Type Alias ComparePotentialContainersFn

pub type ComparePotentialContainersFn = dyn Fn([WidthHeightDepth; 3], [WidthHeightDepth; 3], &BoxSizeHeuristicFn) -> Ordering;
Expand description

Given two sets of containers, which of these is the more suitable for our packing.

Useful when we’re determining how to split up the remaining volume/area of a box/rectangle.

For example - we might deem it best to cut the remaining region vertically, or horizontally, or along the Z-axis.

This decision is based on the more suitable contains heuristic. We determine all 6 possible ways to divide up remaining space, sort them using the more suitable contains heuristic function and choose the best one.

Ordering::Greater means the first set of containers is better. Ordering::Less means the second set of containers is better.