//! State machines built atop parsers, ready to bring your own I/O with.
//! Parsers are just part of the puzzle when it comes to zip files: finding the
//! central directory is non-trivial and involves seeking around the input:
//! [ArchiveFsm] provides a state machine to handle this.
//! Similarly, reading an entry involves reading the local header, then the
//! data (while calculating the CRC32), then the data descriptor, and then
//! checking whether the uncompressed size and CRC32 match the values in the
//! central directory.
macro_rules! transition {
($state: expr => ($pattern: pat) $body: expr) => {
$state = if let $pattern = std::mem::take(&mut $state) {
} else {
mod archive;
pub use archive::ArchiveFsm;
mod entry;
pub use entry::EntryFsm;
/// Indicates whether or not the state machine has completed its work
pub enum FsmResult<M, R> {
/// The I/O loop needs to continue, the state machine is given back.
/// The state machine is done, and the result is returned.