Expand description
The COLR table
- BaseGlyph record
- BaseGlyphPaint record
- Clip record
- ColorIndex record
- ColorStop record
- Layer record
- VarColorIndex record
- VarColorStop record
- ClipBox table
- CompositeMode enumeration
- Extend enumeration
- Paint tables
Type Aliases§
- Affine2x3 record
- BaseGlyphList table
- ClipBoxFormat1 record
- ClipBoxFormat2 record
- ClipList table
- ColorLine table
- COLR (Color) table
- LayerList table
- PaintColrGlyph table
- PaintColrLayers table
- PaintComposite table
- PaintGlyph table
- Unique paint identifier used for detecting cycles in the paint graph.
- PaintLinearGradient table
- PaintRadialGradient table
- PaintRotate table
- PaintRotateAroundCenter table
- PaintScale table
- PaintScaleAroundCenter table
- PaintScaleUniform table
- PaintSkew table
- PaintSkewAroundCenter table
- PaintSolid table
- PaintSweepGradient table
- PaintTransform table
- PaintTranslate table
- PaintVarLinearGradient table
- PaintVarRadialGradient table
- PaintVarRotate table
- PaintVarScale table
- PaintVarScaleUniform table
- PaintVarSkew table
- PaintVarSkewAroundCenter table
- PaintVarSolid table
- PaintVarSweepGradient table
- PaintVarTransform table
- PaintVarTranslate table
- VarAffine2x3 record
- VarColorLine table