#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Number of wanted shards {0} exceeds max of 2^16")]
#[error("Number of wanted shards must be at least 2, but is {0}")]
#[error("Number of wanted payload shards must be at least 1, but is {0}")]
#[error("Size of the payload is zero")]
#[error("Needs at least {min} shards of {all} to recover, have {have}")]
NeedMoreShards { have: usize, min: usize, all: usize },
#[error("Parameters: n (= {n}) and k (= {k}) both must be a power of 2")]
ParamterMustBePowerOf2 { n: usize, k: usize },
#[error("Shards do have inconsistent lengths: first = {first}, other = {other})")]
InconsistentShardLengths { first: usize, other: usize },
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;