
Module constructor

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As explained in crate::usefulness, values and patterns are made from constructors applied to fields. This file defines a Constructor enum and various operations to manipulate them.

There are two important bits of core logic in this file: constructor inclusion and constructor splitting. Constructor inclusion, i.e. whether a constructor is included in/covered by another, is straightforward and defined in Constructor::is_covered_by.

Constructor splitting is mentioned in crate::usefulness but not detailed. We describe it precisely here.

§Constructor grouping and splitting

As explained in the corresponding section in crate::usefulness, to make usefulness tractable we need to group together constructors that have the same effect when they are used to specialize the matrix.


match (0, false) {
    (0 ..=100, true) => {}
    (50..=150, false) => {}
    (0 ..=200, _) => {}

In this example we can restrict specialization to 5 cases: 0..50, 50..=100, 101..=150, 151..=200 and 200...

In crate::usefulness, we had said that specialize only takes value-only constructors. We now relax this restriction: we allow specialize to take constructors like 0..50 as long as we’re careful to only do that with constructors that make sense. For example, specialize(0..50, (0..=100, true)) is sensible, but specialize(50..=200, (0..=100, true)) is not.

Constructor splitting looks at the constructors in the first column of the matrix and constructs such a sensible set of constructors. Formally, we want to find a smallest disjoint set of constructors:

  • Whose union covers the whole type, and
  • That have no non-trivial intersection with any of the constructors in the column (i.e. they’re each either disjoint with or covered by any given column constructor).

We compute this in two steps: first PatCx::ctors_for_ty determines the set of all possible constructors for the type. Then ConstructorSet::split looks at the column of constructors and splits the set into groups accordingly. The precise invariants of ConstructorSet::split is described in SplitConstructorSet.

Constructor splitting has two interesting special cases: integer range splitting (see IntRange::split) and slice splitting (see Slice::split).

§The Missing constructor

We detail a special case of constructor splitting that is a bit subtle. Take the following:

enum Direction { North, South, East, West }
match wind {
    (Direction::North, 50..) => {}
    (_, _) => {}

Here we expect constructor splitting to output two cases: North, and “everything else”. This “everything else” is represented by Constructor::Missing. Unlike other constructors, it’s a bit contextual: to know the exact list of constructors it represents we have to look at the column. In practice however we don’t need to, because by construction it only matches rows that have wildcards. This is how this constructor is special: the only constructor that covers it is Wildcard.

The only place where we care about which constructors Missing represents is in diagnostics (see crate::usefulness::WitnessMatrix::apply_constructor).

We choose whether to specialize with Missing in crate::usefulness::compute_exhaustiveness_and_usefulness.

§Empty types, empty constructors, and the exhaustive_patterns feature

An empty type is a type that has no valid value, like !, enum Void {}, or Result<!, !>. They require careful handling.

First, for soundness reasons related to the possible existence of invalid values, by default we don’t treat empty types as empty. We force them to be matched with wildcards. Except if the exhaustive_patterns feature is turned on, in which case we do treat them as empty. And also except if the type has no constructors (like enum Void {} but not like Result<!, !>), we specifically allow match void {} to be exhaustive. There are additionally considerations of place validity that are handled in crate::usefulness. Yes this is a bit tricky.

The second thing is that regardless of the above, it is always allowed to use all the constructors of a type. For example, all the following is ok:

fn foo(x: Option<!>) {
  match x {
    None => {}
    Some(_) => {}
fn bar(x: &[!]) -> u32 {
  match x {
    [] => 1,
    [_] => 2,
    [_, _] => 3,

Moreover, take the following:

match x {
  None => {}

On a normal type, we would identify Some as missing and tell the user. If x: Option<!> however (and exhaustive_patterns is on), it’s ok to omit Some. When listing the constructors of a type, we must therefore track which can be omitted.

Let’s call “empty” a constructor that matches no valid value for the type, like Some for the type Option<!>. What this all means is that ConstructorSet must know which constructors are empty. The difference between empty and nonempty constructors is that empty constructors need not be present for the match to be exhaustive.

A final remark: empty constructors of arity 0 break specialization, we must avoid them. The reason is that if we specialize by them, nothing remains to witness the emptiness; the rest of the algorithm can’t distinguish them from a nonempty constructor. The only known case where this could happen is the [..] pattern on [!; N] with N > 0 so we must take care to not emit it.

This is all handled by PatCx::ctors_for_ty and ConstructorSet::split. The invariants of SplitConstructorSet are also of interest.


Unions allow us to match a value via several overlapping representations at the same time. For example, the following is exhaustive because when seeing the value as a boolean we handled all possible cases (other cases such as n == 3 would trigger UB).

union U8AsBool {
    n: u8,
    b: bool,
let x = U8AsBool { n: 1 };
unsafe {
    match x {
        U8AsBool { n: 2 } => {}
        U8AsBool { b: true } => {}
        U8AsBool { b: false } => {}

Pattern-matching has no knowledge that e.g. false as u8 == 0, so the values we consider in the algorithm look like U8AsBool { b: true, n: 2 }. In other words, for the most part a union is treated like a struct with the same fields. The difference lies in how we construct witnesses of non-exhaustiveness.

§Opaque patterns

Some patterns, such as constants that are not allowed to be matched structurally, cannot be inspected, which we handle with Constructor::Opaque. Since we know nothing of these patterns, we assume they never cover each other. In order to respect the invariants of SplitConstructorSet, we give each Opaque constructor a unique id so we can recognize it.


  • An exclusive interval, used for precise integer exhaustiveness checking. IntRanges always store a contiguous range.
  • A globally unique id to distinguish Opaque patterns.
  • A constructor for array and slice patterns.
  • Describes the result of analyzing the constructors in a column of a match.


  • A value can be decomposed into a constructor applied to some fields. This struct represents the constructor. See also Fields.
  • Describes the set of all constructors for a type. For details, in particular about the emptiness of constructors, see the top of the file.
  • A possibly infinite integer. Values are encoded such that the ordering on u128 matches the natural order on the original type. For example, -128i8 is encoded as 0 and 127i8 as 255. See signed_bias for details.