.clone().into_iter().fold(
350                (vec![], vec![]),
351                |(mut reals, mut imags), el| {
352                    reals.push(el.re);
353                    imags.push(el.im);
354                    (reals, imags)
355                },
356            );
357            let split = vec![split.0, split.1];
359            let res = rasciigraph::plot_many(
360                split,
361                rasciigraph::Config::default()
362                    .with_width(count as u32 + 10)
363                    .with_height(20),
364            );
366            // This snapshot is taken so that the developer has a visual impression of the waveform in a way that's committed to source control.
367            // however, the test should only be considered a true failure if the IQ data in the next snapshot is not equal to what's expected.
368            insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}__plot", format_snapshot_name(parameters)), res);
369        }
371        let neat_iq_values = iq_values
372            .iter()
373            .map(|el| format!("{:+.5e}, {:+.5e}", el.re, el.im))
374            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
375            .join("\n");
377        insta::assert_snapshot!(
378            format!("{}__data", format_snapshot_name(parameters)),
379            neat_iq_values
380        )
381    }