postscript.rs1use std::fmt;
5mod blend;
6mod charset;
7mod fd_select;
8mod index;
9mod stack;
10mod string;
12pub mod charstring;
13pub mod dict;
17pub use blend::BlendState;
18pub use charset::{Charset, CharsetIter};
19pub use index::Index;
20pub use stack::{Number, Stack};
21pub use string::{Latin1String, StringId, STANDARD_STRINGS};
23#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
25pub enum Error {
26 InvalidIndexOffsetSize(u8),
27 ZeroOffsetInIndex,
28 InvalidVariationStoreIndex(u16),
29 StackOverflow,
30 StackUnderflow,
31 InvalidStackAccess(usize),
32 ExpectedI32StackEntry(usize),
33 InvalidNumber,
34 InvalidDictOperator(u8),
35 InvalidCharstringOperator(u8),
36 CharstringNestingDepthLimitExceeded,
37 MissingSubroutines,
38 MissingBlendState,
39 MissingPrivateDict,
40 MissingCharstrings,
41 Read(ReadError),
44impl From<ReadError> for Error {
45 fn from(value: ReadError) -> Self {
46 Self::Read(value)
47 }
50impl fmt::Display for Error {
51 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
52 match self {
53 Self::InvalidIndexOffsetSize(size) => {
54 write!(f, "invalid offset size of {size} for INDEX (expected 1-4)")
55 }
56 Self::ZeroOffsetInIndex => {
57 write!(f, "invalid offset of 0 in INDEX (must be >= 1)")
58 }
59 Self::InvalidVariationStoreIndex(index) => {
60 write!(
61 f,
62 "variation store index {index} referenced an invalid variation region"
63 )
64 }
65 Self::StackOverflow => {
66 write!(f, "attempted to push a value to a full stack")
67 }
68 Self::StackUnderflow => {
69 write!(f, "attempted to pop a value from an empty stack")
70 }
71 Self::InvalidStackAccess(index) => {
72 write!(f, "invalid stack access for index {index}")
73 }
74 Self::ExpectedI32StackEntry(index) => {
75 write!(f, "attempted to read an integer at stack index {index}, but found a fixed point value")
76 }
77 Self::InvalidNumber => {
78 write!(f, "number is in an invalid format")
79 }
80 Self::InvalidDictOperator(operator) => {
81 write!(f, "dictionary operator {operator} is invalid")
82 }
83 Self::InvalidCharstringOperator(operator) => {
84 write!(f, "charstring operator {operator} is invalid")
85 }
86 Self::CharstringNestingDepthLimitExceeded => {
87 write!(
88 f,
89 "exceeded subroutine nesting depth limit {} while evaluating a charstring",
90 charstring::NESTING_DEPTH_LIMIT
91 )
92 }
93 Self::MissingSubroutines => {
94 write!(
95 f,
96 "encountered a callsubr operator but no subroutine index was provided"
97 )
98 }
99 Self::MissingBlendState => {
100 write!(
101 f,
102 "encountered a blend operator but no blend state was provided"
103 )
104 }
105 Self::MissingPrivateDict => {
106 write!(f, "CFF table does not contain a private dictionary")
107 }
108 Self::MissingCharstrings => {
109 write!(f, "CFF table does not contain a charstrings index")
110 }
111 Self::Read(err) => write!(f, "{err}"),
112 }
113 }