
1use std::marker::PhantomData;
2use std::ops::{BitAnd, BitAndAssign, BitOrAssign, Bound, Not, Range, RangeBounds, Shl};
3use std::rc::Rc;
4use std::{fmt, iter, mem, slice};
6use Chunk::*;
7#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
8use rustc_macros::{Decodable_Generic, Encodable_Generic};
9use smallvec::{SmallVec, smallvec};
11use crate::{Idx, IndexVec};
14mod tests;
16type Word = u64;
17const WORD_BYTES: usize = mem::size_of::<Word>();
18const WORD_BITS: usize = WORD_BYTES * 8;
20// The choice of chunk size has some trade-offs.
22// A big chunk size tends to favour cases where many large `ChunkedBitSet`s are
23// present, because they require fewer `Chunk`s, reducing the number of
24// allocations and reducing peak memory usage. Also, fewer chunk operations are
25// required, though more of them might be `Mixed`.
27// A small chunk size tends to favour cases where many small `ChunkedBitSet`s
28// are present, because less space is wasted at the end of the final chunk (if
29// it's not full).
30const CHUNK_WORDS: usize = 32;
31const CHUNK_BITS: usize = CHUNK_WORDS * WORD_BITS; // 2048 bits
33/// ChunkSize is small to keep `Chunk` small. The static assertion ensures it's
34/// not too small.
35type ChunkSize = u16;
36const _: () = assert!(CHUNK_BITS <= ChunkSize::MAX as usize);
38pub trait BitRelations<Rhs> {
39    fn union(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
40    fn subtract(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
41    fn intersect(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
45fn inclusive_start_end<T: Idx>(
46    range: impl RangeBounds<T>,
47    domain: usize,
48) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
49    // Both start and end are inclusive.
50    let start = match range.start_bound().cloned() {
51        Bound::Included(start) => start.index(),
52        Bound::Excluded(start) => start.index() + 1,
53        Bound::Unbounded => 0,
54    };
55    let end = match range.end_bound().cloned() {
56        Bound::Included(end) => end.index(),
57        Bound::Excluded(end) => end.index().checked_sub(1)?,
58        Bound::Unbounded => domain - 1,
59    };
60    assert!(end < domain);
61    if start > end {
62        return None;
63    }
64    Some((start, end))
67macro_rules! bit_relations_inherent_impls {
68    () => {
69        /// Sets `self = self | other` and returns `true` if `self` changed
70        /// (i.e., if new bits were added).
71        pub fn union<Rhs>(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool
72        where
73            Self: BitRelations<Rhs>,
74        {
75            <Self as BitRelations<Rhs>>::union(self, other)
76        }
78        /// Sets `self = self - other` and returns `true` if `self` changed.
79        /// (i.e., if any bits were removed).
80        pub fn subtract<Rhs>(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool
81        where
82            Self: BitRelations<Rhs>,
83        {
84            <Self as BitRelations<Rhs>>::subtract(self, other)
85        }
87        /// Sets `self = self & other` and return `true` if `self` changed.
88        /// (i.e., if any bits were removed).
89        pub fn intersect<Rhs>(&mut self, other: &Rhs) -> bool
90        where
91            Self: BitRelations<Rhs>,
92        {
93            <Self as BitRelations<Rhs>>::intersect(self, other)
94        }
95    };
98/// A fixed-size bitset type with a dense representation.
100/// Note 1: Since this bitset is dense, if your domain is big, and/or relatively
101/// homogeneous (for example, with long runs of bits set or unset), then it may
102/// be preferable to instead use a [MixedBitSet], or an
103/// [IntervalSet](crate::interval::IntervalSet). They should be more suited to
104/// sparse, or highly-compressible, domains.
106/// Note 2: Use [`GrowableBitSet`] if you need support for resizing after creation.
108/// `T` is an index type, typically a newtyped `usize` wrapper, but it can also
109/// just be `usize`.
111/// All operations that involve an element will panic if the element is equal
112/// to or greater than the domain size. All operations that involve two bitsets
113/// will panic if the bitsets have differing domain sizes.
115#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Decodable_Generic, Encodable_Generic))]
116#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
117pub struct DenseBitSet<T> {
118    domain_size: usize,
119    words: SmallVec<[Word; 2]>,
120    marker: PhantomData<T>,
123impl<T> DenseBitSet<T> {
124    /// Gets the domain size.
125    pub fn domain_size(&self) -> usize {
126        self.domain_size
127    }
130impl<T: Idx> DenseBitSet<T> {
131    /// Creates a new, empty bitset with a given `domain_size`.
132    #[inline]
133    pub fn new_empty(domain_size: usize) -> DenseBitSet<T> {
134        let num_words = num_words(domain_size);
135        DenseBitSet { domain_size, words: smallvec![0; num_words], marker: PhantomData }
136    }
138    /// Creates a new, filled bitset with a given `domain_size`.
139    #[inline]
140    pub fn new_filled(domain_size: usize) -> DenseBitSet<T> {
141        let num_words = num_words(domain_size);
142        let mut result =
143            DenseBitSet { domain_size, words: smallvec![!0; num_words], marker: PhantomData };
144        result.clear_excess_bits();
145        result
146    }
148    /// Clear all elements.
149    #[inline]
150    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
151        self.words.fill(0);
152    }
154    /// Clear excess bits in the final word.
155    fn clear_excess_bits(&mut self) {
156        clear_excess_bits_in_final_word(self.domain_size, &mut self.words);
157    }
159    /// Count the number of set bits in the set.
160    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
161        self.words.iter().map(|e| e.count_ones() as usize).sum()
162    }
164    /// Returns `true` if `self` contains `elem`.
165    #[inline]
166    pub fn contains(&self, elem: T) -> bool {
167        assert!(elem.index() < self.domain_size);
168        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(elem);
169        (self.words[word_index] & mask) != 0
170    }
172    /// Is `self` is a (non-strict) superset of `other`?
173    #[inline]
174    pub fn superset(&self, other: &DenseBitSet<T>) -> bool {
175        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
176        self.words.iter().zip(&other.words).all(|(a, b)| (a & b) == *b)
177    }
179    /// Is the set empty?
180    #[inline]
181    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
182        self.words.iter().all(|a| *a == 0)
183    }
185    /// Insert `elem`. Returns whether the set has changed.
186    #[inline]
187    pub fn insert(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
188        assert!(
189            elem.index() < self.domain_size,
190            "inserting element at index {} but domain size is {}",
191            elem.index(),
192            self.domain_size,
193        );
194        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(elem);
195        let word_ref = &mut self.words[word_index];
196        let word = *word_ref;
197        let new_word = word | mask;
198        *word_ref = new_word;
199        new_word != word
200    }
202    #[inline]
203    pub fn insert_range(&mut self, elems: impl RangeBounds<T>) {
204        let Some((start, end)) = inclusive_start_end(elems, self.domain_size) else {
205            return;
206        };
208        let (start_word_index, start_mask) = word_index_and_mask(start);
209        let (end_word_index, end_mask) = word_index_and_mask(end);
211        // Set all words in between start and end (exclusively of both).
212        for word_index in (start_word_index + 1)..end_word_index {
213            self.words[word_index] = !0;
214        }
216        if start_word_index != end_word_index {
217            // Start and end are in different words, so we handle each in turn.
218            //
219            // We set all leading bits. This includes the start_mask bit.
220            self.words[start_word_index] |= !(start_mask - 1);
221            // And all trailing bits (i.e. from 0..=end) in the end word,
222            // including the end.
223            self.words[end_word_index] |= end_mask | (end_mask - 1);
224        } else {
225            self.words[start_word_index] |= end_mask | (end_mask - start_mask);
226        }
227    }
229    /// Sets all bits to true.
230    pub fn insert_all(&mut self) {
231        self.words.fill(!0);
232        self.clear_excess_bits();
233    }
235    /// Returns `true` if the set has changed.
236    #[inline]
237    pub fn remove(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
238        assert!(elem.index() < self.domain_size);
239        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(elem);
240        let word_ref = &mut self.words[word_index];
241        let word = *word_ref;
242        let new_word = word & !mask;
243        *word_ref = new_word;
244        new_word != word
245    }
247    /// Iterates over the indices of set bits in a sorted order.
248    #[inline]
249    pub fn iter(&self) -> BitIter<'_, T> {
250        BitIter::new(&self.words)
251    }
253    pub fn last_set_in(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<T>) -> Option<T> {
254        let (start, end) = inclusive_start_end(range, self.domain_size)?;
255        let (start_word_index, _) = word_index_and_mask(start);
256        let (end_word_index, end_mask) = word_index_and_mask(end);
258        let end_word = self.words[end_word_index] & (end_mask | (end_mask - 1));
259        if end_word != 0 {
260            let pos = max_bit(end_word) + WORD_BITS * end_word_index;
261            if start <= pos {
262                return Some(T::new(pos));
263            }
264        }
266        // We exclude end_word_index from the range here, because we don't want
267        // to limit ourselves to *just* the last word: the bits set it in may be
268        // after `end`, so it may not work out.
269        if let Some(offset) =
270            self.words[start_word_index..end_word_index].iter().rposition(|&w| w != 0)
271        {
272            let word_idx = start_word_index + offset;
273            let start_word = self.words[word_idx];
274            let pos = max_bit(start_word) + WORD_BITS * word_idx;
275            if start <= pos {
276                return Some(T::new(pos));
277            }
278        }
280        None
281    }
283    bit_relations_inherent_impls! {}
285    /// Sets `self = self | !other`.
286    ///
287    /// FIXME: Incorporate this into [`BitRelations`] and fill out
288    /// implementations for other bitset types, if needed.
289    pub fn union_not(&mut self, other: &DenseBitSet<T>) {
290        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
292        // FIXME(Zalathar): If we were to forcibly _set_ all excess bits before
293        // the bitwise update, and then clear them again afterwards, we could
294        // quickly and accurately detect whether the update changed anything.
295        // But that's only worth doing if there's an actual use-case.
297        bitwise(&mut self.words, &other.words, |a, b| a | !b);
298        // The bitwise update `a | !b` can result in the last word containing
299        // out-of-domain bits, so we need to clear them.
300        self.clear_excess_bits();
301    }
304// dense REL dense
305impl<T: Idx> BitRelations<DenseBitSet<T>> for DenseBitSet<T> {
306    fn union(&mut self, other: &DenseBitSet<T>) -> bool {
307        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
308        bitwise(&mut self.words, &other.words, |a, b| a | b)
309    }
311    fn subtract(&mut self, other: &DenseBitSet<T>) -> bool {
312        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
313        bitwise(&mut self.words, &other.words, |a, b| a & !b)
314    }
316    fn intersect(&mut self, other: &DenseBitSet<T>) -> bool {
317        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
318        bitwise(&mut self.words, &other.words, |a, b| a & b)
319    }
322impl<T: Idx> From<GrowableBitSet<T>> for DenseBitSet<T> {
323    fn from(bit_set: GrowableBitSet<T>) -> Self {
324        bit_set.bit_set
325    }
328impl<T> Clone for DenseBitSet<T> {
329    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
330        DenseBitSet {
331            domain_size: self.domain_size,
332            words: self.words.clone(),
333            marker: PhantomData,
334        }
335    }
337    fn clone_from(&mut self, from: &Self) {
338        self.domain_size = from.domain_size;
339        self.words.clone_from(&from.words);
340    }
343impl<T: Idx> fmt::Debug for DenseBitSet<T> {
344    fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
345        w.debug_list().entries(self.iter()).finish()
346    }
349impl<T: Idx> ToString for DenseBitSet<T> {
350    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
351        let mut result = String::new();
352        let mut sep = '[';
354        // Note: this is a little endian printout of bytes.
356        // i tracks how many bits we have printed so far.
357        let mut i = 0;
358        for word in &self.words {
359            let mut word = *word;
360            for _ in 0..WORD_BYTES {
361                // for each byte in `word`:
362                let remain = self.domain_size - i;
363                // If less than a byte remains, then mask just that many bits.
364                let mask = if remain <= 8 { (1 << remain) - 1 } else { 0xFF };
365                assert!(mask <= 0xFF);
366                let byte = word & mask;
368                result.push_str(&format!("{sep}{byte:02x}"));
370                if remain <= 8 {
371                    break;
372                }
373                word >>= 8;
374                i += 8;
375                sep = '-';
376            }
377            sep = '|';
378        }
379        result.push(']');
381        result
382    }
385pub struct BitIter<'a, T: Idx> {
386    /// A copy of the current word, but with any already-visited bits cleared.
387    /// (This lets us use `trailing_zeros()` to find the next set bit.) When it
388    /// is reduced to 0, we move onto the next word.
389    word: Word,
391    /// The offset (measured in bits) of the current word.
392    offset: usize,
394    /// Underlying iterator over the words.
395    iter: slice::Iter<'a, Word>,
397    marker: PhantomData<T>,
400impl<'a, T: Idx> BitIter<'a, T> {
401    #[inline]
402    fn new(words: &'a [Word]) -> BitIter<'a, T> {
403        // We initialize `word` and `offset` to degenerate values. On the first
404        // call to `next()` we will fall through to getting the first word from
405        // `iter`, which sets `word` to the first word (if there is one) and
406        // `offset` to 0. Doing it this way saves us from having to maintain
407        // additional state about whether we have started.
408        BitIter {
409            word: 0,
410            offset: usize::MAX - (WORD_BITS - 1),
411            iter: words.iter(),
412            marker: PhantomData,
413        }
414    }
417impl<'a, T: Idx> Iterator for BitIter<'a, T> {
418    type Item = T;
419    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
420        loop {
421            if self.word != 0 {
422                // Get the position of the next set bit in the current word,
423                // then clear the bit.
424                let bit_pos = self.word.trailing_zeros() as usize;
425                self.word ^= 1 << bit_pos;
426                return Some(T::new(bit_pos + self.offset));
427            }
429            // Move onto the next word. `wrapping_add()` is needed to handle
430            // the degenerate initial value given to `offset` in `new()`.
431            self.word = *self.iter.next()?;
432            self.offset = self.offset.wrapping_add(WORD_BITS);
433        }
434    }
437/// A fixed-size bitset type with a partially dense, partially sparse
438/// representation. The bitset is broken into chunks, and chunks that are all
439/// zeros or all ones are represented and handled very efficiently.
441/// This type is especially efficient for sets that typically have a large
442/// `domain_size` with significant stretches of all zeros or all ones, and also
443/// some stretches with lots of 0s and 1s mixed in a way that causes trouble
444/// for `IntervalSet`.
446/// Best used via `MixedBitSet`, rather than directly, because `MixedBitSet`
447/// has better performance for small bitsets.
449/// `T` is an index type, typically a newtyped `usize` wrapper, but it can also
450/// just be `usize`.
452/// All operations that involve an element will panic if the element is equal
453/// to or greater than the domain size. All operations that involve two bitsets
454/// will panic if the bitsets have differing domain sizes.
455#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
456pub struct ChunkedBitSet<T> {
457    domain_size: usize,
459    /// The chunks. Each one contains exactly CHUNK_BITS values, except the
460    /// last one which contains 1..=CHUNK_BITS values.
461    chunks: Box<[Chunk]>,
463    marker: PhantomData<T>,
466// Note: the chunk domain size is duplicated in each variant. This is a bit
467// inconvenient, but it allows the type size to be smaller than if we had an
468// outer struct containing a chunk domain size plus the `Chunk`, because the
469// compiler can place the chunk domain size after the tag.
470#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
471enum Chunk {
472    /// A chunk that is all zeros; we don't represent the zeros explicitly.
473    /// The `ChunkSize` is always non-zero.
474    Zeros(ChunkSize),
476    /// A chunk that is all ones; we don't represent the ones explicitly.
477    /// `ChunkSize` is always non-zero.
478    Ones(ChunkSize),
480    /// A chunk that has a mix of zeros and ones, which are represented
481    /// explicitly and densely. It never has all zeros or all ones.
482    ///
483    /// If this is the final chunk there may be excess, unused words. This
484    /// turns out to be both simpler and have better performance than
485    /// allocating the minimum number of words, largely because we avoid having
486    /// to store the length, which would make this type larger. These excess
487    /// words are always zero, as are any excess bits in the final in-use word.
488    ///
489    /// The first `ChunkSize` field is always non-zero.
490    ///
491    /// The second `ChunkSize` field is the count of 1s set in the chunk, and
492    /// must satisfy `0 < count < chunk_domain_size`.
493    ///
494    /// The words are within an `Rc` because it's surprisingly common to
495    /// duplicate an entire chunk, e.g. in `ChunkedBitSet::clone_from()`, or
496    /// when a `Mixed` chunk is union'd into a `Zeros` chunk. When we do need
497    /// to modify a chunk we use `Rc::make_mut`.
498    Mixed(ChunkSize, ChunkSize, Rc<[Word; CHUNK_WORDS]>),
501// This type is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
502#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
503crate::static_assert_size!(Chunk, 16);
505impl<T> ChunkedBitSet<T> {
506    pub fn domain_size(&self) -> usize {
507        self.domain_size
508    }
510    #[cfg(test)]
511    fn assert_valid(&self) {
512        if self.domain_size == 0 {
513            assert!(self.chunks.is_empty());
514            return;
515        }
517        assert!((self.chunks.len() - 1) * CHUNK_BITS <= self.domain_size);
518        assert!(self.chunks.len() * CHUNK_BITS >= self.domain_size);
519        for chunk in self.chunks.iter() {
520            chunk.assert_valid();
521        }
522    }
525impl<T: Idx> ChunkedBitSet<T> {
526    /// Creates a new bitset with a given `domain_size` and chunk kind.
527    fn new(domain_size: usize, is_empty: bool) -> Self {
528        let chunks = if domain_size == 0 {
529            Box::new([])
530        } else {
531            // All the chunks have a chunk_domain_size of `CHUNK_BITS` except
532            // the final one.
533            let final_chunk_domain_size = {
534                let n = domain_size % CHUNK_BITS;
535                if n == 0 { CHUNK_BITS } else { n }
536            };
537            let mut chunks =
538                vec![Chunk::new(CHUNK_BITS, is_empty); num_chunks(domain_size)].into_boxed_slice();
539            *chunks.last_mut().unwrap() = Chunk::new(final_chunk_domain_size, is_empty);
540            chunks
541        };
542        ChunkedBitSet { domain_size, chunks, marker: PhantomData }
543    }
545    /// Creates a new, empty bitset with a given `domain_size`.
546    #[inline]
547    pub fn new_empty(domain_size: usize) -> Self {
548        ChunkedBitSet::new(domain_size, /* is_empty */ true)
549    }
551    /// Creates a new, filled bitset with a given `domain_size`.
552    #[inline]
553    pub fn new_filled(domain_size: usize) -> Self {
554        ChunkedBitSet::new(domain_size, /* is_empty */ false)
555    }
557    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
558        let domain_size = self.domain_size();
559        *self = ChunkedBitSet::new_empty(domain_size);
560    }
562    #[cfg(test)]
563    fn chunks(&self) -> &[Chunk] {
564        &self.chunks
565    }
567    /// Count the number of bits in the set.
568    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
569        self.chunks.iter().map(|chunk| chunk.count()).sum()
570    }
572    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
573        self.chunks.iter().all(|chunk| matches!(chunk, Zeros(..)))
574    }
576    /// Returns `true` if `self` contains `elem`.
577    #[inline]
578    pub fn contains(&self, elem: T) -> bool {
579        assert!(elem.index() < self.domain_size);
580        let chunk = &self.chunks[chunk_index(elem)];
581        match &chunk {
582            Zeros(_) => false,
583            Ones(_) => true,
584            Mixed(_, _, words) => {
585                let (word_index, mask) = chunk_word_index_and_mask(elem);
586                (words[word_index] & mask) != 0
587            }
588        }
589    }
591    #[inline]
592    pub fn iter(&self) -> ChunkedBitIter<'_, T> {
593        ChunkedBitIter::new(self)
594    }
596    /// Insert `elem`. Returns whether the set has changed.
597    pub fn insert(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
598        assert!(elem.index() < self.domain_size);
599        let chunk_index = chunk_index(elem);
600        let chunk = &mut self.chunks[chunk_index];
601        match *chunk {
602            Zeros(chunk_domain_size) => {
603                if chunk_domain_size > 1 {
604                    #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
605                    let mut words = {
606                        // We take some effort to avoid copying the words.
607                        let words = Rc::<[Word; CHUNK_WORDS]>::new_zeroed();
608                        // SAFETY: `words` can safely be all zeroes.
609                        unsafe { words.assume_init() }
610                    };
611                    #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
612                    let mut words = {
613                        // FIXME: unconditionally use `Rc::new_zeroed` once it is stable (#63291).
614                        let words = mem::MaybeUninit::<[Word; CHUNK_WORDS]>::zeroed();
615                        // SAFETY: `words` can safely be all zeroes.
616                        let words = unsafe { words.assume_init() };
617                        // Unfortunate possibly-large copy
618                        Rc::new(words)
619                    };
620                    let words_ref = Rc::get_mut(&mut words).unwrap();
622                    let (word_index, mask) = chunk_word_index_and_mask(elem);
623                    words_ref[word_index] |= mask;
624                    *chunk = Mixed(chunk_domain_size, 1, words);
625                } else {
626                    *chunk = Ones(chunk_domain_size);
627                }
628                true
629            }
630            Ones(_) => false,
631            Mixed(chunk_domain_size, ref mut count, ref mut words) => {
632                // We skip all the work if the bit is already set.
633                let (word_index, mask) = chunk_word_index_and_mask(elem);
634                if (words[word_index] & mask) == 0 {
635                    *count += 1;
636                    if *count < chunk_domain_size {
637                        let words = Rc::make_mut(words);
638                        words[word_index] |= mask;
639                    } else {
640                        *chunk = Ones(chunk_domain_size);
641                    }
642                    true
643                } else {
644                    false
645                }
646            }
647        }
648    }
650    /// Sets all bits to true.
651    pub fn insert_all(&mut self) {
652        for chunk in self.chunks.iter_mut() {
653            *chunk = match *chunk {
654                Zeros(chunk_domain_size)
655                | Ones(chunk_domain_size)
656                | Mixed(chunk_domain_size, ..) => Ones(chunk_domain_size),
657            }
658        }
659    }
661    /// Returns `true` if the set has changed.
662    pub fn remove(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
663        assert!(elem.index() < self.domain_size);
664        let chunk_index = chunk_index(elem);
665        let chunk = &mut self.chunks[chunk_index];
666        match *chunk {
667            Zeros(_) => false,
668            Ones(chunk_domain_size) => {
669                if chunk_domain_size > 1 {
670                    #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
671                    let mut words = {
672                        // We take some effort to avoid copying the words.
673                        let words = Rc::<[Word; CHUNK_WORDS]>::new_zeroed();
674                        // SAFETY: `words` can safely be all zeroes.
675                        unsafe { words.assume_init() }
676                    };
677                    #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
678                    let mut words = {
679                        // FIXME: unconditionally use `Rc::new_zeroed` once it is stable (#63291).
680                        let words = mem::MaybeUninit::<[Word; CHUNK_WORDS]>::zeroed();
681                        // SAFETY: `words` can safely be all zeroes.
682                        let words = unsafe { words.assume_init() };
683                        // Unfortunate possibly-large copy
684                        Rc::new(words)
685                    };
686                    let words_ref = Rc::get_mut(&mut words).unwrap();
688                    // Set only the bits in use.
689                    let num_words = num_words(chunk_domain_size as usize);
690                    words_ref[..num_words].fill(!0);
691                    clear_excess_bits_in_final_word(
692                        chunk_domain_size as usize,
693                        &mut words_ref[..num_words],
694                    );
695                    let (word_index, mask) = chunk_word_index_and_mask(elem);
696                    words_ref[word_index] &= !mask;
697                    *chunk = Mixed(chunk_domain_size, chunk_domain_size - 1, words);
698                } else {
699                    *chunk = Zeros(chunk_domain_size);
700                }
701                true
702            }
703            Mixed(chunk_domain_size, ref mut count, ref mut words) => {
704                // We skip all the work if the bit is already clear.
705                let (word_index, mask) = chunk_word_index_and_mask(elem);
706                if (words[word_index] & mask) != 0 {
707                    *count -= 1;
708                    if *count > 0 {
709                        let words = Rc::make_mut(words);
710                        words[word_index] &= !mask;
711                    } else {
712                        *chunk = Zeros(chunk_domain_size);
713                    }
714                    true
715                } else {
716                    false
717                }
718            }
719        }
720    }
722    fn chunk_iter(&self, chunk_index: usize) -> ChunkIter<'_> {
723        match self.chunks.get(chunk_index) {
724            Some(Zeros(_chunk_domain_size)) => ChunkIter::Zeros,
725            Some(Ones(chunk_domain_size)) => ChunkIter::Ones(0..*chunk_domain_size as usize),
726            Some(Mixed(chunk_domain_size, _, words)) => {
727                let num_words = num_words(*chunk_domain_size as usize);
728                ChunkIter::Mixed(BitIter::new(&words[0..num_words]))
729            }
730            None => ChunkIter::Finished,
731        }
732    }
734    bit_relations_inherent_impls! {}
737impl<T: Idx> BitRelations<ChunkedBitSet<T>> for ChunkedBitSet<T> {
738    fn union(&mut self, other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
739        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
740        debug_assert_eq!(self.chunks.len(), other.chunks.len());
742        let mut changed = false;
743        for (mut self_chunk, other_chunk) in self.chunks.iter_mut().zip(other.chunks.iter()) {
744            match (&mut self_chunk, &other_chunk) {
745                (_, Zeros(_)) | (Ones(_), _) => {}
746                (Zeros(self_chunk_domain_size), Ones(other_chunk_domain_size))
747                | (Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, ..), Ones(other_chunk_domain_size))
748                | (Zeros(self_chunk_domain_size), Mixed(other_chunk_domain_size, ..)) => {
749                    // `other_chunk` fully overwrites `self_chunk`
750                    debug_assert_eq!(self_chunk_domain_size, other_chunk_domain_size);
751                    *self_chunk = other_chunk.clone();
752                    changed = true;
753                }
754                (
755                    Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, self_chunk_count, self_chunk_words),
756                    Mixed(_other_chunk_domain_size, _other_chunk_count, other_chunk_words),
757                ) => {
758                    // First check if the operation would change
759                    // `self_chunk.words`. If not, we can avoid allocating some
760                    // words, and this happens often enough that it's a
761                    // performance win. Also, we only need to operate on the
762                    // in-use words, hence the slicing.
763                    let op = |a, b| a | b;
764                    let num_words = num_words(*self_chunk_domain_size as usize);
765                    if bitwise_changes(
766                        &self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
767                        &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
768                        op,
769                    ) {
770                        let self_chunk_words = Rc::make_mut(self_chunk_words);
771                        let has_changed = bitwise(
772                            &mut self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
773                            &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
774                            op,
775                        );
776                        debug_assert!(has_changed);
777                        *self_chunk_count = self_chunk_words[0..num_words]
778                            .iter()
779                            .map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize)
780                            .sum();
781                        if *self_chunk_count == *self_chunk_domain_size {
782                            *self_chunk = Ones(*self_chunk_domain_size);
783                        }
784                        changed = true;
785                    }
786                }
787            }
788        }
789        changed
790    }
792    fn subtract(&mut self, other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
793        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
794        debug_assert_eq!(self.chunks.len(), other.chunks.len());
796        let mut changed = false;
797        for (mut self_chunk, other_chunk) in self.chunks.iter_mut().zip(other.chunks.iter()) {
798            match (&mut self_chunk, &other_chunk) {
799                (Zeros(..), _) | (_, Zeros(..)) => {}
800                (
801                    Ones(self_chunk_domain_size) | Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, _, _),
802                    Ones(other_chunk_domain_size),
803                ) => {
804                    debug_assert_eq!(self_chunk_domain_size, other_chunk_domain_size);
805                    changed = true;
806                    *self_chunk = Zeros(*self_chunk_domain_size);
807                }
808                (
809                    Ones(self_chunk_domain_size),
810                    Mixed(other_chunk_domain_size, other_chunk_count, other_chunk_words),
811                ) => {
812                    debug_assert_eq!(self_chunk_domain_size, other_chunk_domain_size);
813                    changed = true;
814                    let num_words = num_words(*self_chunk_domain_size as usize);
815                    debug_assert!(num_words > 0 && num_words <= CHUNK_WORDS);
816                    let mut tail_mask =
817                        1 << (*other_chunk_domain_size - ((num_words - 1) * WORD_BITS) as u16) - 1;
818                    let mut self_chunk_words = **other_chunk_words;
819                    for word in self_chunk_words[0..num_words].iter_mut().rev() {
820                        *word = !*word & tail_mask;
821                        tail_mask = u64::MAX;
822                    }
823                    let self_chunk_count = *self_chunk_domain_size - *other_chunk_count;
824                    debug_assert_eq!(
825                        self_chunk_count,
826                        self_chunk_words[0..num_words]
827                            .iter()
828                            .map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize)
829                            .sum()
830                    );
831                    *self_chunk =
832                        Mixed(*self_chunk_domain_size, self_chunk_count, Rc::new(self_chunk_words));
833                }
834                (
835                    Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, self_chunk_count, self_chunk_words),
836                    Mixed(_other_chunk_domain_size, _other_chunk_count, other_chunk_words),
837                ) => {
838                    // See [`<Self as BitRelations<ChunkedBitSet<T>>>::union`] for the explanation
839                    let op = |a: u64, b: u64| a & !b;
840                    let num_words = num_words(*self_chunk_domain_size as usize);
841                    if bitwise_changes(
842                        &self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
843                        &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
844                        op,
845                    ) {
846                        let self_chunk_words = Rc::make_mut(self_chunk_words);
847                        let has_changed = bitwise(
848                            &mut self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
849                            &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
850                            op,
851                        );
852                        debug_assert!(has_changed);
853                        *self_chunk_count = self_chunk_words[0..num_words]
854                            .iter()
855                            .map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize)
856                            .sum();
857                        if *self_chunk_count == 0 {
858                            *self_chunk = Zeros(*self_chunk_domain_size);
859                        }
860                        changed = true;
861                    }
862                }
863            }
864        }
865        changed
866    }
868    fn intersect(&mut self, other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
869        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, other.domain_size);
870        debug_assert_eq!(self.chunks.len(), other.chunks.len());
872        let mut changed = false;
873        for (mut self_chunk, other_chunk) in self.chunks.iter_mut().zip(other.chunks.iter()) {
874            match (&mut self_chunk, &other_chunk) {
875                (Zeros(..), _) | (_, Ones(..)) => {}
876                (
877                    Ones(self_chunk_domain_size),
878                    Zeros(other_chunk_domain_size) | Mixed(other_chunk_domain_size, ..),
879                )
880                | (Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, ..), Zeros(other_chunk_domain_size)) => {
881                    debug_assert_eq!(self_chunk_domain_size, other_chunk_domain_size);
882                    changed = true;
883                    *self_chunk = other_chunk.clone();
884                }
885                (
886                    Mixed(self_chunk_domain_size, self_chunk_count, self_chunk_words),
887                    Mixed(_other_chunk_domain_size, _other_chunk_count, other_chunk_words),
888                ) => {
889                    // See [`<Self as BitRelations<ChunkedBitSet<T>>>::union`] for the explanation
890                    let op = |a, b| a & b;
891                    let num_words = num_words(*self_chunk_domain_size as usize);
892                    if bitwise_changes(
893                        &self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
894                        &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
895                        op,
896                    ) {
897                        let self_chunk_words = Rc::make_mut(self_chunk_words);
898                        let has_changed = bitwise(
899                            &mut self_chunk_words[0..num_words],
900                            &other_chunk_words[0..num_words],
901                            op,
902                        );
903                        debug_assert!(has_changed);
904                        *self_chunk_count = self_chunk_words[0..num_words]
905                            .iter()
906                            .map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize)
907                            .sum();
908                        if *self_chunk_count == 0 {
909                            *self_chunk = Zeros(*self_chunk_domain_size);
910                        }
911                        changed = true;
912                    }
913                }
914            }
915        }
917        changed
918    }
921impl<T: Idx> BitRelations<ChunkedBitSet<T>> for DenseBitSet<T> {
922    fn union(&mut self, other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
923        sequential_update(|elem| self.insert(elem), other.iter())
924    }
926    fn subtract(&mut self, _other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
927        unimplemented!("implement if/when necessary");
928    }
930    fn intersect(&mut self, other: &ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
931        assert_eq!(self.domain_size(), other.domain_size);
932        let mut changed = false;
933        for (i, chunk) in other.chunks.iter().enumerate() {
934            let mut words = &mut self.words[i * CHUNK_WORDS..];
935            if words.len() > CHUNK_WORDS {
936                words = &mut words[..CHUNK_WORDS];
937            }
938            match chunk {
939                Zeros(..) => {
940                    for word in words {
941                        if *word != 0 {
942                            changed = true;
943                            *word = 0;
944                        }
945                    }
946                }
947                Ones(..) => (),
948                Mixed(_, _, data) => {
949                    for (i, word) in words.iter_mut().enumerate() {
950                        let new_val = *word & data[i];
951                        if new_val != *word {
952                            changed = true;
953                            *word = new_val;
954                        }
955                    }
956                }
957            }
958        }
959        changed
960    }
963impl<T> Clone for ChunkedBitSet<T> {
964    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
965        ChunkedBitSet {
966            domain_size: self.domain_size,
967            chunks: self.chunks.clone(),
968            marker: PhantomData,
969        }
970    }
972    /// WARNING: this implementation of clone_from will panic if the two
973    /// bitsets have different domain sizes. This constraint is not inherent to
974    /// `clone_from`, but it works with the existing call sites and allows a
975    /// faster implementation, which is important because this function is hot.
976    fn clone_from(&mut self, from: &Self) {
977        assert_eq!(self.domain_size, from.domain_size);
978        debug_assert_eq!(self.chunks.len(), from.chunks.len());
980        self.chunks.clone_from(&from.chunks)
981    }
984pub struct ChunkedBitIter<'a, T: Idx> {
985    bit_set: &'a ChunkedBitSet<T>,
987    // The index of the current chunk.
988    chunk_index: usize,
990    // The sub-iterator for the current chunk.
991    chunk_iter: ChunkIter<'a>,
994impl<'a, T: Idx> ChunkedBitIter<'a, T> {
995    #[inline]
996    fn new(bit_set: &'a ChunkedBitSet<T>) -> ChunkedBitIter<'a, T> {
997        ChunkedBitIter { bit_set, chunk_index: 0, chunk_iter: bit_set.chunk_iter(0) }
998    }
1001impl<'a, T: Idx> Iterator for ChunkedBitIter<'a, T> {
1002    type Item = T;
1004    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
1005        loop {
1006            match &mut self.chunk_iter {
1007                ChunkIter::Zeros => {}
1008                ChunkIter::Ones(iter) => {
1009                    if let Some(next) = iter.next() {
1010                        return Some(T::new(next + self.chunk_index * CHUNK_BITS));
1011                    }
1012                }
1013                ChunkIter::Mixed(iter) => {
1014                    if let Some(next) = iter.next() {
1015                        return Some(T::new(next + self.chunk_index * CHUNK_BITS));
1016                    }
1017                }
1018                ChunkIter::Finished => return None,
1019            }
1020            self.chunk_index += 1;
1021            self.chunk_iter = self.bit_set.chunk_iter(self.chunk_index);
1022        }
1023    }
1026impl Chunk {
1027    #[cfg(test)]
1028    fn assert_valid(&self) {
1029        match *self {
1030            Zeros(chunk_domain_size) | Ones(chunk_domain_size) => {
1031                assert!(chunk_domain_size as usize <= CHUNK_BITS);
1032            }
1033            Mixed(chunk_domain_size, count, ref words) => {
1034                assert!(chunk_domain_size as usize <= CHUNK_BITS);
1035                assert!(0 < count && count < chunk_domain_size);
1037                // Check the number of set bits matches `count`.
1038                assert_eq!(
1039                    words.iter().map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize).sum::<ChunkSize>(),
1040                    count
1041                );
1043                // Check the not-in-use words are all zeroed.
1044                let num_words = num_words(chunk_domain_size as usize);
1045                if num_words < CHUNK_WORDS {
1046                    assert_eq!(
1047                        words[num_words..]
1048                            .iter()
1049                            .map(|w| w.count_ones() as ChunkSize)
1050                            .sum::<ChunkSize>(),
1051                        0
1052                    );
1053                }
1054            }
1055        }
1056    }
1058    fn new(chunk_domain_size: usize, is_empty: bool) -> Self {
1059        debug_assert!(0 < chunk_domain_size && chunk_domain_size <= CHUNK_BITS);
1060        let chunk_domain_size = chunk_domain_size as ChunkSize;
1061        if is_empty { Zeros(chunk_domain_size) } else { Ones(chunk_domain_size) }
1062    }
1064    /// Count the number of 1s in the chunk.
1065    fn count(&self) -> usize {
1066        match *self {
1067            Zeros(_) => 0,
1068            Ones(chunk_domain_size) => chunk_domain_size as usize,
1069            Mixed(_, count, _) => count as usize,
1070        }
1071    }
1074enum ChunkIter<'a> {
1075    Zeros,
1076    Ones(Range<usize>),
1077    Mixed(BitIter<'a, usize>),
1078    Finished,
1081// Applies a function to mutate a bitset, and returns true if any
1082// of the applications return true
1083fn sequential_update<T: Idx>(
1084    mut self_update: impl FnMut(T) -> bool,
1085    it: impl Iterator<Item = T>,
1086) -> bool {
1087    it.fold(false, |changed, elem| self_update(elem) | changed)
1090impl<T: Idx> fmt::Debug for ChunkedBitSet<T> {
1091    fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1092        w.debug_list().entries(self.iter()).finish()
1093    }
1096/// Sets `out_vec[i] = op(out_vec[i], in_vec[i])` for each index `i` in both
1097/// slices. The slices must have the same length.
1099/// Returns true if at least one bit in `out_vec` was changed.
1101/// ## Warning
1102/// Some bitwise operations (e.g. union-not, xor) can set output bits that were
1103/// unset in in both inputs. If this happens in the last word/chunk of a bitset,
1104/// it can cause the bitset to contain out-of-domain values, which need to
1105/// be cleared with `clear_excess_bits_in_final_word`. This also makes the
1106/// "changed" return value unreliable, because the change might have only
1107/// affected excess bits.
1109fn bitwise<Op>(out_vec: &mut [Word], in_vec: &[Word], op: Op) -> bool
1111    Op: Fn(Word, Word) -> Word,
1113    assert_eq!(out_vec.len(), in_vec.len());
1114    let mut changed = 0;
1115    for (out_elem, in_elem) in iter::zip(out_vec, in_vec) {
1116        let old_val = *out_elem;
1117        let new_val = op(old_val, *in_elem);
1118        *out_elem = new_val;
1119        // This is essentially equivalent to a != with changed being a bool, but
1120        // in practice this code gets auto-vectorized by the compiler for most
1121        // operators. Using != here causes us to generate quite poor code as the
1122        // compiler tries to go back to a boolean on each loop iteration.
1123        changed |= old_val ^ new_val;
1124    }
1125    changed != 0
1128/// Does this bitwise operation change `out_vec`?
1130fn bitwise_changes<Op>(out_vec: &[Word], in_vec: &[Word], op: Op) -> bool
1132    Op: Fn(Word, Word) -> Word,
1134    assert_eq!(out_vec.len(), in_vec.len());
1135    for (out_elem, in_elem) in iter::zip(out_vec, in_vec) {
1136        let old_val = *out_elem;
1137        let new_val = op(old_val, *in_elem);
1138        if old_val != new_val {
1139            return true;
1140        }
1141    }
1142    false
1145/// A bitset with a mixed representation, using `DenseBitSet` for small and
1146/// medium bitsets, and `ChunkedBitSet` for large bitsets, i.e. those with
1147/// enough bits for at least two chunks. This is a good choice for many bitsets
1148/// that can have large domain sizes (e.g. 5000+).
1150/// `T` is an index type, typically a newtyped `usize` wrapper, but it can also
1151/// just be `usize`.
1153/// All operations that involve an element will panic if the element is equal
1154/// to or greater than the domain size. All operations that involve two bitsets
1155/// will panic if the bitsets have differing domain sizes.
1156#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
1157pub enum MixedBitSet<T> {
1158    Small(DenseBitSet<T>),
1159    Large(ChunkedBitSet<T>),
1162impl<T> MixedBitSet<T> {
1163    pub fn domain_size(&self) -> usize {
1164        match self {
1165            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.domain_size(),
1166            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.domain_size(),
1167        }
1168    }
1171impl<T: Idx> MixedBitSet<T> {
1172    #[inline]
1173    pub fn new_empty(domain_size: usize) -> MixedBitSet<T> {
1174        if domain_size <= CHUNK_BITS {
1175            MixedBitSet::Small(DenseBitSet::new_empty(domain_size))
1176        } else {
1177            MixedBitSet::Large(ChunkedBitSet::new_empty(domain_size))
1178        }
1179    }
1181    #[inline]
1182    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
1183        match self {
1184            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.is_empty(),
1185            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.is_empty(),
1186        }
1187    }
1189    #[inline]
1190    pub fn contains(&self, elem: T) -> bool {
1191        match self {
1192            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.contains(elem),
1193            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.contains(elem),
1194        }
1195    }
1197    #[inline]
1198    pub fn insert(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
1199        match self {
1200            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.insert(elem),
1201            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.insert(elem),
1202        }
1203    }
1205    pub fn insert_all(&mut self) {
1206        match self {
1207            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.insert_all(),
1208            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.insert_all(),
1209        }
1210    }
1212    #[inline]
1213    pub fn remove(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
1214        match self {
1215            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.remove(elem),
1216            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.remove(elem),
1217        }
1218    }
1220    pub fn iter(&self) -> MixedBitIter<'_, T> {
1221        match self {
1222            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => MixedBitIter::Small(set.iter()),
1223            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => MixedBitIter::Large(set.iter()),
1224        }
1225    }
1227    #[inline]
1228    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
1229        match self {
1230            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.clear(),
1231            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.clear(),
1232        }
1233    }
1235    bit_relations_inherent_impls! {}
1238impl<T> Clone for MixedBitSet<T> {
1239    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
1240        match self {
1241            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => MixedBitSet::Small(set.clone()),
1242            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => MixedBitSet::Large(set.clone()),
1243        }
1244    }
1246    /// WARNING: this implementation of clone_from may panic if the two
1247    /// bitsets have different domain sizes. This constraint is not inherent to
1248    /// `clone_from`, but it works with the existing call sites and allows a
1249    /// faster implementation, which is important because this function is hot.
1250    fn clone_from(&mut self, from: &Self) {
1251        match (self, from) {
1252            (MixedBitSet::Small(set), MixedBitSet::Small(from)) => set.clone_from(from),
1253            (MixedBitSet::Large(set), MixedBitSet::Large(from)) => set.clone_from(from),
1254            _ => panic!("MixedBitSet size mismatch"),
1255        }
1256    }
1259impl<T: Idx> BitRelations<MixedBitSet<T>> for MixedBitSet<T> {
1260    fn union(&mut self, other: &MixedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
1261        match (self, other) {
1262            (MixedBitSet::Small(set), MixedBitSet::Small(other)) => set.union(other),
1263            (MixedBitSet::Large(set), MixedBitSet::Large(other)) => set.union(other),
1264            _ => panic!("MixedBitSet size mismatch"),
1265        }
1266    }
1268    fn subtract(&mut self, other: &MixedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
1269        match (self, other) {
1270            (MixedBitSet::Small(set), MixedBitSet::Small(other)) => set.subtract(other),
1271            (MixedBitSet::Large(set), MixedBitSet::Large(other)) => set.subtract(other),
1272            _ => panic!("MixedBitSet size mismatch"),
1273        }
1274    }
1276    fn intersect(&mut self, _other: &MixedBitSet<T>) -> bool {
1277        unimplemented!("implement if/when necessary");
1278    }
1281impl<T: Idx> fmt::Debug for MixedBitSet<T> {
1282    fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1283        match self {
1284            MixedBitSet::Small(set) => set.fmt(w),
1285            MixedBitSet::Large(set) => set.fmt(w),
1286        }
1287    }
1290pub enum MixedBitIter<'a, T: Idx> {
1291    Small(BitIter<'a, T>),
1292    Large(ChunkedBitIter<'a, T>),
1295impl<'a, T: Idx> Iterator for MixedBitIter<'a, T> {
1296    type Item = T;
1297    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
1298        match self {
1299            MixedBitIter::Small(iter) => iter.next(),
1300            MixedBitIter::Large(iter) => iter.next(),
1301        }
1302    }
1305/// A resizable bitset type with a dense representation.
1307/// `T` is an index type, typically a newtyped `usize` wrapper, but it can also
1308/// just be `usize`.
1310/// All operations that involve an element will panic if the element is equal
1311/// to or greater than the domain size.
1312#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1313pub struct GrowableBitSet<T: Idx> {
1314    bit_set: DenseBitSet<T>,
1317impl<T: Idx> Default for GrowableBitSet<T> {
1318    fn default() -> Self {
1319        GrowableBitSet::new_empty()
1320    }
1323impl<T: Idx> GrowableBitSet<T> {
1324    /// Ensure that the set can hold at least `min_domain_size` elements.
1325    pub fn ensure(&mut self, min_domain_size: usize) {
1326        if self.bit_set.domain_size < min_domain_size {
1327            self.bit_set.domain_size = min_domain_size;
1328        }
1330        let min_num_words = num_words(min_domain_size);
1331        if self.bit_set.words.len() < min_num_words {
1332            self.bit_set.words.resize(min_num_words, 0)
1333        }
1334    }
1336    pub fn new_empty() -> GrowableBitSet<T> {
1337        GrowableBitSet { bit_set: DenseBitSet::new_empty(0) }
1338    }
1340    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> GrowableBitSet<T> {
1341        GrowableBitSet { bit_set: DenseBitSet::new_empty(capacity) }
1342    }
1344    /// Returns `true` if the set has changed.
1345    #[inline]
1346    pub fn insert(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
1347        self.ensure(elem.index() + 1);
1348        self.bit_set.insert(elem)
1349    }
1351    /// Returns `true` if the set has changed.
1352    #[inline]
1353    pub fn remove(&mut self, elem: T) -> bool {
1354        self.ensure(elem.index() + 1);
1355        self.bit_set.remove(elem)
1356    }
1358    #[inline]
1359    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
1360        self.bit_set.is_empty()
1361    }
1363    #[inline]
1364    pub fn contains(&self, elem: T) -> bool {
1365        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(elem);
1366        self.bit_set.words.get(word_index).is_some_and(|word| (word & mask) != 0)
1367    }
1369    #[inline]
1370    pub fn iter(&self) -> BitIter<'_, T> {
1371        self.bit_set.iter()
1372    }
1374    #[inline]
1375    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
1376        self.bit_set.count()
1377    }
1380impl<T: Idx> From<DenseBitSet<T>> for GrowableBitSet<T> {
1381    fn from(bit_set: DenseBitSet<T>) -> Self {
1382        Self { bit_set }
1383    }
1386/// A fixed-size 2D bit matrix type with a dense representation.
1388/// `R` and `C` are index types used to identify rows and columns respectively;
1389/// typically newtyped `usize` wrappers, but they can also just be `usize`.
1391/// All operations that involve a row and/or column index will panic if the
1392/// index exceeds the relevant bound.
1393#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Decodable_Generic, Encodable_Generic))]
1394#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
1395pub struct BitMatrix<R: Idx, C: Idx> {
1396    num_rows: usize,
1397    num_columns: usize,
1398    words: SmallVec<[Word; 2]>,
1399    marker: PhantomData<(R, C)>,
1402impl<R: Idx, C: Idx> BitMatrix<R, C> {
1403    /// Creates a new `rows x columns` matrix, initially empty.
1404    pub fn new(num_rows: usize, num_columns: usize) -> BitMatrix<R, C> {
1405        // For every element, we need one bit for every other
1406        // element. Round up to an even number of words.
1407        let words_per_row = num_words(num_columns);
1408        BitMatrix {
1409            num_rows,
1410            num_columns,
1411            words: smallvec![0; num_rows * words_per_row],
1412            marker: PhantomData,
1413        }
1414    }
1416    /// Creates a new matrix, with `row` used as the value for every row.
1417    pub fn from_row_n(row: &DenseBitSet<C>, num_rows: usize) -> BitMatrix<R, C> {
1418        let num_columns = row.domain_size();
1419        let words_per_row = num_words(num_columns);
1420        assert_eq!(words_per_row, row.words.len());
1421        BitMatrix {
1422            num_rows,
1423            num_columns,
1424            words: iter::repeat(&row.words).take(num_rows).flatten().cloned().collect(),
1425            marker: PhantomData,
1426        }
1427    }
1429    pub fn rows(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = R> {
1430        (0..self.num_rows).map(R::new)
1431    }
1433    /// The range of bits for a given row.
1434    fn range(&self, row: R) -> (usize, usize) {
1435        let words_per_row = num_words(self.num_columns);
1436        let start = row.index() * words_per_row;
1437        (start, start + words_per_row)
1438    }
1440    /// Sets the cell at `(row, column)` to true. Put another way, insert
1441    /// `column` to the bitset for `row`.
1442    ///
1443    /// Returns `true` if this changed the matrix.
1444    pub fn insert(&mut self, row: R, column: C) -> bool {
1445        assert!(row.index() < self.num_rows && column.index() < self.num_columns);
1446        let (start, _) = self.range(row);
1447        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(column);
1448        let words = &mut self.words[..];
1449        let word = words[start + word_index];
1450        let new_word = word | mask;
1451        words[start + word_index] = new_word;
1452        word != new_word
1453    }
1455    /// Do the bits from `row` contain `column`? Put another way, is
1456    /// the matrix cell at `(row, column)` true?  Put yet another way,
1457    /// if the matrix represents (transitive) reachability, can
1458    /// `row` reach `column`?
1459    pub fn contains(&self, row: R, column: C) -> bool {
1460        assert!(row.index() < self.num_rows && column.index() < self.num_columns);
1461        let (start, _) = self.range(row);
1462        let (word_index, mask) = word_index_and_mask(column);
1463        (self.words[start + word_index] & mask) != 0
1464    }
1466    /// Returns those indices that are true in rows `a` and `b`. This
1467    /// is an *O*(*n*) operation where *n* is the number of elements
1468    /// (somewhat independent from the actual size of the
1469    /// intersection, in particular).
1470    pub fn intersect_rows(&self, row1: R, row2: R) -> Vec<C> {
1471        assert!(row1.index() < self.num_rows && row2.index() < self.num_rows);
1472        let (row1_start, row1_end) = self.range(row1);
1473        let (row2_start, row2_end) = self.range(row2);
1474        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(self.num_columns);
1475        for (base, (i, j)) in (row1_start..row1_end).zip(row2_start..row2_end).enumerate() {
1476            let mut v = self.words[i] & self.words[j];
1477            for bit in 0..WORD_BITS {
1478                if v == 0 {
1479                    break;
1480                }
1481                if v & 0x1 != 0 {
1482                    result.push(C::new(base * WORD_BITS + bit));
1483                }
1484                v >>= 1;
1485            }
1486        }
1487        result
1488    }
1490    /// Adds the bits from row `read` to the bits from row `write`, and
1491    /// returns `true` if anything changed.
1492    ///
1493    /// This is used when computing transitive reachability because if
1494    /// you have an edge `write -> read`, because in that case
1495    /// `write` can reach everything that `read` can (and
1496    /// potentially more).
1497    pub fn union_rows(&mut self, read: R, write: R) -> bool {
1498        assert!(read.index() < self.num_rows && write.index() < self.num_rows);
1499        let (read_start, read_end) = self.range(read);
1500        let (write_start, write_end) = self.range(write);
1501        let words = &mut self.words[..];
1502        let mut changed = 0;
1503        for (read_index, write_index) in iter::zip(read_start..read_end, write_start..write_end) {
1504            let word = words[write_index];
1505            let new_word = word | words[read_index];
1506            words[write_index] = new_word;
1507            // See `bitwise` for the rationale.
1508            changed |= word ^ new_word;
1509        }
1510        changed != 0
1511    }
1513    /// Adds the bits from `with` to the bits from row `write`, and
1514    /// returns `true` if anything changed.
1515    pub fn union_row_with(&mut self, with: &DenseBitSet<C>, write: R) -> bool {
1516        assert!(write.index() < self.num_rows);
1517        assert_eq!(with.domain_size(), self.num_columns);
1518        let (write_start, write_end) = self.range(write);
1519        bitwise(&mut self.words[write_start..write_end], &with.words, |a, b| a | b)
1520    }
1522    /// Sets every cell in `row` to true.
1523    pub fn insert_all_into_row(&mut self, row: R) {
1524        assert!(row.index() < self.num_rows);
1525        let (start, end) = self.range(row);
1526        let words = &mut self.words[..];
1527        for index in start..end {
1528            words[index] = !0;
1529        }
1530        clear_excess_bits_in_final_word(self.num_columns, &mut self.words[..end]);
1531    }
1533    /// Gets a slice of the underlying words.
1534    pub fn words(&self) -> &[Word] {
1535        &self.words
1536    }
1538    /// Iterates through all the columns set to true in a given row of
1539    /// the matrix.
1540    pub fn iter(&self, row: R) -> BitIter<'_, C> {
1541        assert!(row.index() < self.num_rows);
1542        let (start, end) = self.range(row);
1543        BitIter::new(&self.words[start..end])
1544    }
1546    /// Returns the number of elements in `row`.
1547    pub fn count(&self, row: R) -> usize {
1548        let (start, end) = self.range(row);
1549        self.words[start..end].iter().map(|e| e.count_ones() as usize).sum()
1550    }
1553impl<R: Idx, C: Idx> fmt::Debug for BitMatrix<R, C> {
1554    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1555        /// Forces its contents to print in regular mode instead of alternate mode.
1556        struct OneLinePrinter<T>(T);
1557        impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for OneLinePrinter<T> {
1558            fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1559                write!(fmt, "{:?}", self.0)
1560            }
1561        }
1563        write!(fmt, "BitMatrix({}x{}) ", self.num_rows, self.num_columns)?;
1564        let items = self.rows().flat_map(|r| self.iter(r).map(move |c| (r, c)));
1565        fmt.debug_set().entries(items.map(OneLinePrinter)).finish()
1566    }
1569/// A fixed-column-size, variable-row-size 2D bit matrix with a moderately
1570/// sparse representation.
1572/// Initially, every row has no explicit representation. If any bit within a row
1573/// is set, the entire row is instantiated as `Some(<DenseBitSet>)`.
1574/// Furthermore, any previously uninstantiated rows prior to it will be
1575/// instantiated as `None`. Those prior rows may themselves become fully
1576/// instantiated later on if any of their bits are set.
1578/// `R` and `C` are index types used to identify rows and columns respectively;
1579/// typically newtyped `usize` wrappers, but they can also just be `usize`.
1580#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
1581pub struct SparseBitMatrix<R, C>
1583    R: Idx,
1584    C: Idx,
1586    num_columns: usize,
1587    rows: IndexVec<R, Option<DenseBitSet<C>>>,
1590impl<R: Idx, C: Idx> SparseBitMatrix<R, C> {
1591    /// Creates a new empty sparse bit matrix with no rows or columns.
1592    pub fn new(num_columns: usize) -> Self {
1593        Self { num_columns, rows: IndexVec::new() }
1594    }
1596    fn ensure_row(&mut self, row: R) -> &mut DenseBitSet<C> {
1597        // Instantiate any missing rows up to and including row `row` with an empty `DenseBitSet`.
1598        // Then replace row `row` with a full `DenseBitSet` if necessary.
1599        self.rows.get_or_insert_with(row, || DenseBitSet::new_empty(self.num_columns))
1600    }
1602    /// Sets the cell at `(row, column)` to true. Put another way, insert
1603    /// `column` to the bitset for `row`.
1604    ///
1605    /// Returns `true` if this changed the matrix.
1606    pub fn insert(&mut self, row: R, column: C) -> bool {
1607        self.ensure_row(row).insert(column)
1608    }
1610    /// Sets the cell at `(row, column)` to false. Put another way, delete
1611    /// `column` from the bitset for `row`. Has no effect if `row` does not
1612    /// exist.
1613    ///
1614    /// Returns `true` if this changed the matrix.
1615    pub fn remove(&mut self, row: R, column: C) -> bool {
1616        match self.rows.get_mut(row) {
1617            Some(Some(row)) => row.remove(column),
1618            _ => false,
1619        }
1620    }
1622    /// Sets all columns at `row` to false. Has no effect if `row` does
1623    /// not exist.
1624    pub fn clear(&mut self, row: R) {
1625        if let Some(Some(row)) = self.rows.get_mut(row) {
1626            row.clear();
1627        }
1628    }
1630    /// Do the bits from `row` contain `column`? Put another way, is
1631    /// the matrix cell at `(row, column)` true?  Put yet another way,
1632    /// if the matrix represents (transitive) reachability, can
1633    /// `row` reach `column`?
1634    pub fn contains(&self, row: R, column: C) -> bool {
1635        self.row(row).is_some_and(|r| r.contains(column))
1636    }
1638    /// Adds the bits from row `read` to the bits from row `write`, and
1639    /// returns `true` if anything changed.
1640    ///
1641    /// This is used when computing transitive reachability because if
1642    /// you have an edge `write -> read`, because in that case
1643    /// `write` can reach everything that `read` can (and
1644    /// potentially more).
1645    pub fn union_rows(&mut self, read: R, write: R) -> bool {
1646        if read == write || self.row(read).is_none() {
1647            return false;
1648        }
1650        self.ensure_row(write);
1651        if let (Some(read_row), Some(write_row)) = self.rows.pick2_mut(read, write) {
1652            write_row.union(read_row)
1653        } else {
1654            unreachable!()
1655        }
1656    }
1658    /// Insert all bits in the given row.
1659    pub fn insert_all_into_row(&mut self, row: R) {
1660        self.ensure_row(row).insert_all();
1661    }
1663    pub fn rows(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = R> {
1664        self.rows.indices()
1665    }
1667    /// Iterates through all the columns set to true in a given row of
1668    /// the matrix.
1669    pub fn iter(&self, row: R) -> impl Iterator<Item = C> + '_ {
1670        self.row(row).into_iter().flat_map(|r| r.iter())
1671    }
1673    pub fn row(&self, row: R) -> Option<&DenseBitSet<C>> {
1674        self.rows.get(row)?.as_ref()
1675    }
1677    /// Intersects `row` with `set`. `set` can be either `DenseBitSet` or
1678    /// `ChunkedBitSet`. Has no effect if `row` does not exist.
1679    ///
1680    /// Returns true if the row was changed.
1681    pub fn intersect_row<Set>(&mut self, row: R, set: &Set) -> bool
1682    where
1683        DenseBitSet<C>: BitRelations<Set>,
1684    {
1685        match self.rows.get_mut(row) {
1686            Some(Some(row)) => row.intersect(set),
1687            _ => false,
1688        }
1689    }
1691    /// Subtracts `set` from `row`. `set` can be either `DenseBitSet` or
1692    /// `ChunkedBitSet`. Has no effect if `row` does not exist.
1693    ///
1694    /// Returns true if the row was changed.
1695    pub fn subtract_row<Set>(&mut self, row: R, set: &Set) -> bool
1696    where
1697        DenseBitSet<C>: BitRelations<Set>,
1698    {
1699        match self.rows.get_mut(row) {
1700            Some(Some(row)) => row.subtract(set),
1701            _ => false,
1702        }
1703    }
1705    /// Unions `row` with `set`. `set` can be either `DenseBitSet` or
1706    /// `ChunkedBitSet`.
1707    ///
1708    /// Returns true if the row was changed.
1709    pub fn union_row<Set>(&mut self, row: R, set: &Set) -> bool
1710    where
1711        DenseBitSet<C>: BitRelations<Set>,
1712    {
1713        self.ensure_row(row).union(set)
1714    }
1718fn num_words<T: Idx>(domain_size: T) -> usize {
1719    (domain_size.index() + WORD_BITS - 1) / WORD_BITS
1723fn num_chunks<T: Idx>(domain_size: T) -> usize {
1724    assert!(domain_size.index() > 0);
1725    (domain_size.index() + CHUNK_BITS - 1) / CHUNK_BITS
1729fn word_index_and_mask<T: Idx>(elem: T) -> (usize, Word) {
1730    let elem = elem.index();
1731    let word_index = elem / WORD_BITS;
1732    let mask = 1 << (elem % WORD_BITS);
1733    (word_index, mask)
1737fn chunk_index<T: Idx>(elem: T) -> usize {
1738    elem.index() / CHUNK_BITS
1742fn chunk_word_index_and_mask<T: Idx>(elem: T) -> (usize, Word) {
1743    let chunk_elem = elem.index() % CHUNK_BITS;
1744    word_index_and_mask(chunk_elem)
1747fn clear_excess_bits_in_final_word(domain_size: usize, words: &mut [Word]) {
1748    let num_bits_in_final_word = domain_size % WORD_BITS;
1749    if num_bits_in_final_word > 0 {
1750        let mask = (1 << num_bits_in_final_word) - 1;
1751        words[words.len() - 1] &= mask;
1752    }
1756fn max_bit(word: Word) -> usize {
1757    WORD_BITS - 1 - word.leading_zeros() as usize
1760/// Integral type used to represent the bit set.
1761pub trait FiniteBitSetTy:
1762    BitAnd<Output = Self>
1763    + BitAndAssign
1764    + BitOrAssign
1765    + Clone
1766    + Copy
1767    + Shl
1768    + Not<Output = Self>
1769    + PartialEq
1770    + Sized
1772    /// Size of the domain representable by this type, e.g. 64 for `u64`.
1773    const DOMAIN_SIZE: u32;
1775    /// Value which represents the `FiniteBitSet` having every bit set.
1776    const FILLED: Self;
1777    /// Value which represents the `FiniteBitSet` having no bits set.
1778    const EMPTY: Self;
1780    /// Value for one as the integral type.
1781    const ONE: Self;
1782    /// Value for zero as the integral type.
1783    const ZERO: Self;
1785    /// Perform a checked left shift on the integral type.
1786    fn checked_shl(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self>;
1787    /// Perform a checked right shift on the integral type.
1788    fn checked_shr(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self>;
1791impl FiniteBitSetTy for u32 {
1792    const DOMAIN_SIZE: u32 = 32;
1794    const FILLED: Self = Self::MAX;
1795    const EMPTY: Self = Self::MIN;
1797    const ONE: Self = 1u32;
1798    const ZERO: Self = 0u32;
1800    fn checked_shl(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self> {
1801        self.checked_shl(rhs)
1802    }
1804    fn checked_shr(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self> {
1805        self.checked_shr(rhs)
1806    }
1809impl std::fmt::Debug for FiniteBitSet<u32> {
1810    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1811        write!(f, "{:032b}", self.0)
1812    }
1815/// A fixed-sized bitset type represented by an integer type. Indices outwith than the range
1816/// representable by `T` are considered set.
1817#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Decodable_Generic, Encodable_Generic))]
1818#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
1819pub struct FiniteBitSet<T: FiniteBitSetTy>(pub T);
1821impl<T: FiniteBitSetTy> FiniteBitSet<T> {
1822    /// Creates a new, empty bitset.
1823    pub fn new_empty() -> Self {
1824        Self(T::EMPTY)
1825    }
1827    /// Sets the `index`th bit.
1828    pub fn set(&mut self, index: u32) {
1829        self.0 |= T::ONE.checked_shl(index).unwrap_or(T::ZERO);
1830    }
1832    /// Unsets the `index`th bit.
1833    pub fn clear(&mut self, index: u32) {
1834        self.0 &= !T::ONE.checked_shl(index).unwrap_or(T::ZERO);
1835    }
1837    /// Sets the `i`th to `j`th bits.
1838    pub fn set_range(&mut self, range: Range<u32>) {
1839        let bits = T::FILLED
1840            .checked_shl(range.end - range.start)
1841            .unwrap_or(T::ZERO)
1842            .not()
1843            .checked_shl(range.start)
1844            .unwrap_or(T::ZERO);
1845        self.0 |= bits;
1846    }
1848    /// Is the set empty?
1849    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
1850        self.0 == T::EMPTY
1851    }
1853    /// Returns the domain size of the bitset.
1854    pub fn within_domain(&self, index: u32) -> bool {
1855        index < T::DOMAIN_SIZE
1856    }
1858    /// Returns if the `index`th bit is set.
1859    pub fn contains(&self, index: u32) -> Option<bool> {
1860        self.within_domain(index)
1861            .then(|| ((self.0.checked_shr(index).unwrap_or(T::ONE)) & T::ONE) == T::ONE)
1862    }
1865impl<T: FiniteBitSetTy> Default for FiniteBitSet<T> {
1866    fn default() -> Self {
1867        Self::new_empty()
1868    }