
1// This module provides a relatively simple thread-safe pool of reusable
2// objects. For the most part, it's implemented by a stack represented by a
3// Mutex<Vec<T>>. It has one small trick: because unlocking a mutex is somewhat
4// costly, in the case where a pool is accessed by the first thread that tried
5// to get a value, we bypass the mutex. Here are some benchmarks showing the
6// difference.
8// 2022-10-15: These benchmarks are from the old regex crate and they aren't
9// easy to reproduce because some rely on older implementations of Pool that
10// are no longer around. I've left the results here for posterity, but any
11// enterprising individual should feel encouraged to re-litigate the way Pool
12// works. I am not at all certain it is the best approach.
14// 1) misc::anchored_literal_long_non_match    21 (18571 MB/s)
15// 2) misc::anchored_literal_long_non_match   107 (3644 MB/s)
16// 3) misc::anchored_literal_long_non_match    45 (8666 MB/s)
17// 4) misc::anchored_literal_long_non_match    19 (20526 MB/s)
19// (1) represents our baseline: the master branch at the time of writing when
20// using the 'thread_local' crate to implement the pool below.
22// (2) represents a naive pool implemented completely via Mutex<Vec<T>>. There
23// is no special trick for bypassing the mutex.
25// (3) is the same as (2), except it uses Mutex<Vec<Box<T>>>. It is twice as
26// fast because a Box<T> is much smaller than the T we use with a Pool in this
27// crate. So pushing and popping a Box<T> from a Vec is quite a bit faster
28// than for T.
30// (4) is the same as (3), but with the trick for bypassing the mutex in the
31// case of the first-to-get thread.
33// Why move off of thread_local? Even though (4) is a hair faster than (1)
34// above, this was not the main goal. The main goal was to move off of
35// thread_local and find a way to *simply* re-capture some of its speed for
36// regex's specific case. So again, why move off of it? The *primary* reason is
37// because of memory leaks. See
38// for example. (Why do I want it to be simple? Well, I suppose what I mean is,
39// "use as much safe code as possible to minimize risk and be as sure as I can
40// be that it is correct.")
42// My guess is that the thread_local design is probably not appropriate for
43// regex since its memory usage scales to the number of active threads that
44// have used a regex, where as the pool below scales to the number of threads
45// that simultaneously use a regex. While neither case permits contraction,
46// since we own the pool data structure below, we can add contraction if a
47// clear use case pops up in the wild. More pressingly though, it seems that
48// there are at least some use case patterns where one might have many threads
49// sitting around that might have used a regex at one point. While thread_local
50// does try to reuse space previously used by a thread that has since stopped,
51// its maximal memory usage still scales with the total number of active
52// threads. In contrast, the pool below scales with the total number of threads
53// *simultaneously* using the pool. The hope is that this uses less memory
54// overall. And if it doesn't, we can hopefully tune it somehow.
56// It seems that these sort of conditions happen frequently
57// in FFI inside of other more "managed" languages. This was
58// mentioned in the issue linked above, and also mentioned here:
59// And in particular, users
60// confirm that disabling the use of thread_local resolves the leak.
62// There were other weaker reasons for moving off of thread_local as well.
63// Namely, at the time, I was looking to reduce dependencies. And for something
64// like regex, maintenance can be simpler when we own the full dependency tree.
66// Note that I am not entirely happy with this pool. It has some subtle
67// implementation details and is overall still observable (even with the
68// thread owner optimization) in benchmarks. If someone wants to take a crack
69// at building something better, please file an issue. Even if it means a
70// different API. The API exposed by this pool is not the minimal thing that
71// something like a 'Regex' actually needs. It could adapt to, for example,
72// an API more like what is found in the 'thread_local' crate. However, we do
73// really need to support the no-std alloc-only context, or else the regex
74// crate wouldn't be able to support no-std alloc-only. However, I'm generally
75// okay with making the alloc-only context slower (as it is here), although I
76// do find it unfortunate.
79A thread safe memory pool.
81The principal type in this module is a [`Pool`]. It main use case is for
82holding a thread safe collection of mutable scratch spaces (usually called
83`Cache` in this crate) that regex engines need to execute a search. This then
84permits sharing the same read-only regex object across multiple threads while
85having a quick way of reusing scratch space in a thread safe way. This avoids
86needing to re-create the scratch space for every search, which could wind up
87being quite expensive.
90/// A thread safe pool that works in an `alloc`-only context.
92/// Getting a value out comes with a guard. When that guard is dropped, the
93/// value is automatically put back in the pool. The guard provides both a
94/// `Deref` and a `DerefMut` implementation for easy access to an underlying
95/// `T`.
97/// A `Pool` impls `Sync` when `T` is `Send` (even if `T` is not `Sync`). This
98/// is possible because a pool is guaranteed to provide a value to exactly one
99/// thread at any time.
101/// Currently, a pool never contracts in size. Its size is proportional to the
102/// maximum number of simultaneous uses. This may change in the future.
104/// A `Pool` is a particularly useful data structure for this crate because
105/// many of the regex engines require a mutable "cache" in order to execute
106/// a search. Since regexes themselves tend to be global, the problem is then:
107/// how do you get a mutable cache to execute a search? You could:
109/// 1. Use a `thread_local!`, which requires the standard library and requires
110/// that the regex pattern be statically known.
111/// 2. Use a `Pool`.
112/// 3. Make the cache an explicit dependency in your code and pass it around.
113/// 4. Put the cache state in a `Mutex`, but this means only one search can
114/// execute at a time.
115/// 5. Create a new cache for every search.
117/// A `thread_local!` is perhaps the best choice if it works for your use case.
118/// Putting the cache in a mutex or creating a new cache for every search are
119/// perhaps the worst choices. Of the remaining two choices, whether you use
120/// this `Pool` or thread through a cache explicitly in your code is a matter
121/// of taste and depends on your code architecture.
123/// # Warning: may use a spin lock
125/// When this crate is compiled _without_ the `std` feature, then this type
126/// may used a spin lock internally. This can have subtle effects that may
127/// be undesirable. See [Spinlocks Considered Harmful][spinharm] for a more
128/// thorough treatment of this topic.
130/// [spinharm]:
132/// # Example
134/// This example shows how to share a single hybrid regex among multiple
135/// threads, while also safely getting exclusive access to a hybrid's
136/// [`Cache`](crate::hybrid::regex::Cache) without preventing other searches
137/// from running while your thread uses the `Cache`.
139/// ```
140/// use regex_automata::{
141///     hybrid::regex::{Cache, Regex},
142///     util::{lazy::Lazy, pool::Pool},
143///     Match,
144/// };
146/// static RE: Lazy<Regex> =
147///     Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("foo[0-9]+bar").unwrap());
148/// static CACHE: Lazy<Pool<Cache>> =
149///     Lazy::new(|| Pool::new(|| RE.create_cache()));
151/// let expected = Some(Match::must(0, 3..14));
152/// assert_eq!(expected, RE.find(&mut CACHE.get(), b"zzzfoo12345barzzz"));
153/// ```
154pub struct Pool<T, F = fn() -> T>(alloc::boxed::Box<inner::Pool<T, F>>);
156impl<T, F> Pool<T, F> {
157    /// Create a new pool. The given closure is used to create values in
158    /// the pool when necessary.
159    pub fn new(create: F) -> Pool<T, F> {
160        Pool(alloc::boxed::Box::new(inner::Pool::new(create)))
161    }
164impl<T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> Pool<T, F> {
165    /// Get a value from the pool. The caller is guaranteed to have
166    /// exclusive access to the given value. Namely, it is guaranteed that
167    /// this will never return a value that was returned by another call to
168    /// `get` but was not put back into the pool.
169    ///
170    /// When the guard goes out of scope and its destructor is called, then
171    /// it will automatically be put back into the pool. Alternatively,
172    /// [`PoolGuard::put`] may be used to explicitly put it back in the pool
173    /// without relying on its destructor.
174    ///
175    /// Note that there is no guarantee provided about which value in the
176    /// pool is returned. That is, calling get, dropping the guard (causing
177    /// the value to go back into the pool) and then calling get again is
178    /// *not* guaranteed to return the same value received in the first `get`
179    /// call.
180    #[inline]
181    pub fn get(&self) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
182        PoolGuard(self.0.get())
183    }
186impl<T: core::fmt::Debug, F> core::fmt::Debug for Pool<T, F> {
187    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
188        f.debug_tuple("Pool").field(&self.0).finish()
189    }
192/// A guard that is returned when a caller requests a value from the pool.
194/// The purpose of the guard is to use RAII to automatically put the value
195/// back in the pool once it's dropped.
196pub struct PoolGuard<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T>(inner::PoolGuard<'a, T, F>);
198impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
199    /// Consumes this guard and puts it back into the pool.
200    ///
201    /// This circumvents the guard's `Drop` implementation. This can be useful
202    /// in circumstances where the automatic `Drop` results in poorer codegen,
203    /// such as calling non-inlined functions.
204    #[inline]
205    pub fn put(this: PoolGuard<'_, T, F>) {
206        inner::PoolGuard::put(this.0);
207    }
210impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> core::ops::Deref for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
211    type Target = T;
213    #[inline]
214    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
215        self.0.value()
216    }
219impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> core::ops::DerefMut for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
220    #[inline]
221    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
222        self.0.value_mut()
223    }
226impl<'a, T: Send + core::fmt::Debug, F: Fn() -> T> core::fmt::Debug
227    for PoolGuard<'a, T, F>
229    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
230        f.debug_tuple("PoolGuard").field(&self.0).finish()
231    }
234#[cfg(feature = "std")]
235mod inner {
236    use core::{
237        cell::UnsafeCell,
238        panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe},
239        sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
240    };
242    use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec, vec::Vec};
244    use std::{sync::Mutex, thread_local};
246    /// An atomic counter used to allocate thread IDs.
247    ///
248    /// We specifically start our counter at 3 so that we can use the values
249    /// less than it as sentinels.
250    static COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(3);
252    /// A thread ID indicating that there is no owner. This is the initial
253    /// state of a pool. Once a pool has an owner, there is no way to change
254    /// it.
255    static THREAD_ID_UNOWNED: usize = 0;
257    /// A thread ID indicating that the special owner value is in use and not
258    /// available. This state is useful for avoiding a case where the owner
259    /// of a pool calls `get` before putting the result of a previous `get`
260    /// call back into the pool.
261    static THREAD_ID_INUSE: usize = 1;
263    /// This sentinel is used to indicate that a guard has already been dropped
264    /// and should not be re-dropped. We use this because our drop code can be
265    /// called outside of Drop and thus there could be a bug in the internal
266    /// implementation that results in trying to put the same guard back into
267    /// the same pool multiple times, and *that* could result in UB if we
268    /// didn't mark the guard as already having been put back in the pool.
269    ///
270    /// So this isn't strictly necessary, but this let's us define some
271    /// routines as safe (like PoolGuard::put_imp) that we couldn't otherwise
272    /// do.
273    static THREAD_ID_DROPPED: usize = 2;
275    /// The number of stacks we use inside of the pool. These are only used for
276    /// non-owners. That is, these represent the "slow" path.
277    ///
278    /// In the original implementation of this pool, we only used a single
279    /// stack. While this might be okay for a couple threads, the prevalence of
280    /// 32, 64 and even 128 core CPUs has made it untenable. The contention
281    /// such an environment introduces when threads are doing a lot of searches
282    /// on short haystacks (a not uncommon use case) is palpable and leads to
283    /// huge slowdowns.
284    ///
285    /// This constant reflects a change from using one stack to the number of
286    /// stacks that this constant is set to. The stack for a particular thread
287    /// is simply chosen by `thread_id % MAX_POOL_STACKS`. The idea behind
288    /// this setup is that there should be a good chance that accesses to the
289    /// pool will be distributed over several stacks instead of all of them
290    /// converging to one.
291    ///
292    /// This is not a particularly smart or dynamic strategy. Fixing this to a
293    /// specific number has at least two downsides. First is that it will help,
294    /// say, an 8 core CPU more than it will a 128 core CPU. (But, crucially,
295    /// it will still help the 128 core case.) Second is that this may wind
296    /// up being a little wasteful with respect to memory usage. Namely, if a
297    /// regex is used on one thread and then moved to another thread, then it
298    /// could result in creating a new copy of the data in the pool even though
299    /// only one is actually needed.
300    ///
301    /// And that memory usage bit is why this is set to 8 and not, say, 64.
302    /// Keeping it at 8 limits, to an extent, how much unnecessary memory can
303    /// be allocated.
304    ///
305    /// In an ideal world, we'd be able to have something like this:
306    ///
307    /// * Grow the number of stacks as the number of concurrent callers
308    /// increases. I spent a little time trying this, but even just adding an
309    /// atomic addition/subtraction for each pop/push for tracking concurrent
310    /// callers led to a big perf hit. Since even more work would seemingly be
311    /// required than just an addition/subtraction, I abandoned this approach.
312    /// * The maximum amount of memory used should scale with respect to the
313    /// number of concurrent callers and *not* the total number of existing
314    /// threads. This is primarily why the `thread_local` crate isn't used, as
315    /// as some environments spin up a lot of threads. This led to multiple
316    /// reports of extremely high memory usage (often described as memory
317    /// leaks).
318    /// * Even more ideally, the pool should contract in size. That is, it
319    /// should grow with bursts and then shrink. But this is a pretty thorny
320    /// issue to tackle and it might be better to just not.
321    /// * It would be nice to explore the use of, say, a lock-free stack
322    /// instead of using a mutex to guard a `Vec` that is ultimately just
323    /// treated as a stack. The main thing preventing me from exploring this
324    /// is the ABA problem. The `crossbeam` crate has tools for dealing with
325    /// this sort of problem (via its epoch based memory reclamation strategy),
326    /// but I can't justify bringing in all of `crossbeam` as a dependency of
327    /// `regex` for this.
328    ///
329    /// See this issue for more context and discussion:
330    ///
331    const MAX_POOL_STACKS: usize = 8;
333    thread_local!(
334        /// A thread local used to assign an ID to a thread.
335        static THREAD_ID: usize = {
336            let next = COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
337            // SAFETY: We cannot permit the reuse of thread IDs since reusing a
338            // thread ID might result in more than one thread "owning" a pool,
339            // and thus, permit accessing a mutable value from multiple threads
340            // simultaneously without synchronization. The intent of this panic
341            // is to be a sanity check. It is not expected that the thread ID
342            // space will actually be exhausted in practice. Even on a 32-bit
343            // system, it would require spawning 2^32 threads (although they
344            // wouldn't all need to run simultaneously, so it is in theory
345            // possible).
346            //
347            // This checks that the counter never wraps around, since atomic
348            // addition wraps around on overflow.
349            if next == 0 {
350                panic!("regex: thread ID allocation space exhausted");
351            }
352            next
353        };
354    );
356    /// This puts each stack in the pool below into its own cache line. This is
357    /// an absolutely critical optimization that tends to have the most impact
358    /// in high contention workloads. Without forcing each mutex protected
359    /// into its own cache line, high contention exacerbates the performance
360    /// problem by causing "false sharing." By putting each mutex in its own
361    /// cache-line, we avoid the false sharing problem and the affects of
362    /// contention are greatly reduced.
363    #[derive(Debug)]
364    #[repr(C, align(64))]
365    struct CacheLine<T>(T);
367    /// A thread safe pool utilizing std-only features.
368    ///
369    /// The main difference between this and the simplistic alloc-only pool is
370    /// the use of std::sync::Mutex and an "owner thread" optimization that
371    /// makes accesses by the owner of a pool faster than all other threads.
372    /// This makes the common case of running a regex within a single thread
373    /// faster by avoiding mutex unlocking.
374    pub(super) struct Pool<T, F> {
375        /// A function to create more T values when stack is empty and a caller
376        /// has requested a T.
377        create: F,
378        /// Multiple stacks of T values to hand out. These are used when a Pool
379        /// is accessed by a thread that didn't create it.
380        ///
381        /// Conceptually this is `Mutex<Vec<Box<T>>>`, but sharded out to make
382        /// it scale better under high contention work-loads. We index into
383        /// this sequence via `thread_id % stacks.len()`.
384        stacks: Vec<CacheLine<Mutex<Vec<Box<T>>>>>,
385        /// The ID of the thread that owns this pool. The owner is the thread
386        /// that makes the first call to 'get'. When the owner calls 'get', it
387        /// gets 'owner_val' directly instead of returning a T from 'stack'.
388        /// See comments elsewhere for details, but this is intended to be an
389        /// optimization for the common case that makes getting a T faster.
390        ///
391        /// It is initialized to a value of zero (an impossible thread ID) as a
392        /// sentinel to indicate that it is unowned.
393        owner: AtomicUsize,
394        /// A value to return when the caller is in the same thread that
395        /// first called `Pool::get`.
396        ///
397        /// This is set to None when a Pool is first created, and set to Some
398        /// once the first thread calls Pool::get.
399        owner_val: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>,
400    }
402    // SAFETY: Since we want to use a Pool from multiple threads simultaneously
403    // behind an Arc, we need for it to be Sync. In cases where T is sync,
404    // Pool<T> would be Sync. However, since we use a Pool to store mutable
405    // scratch space, we wind up using a T that has interior mutability and is
406    // thus itself not Sync. So what we *really* want is for our Pool<T> to by
407    // Sync even when T is not Sync (but is at least Send).
408    //
409    // The only non-sync aspect of a Pool is its 'owner_val' field, which is
410    // used to implement faster access to a pool value in the common case of
411    // a pool being accessed in the same thread in which it was created. The
412    // 'stack' field is also shared, but a Mutex<T> where T: Send is already
413    // Sync. So we only need to worry about 'owner_val'.
414    //
415    // The key is to guarantee that 'owner_val' can only ever be accessed from
416    // one thread. In our implementation below, we guarantee this by only
417    // returning the 'owner_val' when the ID of the current thread matches the
418    // ID of the thread that first called 'Pool::get'. Since this can only ever
419    // be one thread, it follows that only one thread can access 'owner_val' at
420    // any point in time. Thus, it is safe to declare that Pool<T> is Sync when
421    // T is Send.
422    //
423    // If there is a way to achieve our performance goals using safe code, then
424    // I would very much welcome a patch. As it stands, the implementation
425    // below tries to balance safety with performance. The case where a Regex
426    // is used from multiple threads simultaneously will suffer a bit since
427    // getting a value out of the pool will require unlocking a mutex.
428    //
429    // We require `F: Send + Sync` because we call `F` at any point on demand,
430    // potentially from multiple threads simultaneously.
431    unsafe impl<T: Send, F: Send + Sync> Sync for Pool<T, F> {}
433    // If T is UnwindSafe, then since we provide exclusive access to any
434    // particular value in the pool, the pool should therefore also be
435    // considered UnwindSafe.
436    //
437    // We require `F: UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe` because we call `F` at any
438    // point on demand, so it needs to be unwind safe on both dimensions for
439    // the entire Pool to be unwind safe.
440    impl<T: UnwindSafe, F: UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe> UnwindSafe for Pool<T, F> {}
442    // If T is UnwindSafe, then since we provide exclusive access to any
443    // particular value in the pool, the pool should therefore also be
444    // considered RefUnwindSafe.
445    //
446    // We require `F: UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe` because we call `F` at any
447    // point on demand, so it needs to be unwind safe on both dimensions for
448    // the entire Pool to be unwind safe.
449    impl<T: UnwindSafe, F: UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe> RefUnwindSafe
450        for Pool<T, F>
451    {
452    }
454    impl<T, F> Pool<T, F> {
455        /// Create a new pool. The given closure is used to create values in
456        /// the pool when necessary.
457        pub(super) fn new(create: F) -> Pool<T, F> {
458            // FIXME: Now that we require 1.65+, Mutex::new is available as
459            // const... So we can almost mark this function as const. But of
460            // course, we're creating a Vec of stacks below (we didn't when I
461            // originally wrote this code). It seems like the best way to work
462            // around this would be to use a `[Stack; MAX_POOL_STACKS]` instead
463            // of a `Vec<Stack>`. I refrained from making this change at time
464            // of writing (2023/10/08) because I was making a lot of other
465            // changes at the same time and wanted to do this more carefully.
466            // Namely, because of the cache line optimization, that `[Stack;
467            // MAX_POOL_STACKS]` would be quite big. It's unclear how bad (if
468            // at all) that would be.
469            //
470            // Another choice would be to lazily allocate the stacks, but...
471            // I'm not so sure about that. Seems like a fair bit of complexity?
472            //
473            // Maybe there's a simple solution I'm missing.
474            //
475            // ... OK, I tried to fix this. First, I did it by putting `stacks`
476            // in an `UnsafeCell` and using a `Once` to lazily initialize it.
477            // I benchmarked it and everything looked okay. I then made this
478            // function `const` and thought I was just about done. But the
479            // public pool type wraps its inner pool in a `Box` to keep its
480            // size down. Blech.
481            //
482            // So then I thought that I could push the box down into this
483            // type (and leave the non-std version unboxed) and use the same
484            // `UnsafeCell` technique to lazily initialize it. This has the
485            // downside of the `Once` now needing to get hit in the owner fast
486            // path, but maybe that's OK? However, I then realized that we can
487            // only lazily initialize `stacks`, `owner` and `owner_val`. The
488            // `create` function needs to be put somewhere outside of the box.
489            // So now the pool is a `Box`, `Once` and a function. Now we're
490            // starting to defeat the point of boxing in the first place. So I
491            // backed out that change too.
492            //
493            // Back to square one. I maybe we just don't make a pool's
494            // constructor const and live with it. It's probably not a huge
495            // deal.
496            let mut stacks = Vec::with_capacity(MAX_POOL_STACKS);
497            for _ in 0..stacks.capacity() {
498                stacks.push(CacheLine(Mutex::new(vec![])));
499            }
500            let owner = AtomicUsize::new(THREAD_ID_UNOWNED);
501            let owner_val = UnsafeCell::new(None); // init'd on first access
502            Pool { create, stacks, owner, owner_val }
503        }
504    }
506    impl<T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> Pool<T, F> {
507        /// Get a value from the pool. This may block if another thread is also
508        /// attempting to retrieve a value from the pool.
509        #[inline]
510        pub(super) fn get(&self) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
511            // Our fast path checks if the caller is the thread that "owns"
512            // this pool. Or stated differently, whether it is the first thread
513            // that tried to extract a value from the pool. If it is, then we
514            // can return a T to the caller without going through a mutex.
515            //
516            // SAFETY: We must guarantee that only one thread gets access
517            // to this value. Since a thread is uniquely identified by the
518            // THREAD_ID thread local, it follows that if the caller's thread
519            // ID is equal to the owner, then only one thread may receive this
520            // value. This is also why we can get away with what looks like a
521            // racy load and a store. We know that if 'owner == caller', then
522            // only one thread can be here, so we don't need to worry about any
523            // other thread setting the owner to something else.
524            let caller = THREAD_ID.with(|id| *id);
525            let owner = self.owner.load(Ordering::Acquire);
526            if caller == owner {
527                // N.B. We could also do a CAS here instead of a load/store,
528                // but ad hoc benchmarking suggests it is slower. And a lot
529                // slower in the case where `get_slow` is common.
530      , Ordering::Release);
531                return self.guard_owned(caller);
532            }
533            self.get_slow(caller, owner)
534        }
536        /// This is the "slow" version that goes through a mutex to pop an
537        /// allocated value off a stack to return to the caller. (Or, if the
538        /// stack is empty, a new value is created.)
539        ///
540        /// If the pool has no owner, then this will set the owner.
541        #[cold]
542        fn get_slow(
543            &self,
544            caller: usize,
545            owner: usize,
546        ) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
547            if owner == THREAD_ID_UNOWNED {
548                // This sentinel means this pool is not yet owned. We try to
549                // atomically set the owner. If we do, then this thread becomes
550                // the owner and we can return a guard that represents the
551                // special T for the owner.
552                //
553                // Note that we set the owner to a different sentinel that
554                // indicates that the owned value is in use. The owner ID will
555                // get updated to the actual ID of this thread once the guard
556                // returned by this function is put back into the pool.
557                let res = self.owner.compare_exchange(
558                    THREAD_ID_UNOWNED,
559                    THREAD_ID_INUSE,
560                    Ordering::AcqRel,
561                    Ordering::Acquire,
562                );
563                if res.is_ok() {
564                    // SAFETY: A successful CAS above implies this thread is
565                    // the owner and that this is the only such thread that
566                    // can reach here. Thus, there is no data race.
567                    unsafe {
568                        *self.owner_val.get() = Some((self.create)());
569                    }
570                    return self.guard_owned(caller);
571                }
572            }
573            let stack_id = caller % self.stacks.len();
574            // We try to acquire exclusive access to this thread's stack, and
575            // if so, grab a value from it if we can. We put this in a loop so
576            // that it's easy to tweak and experiment with a different number
577            // of tries. In the end, I couldn't see anything obviously better
578            // than one attempt in ad hoc testing.
579            for _ in 0..1 {
580                let mut stack = match self.stacks[stack_id].0.try_lock() {
581                    Err(_) => continue,
582                    Ok(stack) => stack,
583                };
584                if let Some(value) = stack.pop() {
585                    return self.guard_stack(value);
586                }
587                // Unlock the mutex guarding the stack before creating a fresh
588                // value since we no longer need the stack.
589                drop(stack);
590                let value = Box::new((self.create)());
591                return self.guard_stack(value);
592            }
593            // We're only here if we could get access to our stack, so just
594            // create a new value. This seems like it could be wasteful, but
595            // waiting for exclusive access to a stack when there's high
596            // contention is brutal for perf.
597            self.guard_stack_transient(Box::new((self.create)()))
598        }
600        /// Puts a value back into the pool. Callers don't need to call this.
601        /// Once the guard that's returned by 'get' is dropped, it is put back
602        /// into the pool automatically.
603        #[inline]
604        fn put_value(&self, value: Box<T>) {
605            let caller = THREAD_ID.with(|id| *id);
606            let stack_id = caller % self.stacks.len();
607            // As with trying to pop a value from this thread's stack, we
608            // merely attempt to get access to push this value back on the
609            // stack. If there's too much contention, we just give up and throw
610            // the value away.
611            //
612            // Interestingly, in ad hoc benchmarking, it is beneficial to
613            // attempt to push the value back more than once, unlike when
614            // popping the value. I don't have a good theory for why this is.
615            // I guess if we drop too many values then that winds up forcing
616            // the pop operation to create new fresh values and thus leads to
617            // less reuse. There's definitely a balancing act here.
618            for _ in 0..10 {
619                let mut stack = match self.stacks[stack_id].0.try_lock() {
620                    Err(_) => continue,
621                    Ok(stack) => stack,
622                };
623                stack.push(value);
624                return;
625            }
626        }
628        /// Create a guard that represents the special owned T.
629        #[inline]
630        fn guard_owned(&self, caller: usize) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
631            PoolGuard { pool: self, value: Err(caller), discard: false }
632        }
634        /// Create a guard that contains a value from the pool's stack.
635        #[inline]
636        fn guard_stack(&self, value: Box<T>) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
637            PoolGuard { pool: self, value: Ok(value), discard: false }
638        }
640        /// Create a guard that contains a value from the pool's stack with an
641        /// instruction to throw away the value instead of putting it back
642        /// into the pool.
643        #[inline]
644        fn guard_stack_transient(&self, value: Box<T>) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
645            PoolGuard { pool: self, value: Ok(value), discard: true }
646        }
647    }
649    impl<T: core::fmt::Debug, F> core::fmt::Debug for Pool<T, F> {
650        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
651            f.debug_struct("Pool")
652                .field("stacks", &self.stacks)
653                .field("owner", &self.owner)
654                .field("owner_val", &self.owner_val)
655                .finish()
656        }
657    }
659    /// A guard that is returned when a caller requests a value from the pool.
660    pub(super) struct PoolGuard<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> {
661        /// The pool that this guard is attached to.
662        pool: &'a Pool<T, F>,
663        /// This is Err when the guard represents the special "owned" value.
664        /// In which case, the value is retrieved from 'pool.owner_val'. And
665        /// in the special case of `Err(THREAD_ID_DROPPED)`, it means the
666        /// guard has been put back into the pool and should no longer be used.
667        value: Result<Box<T>, usize>,
668        /// When true, the value should be discarded instead of being pushed
669        /// back into the pool. We tend to use this under high contention, and
670        /// this allows us to avoid inflating the size of the pool. (Because
671        /// under contention, we tend to create more values instead of waiting
672        /// for access to a stack of existing values.)
673        discard: bool,
674    }
676    impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
677        /// Return the underlying value.
678        #[inline]
679        pub(super) fn value(&self) -> &T {
680            match self.value {
681                Ok(ref v) => &**v,
682                // SAFETY: This is safe because the only way a PoolGuard gets
683                // created for self.value=Err is when the current thread
684                // corresponds to the owning thread, of which there can only
685                // be one. Thus, we are guaranteed to be providing exclusive
686                // access here which makes this safe.
687                //
688                // Also, since 'owner_val' is guaranteed to be initialized
689                // before an owned PoolGuard is created, the unchecked unwrap
690                // is safe.
691                Err(id) => unsafe {
692                    // This assert is *not* necessary for safety, since we
693                    // should never be here if the guard had been put back into
694                    // the pool. This is a sanity check to make sure we didn't
695                    // break an internal invariant.
696                    debug_assert_ne!(THREAD_ID_DROPPED, id);
697                    (*self.pool.owner_val.get()).as_ref().unwrap_unchecked()
698                },
699            }
700        }
702        /// Return the underlying value as a mutable borrow.
703        #[inline]
704        pub(super) fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
705            match self.value {
706                Ok(ref mut v) => &mut **v,
707                // SAFETY: This is safe because the only way a PoolGuard gets
708                // created for self.value=None is when the current thread
709                // corresponds to the owning thread, of which there can only
710                // be one. Thus, we are guaranteed to be providing exclusive
711                // access here which makes this safe.
712                //
713                // Also, since 'owner_val' is guaranteed to be initialized
714                // before an owned PoolGuard is created, the unwrap_unchecked
715                // is safe.
716                Err(id) => unsafe {
717                    // This assert is *not* necessary for safety, since we
718                    // should never be here if the guard had been put back into
719                    // the pool. This is a sanity check to make sure we didn't
720                    // break an internal invariant.
721                    debug_assert_ne!(THREAD_ID_DROPPED, id);
722                    (*self.pool.owner_val.get()).as_mut().unwrap_unchecked()
723                },
724            }
725        }
727        /// Consumes this guard and puts it back into the pool.
728        #[inline]
729        pub(super) fn put(this: PoolGuard<'_, T, F>) {
730            // Since this is effectively consuming the guard and putting the
731            // value back into the pool, there's no reason to run its Drop
732            // impl after doing this. I don't believe there is a correctness
733            // problem with doing so, but there's definitely a perf problem
734            // by redoing this work. So we avoid it.
735            let mut this = core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(this);
736            this.put_imp();
737        }
739        /// Puts this guard back into the pool by only borrowing the guard as
740        /// mutable. This should be called at most once.
741        #[inline(always)]
742        fn put_imp(&mut self) {
743            match core::mem::replace(&mut self.value, Err(THREAD_ID_DROPPED)) {
744                Ok(value) => {
745                    // If we were told to discard this value then don't bother
746                    // trying to put it back into the pool. This occurs when
747                    // the pop operation failed to acquire a lock and we
748                    // decided to create a new value in lieu of contending for
749                    // the lock.
750                    if self.discard {
751                        return;
752                    }
753                    self.pool.put_value(value);
754                }
755                // If this guard has a value "owned" by the thread, then
756                // the Pool guarantees that this is the ONLY such guard.
757                // Therefore, in order to place it back into the pool and make
758                // it available, we need to change the owner back to the owning
759                // thread's ID. But note that we use the ID that was stored in
760                // the guard, since a guard can be moved to another thread and
761                // dropped. (A previous iteration of this code read from the
762                // THREAD_ID thread local, which uses the ID of the current
763                // thread which may not be the ID of the owning thread! This
764                // also avoids the TLS access, which is likely a hair faster.)
765                Err(owner) => {
766                    // If we hit this point, it implies 'put_imp' has been
767                    // called multiple times for the same guard which in turn
768                    // corresponds to a bug in this implementation.
769                    assert_ne!(THREAD_ID_DROPPED, owner);
770          , Ordering::Release);
771                }
772            }
773        }
774    }
776    impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> Drop for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
777        #[inline]
778        fn drop(&mut self) {
779            self.put_imp();
780        }
781    }
783    impl<'a, T: Send + core::fmt::Debug, F: Fn() -> T> core::fmt::Debug
784        for PoolGuard<'a, T, F>
785    {
786        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
787            f.debug_struct("PoolGuard")
788                .field("pool", &self.pool)
789                .field("value", &self.value)
790                .finish()
791        }
792    }
795// FUTURE: We should consider using Mara Bos's nearly-lock-free version of this
796// here:
798// One reason why I did things with a "mutex" below is that it isolates the
799// safety concerns to just the Mutex, where as the safety of Mara's pool is a
800// bit more sprawling. I also expect this code to not be used that much, and
801// so is unlikely to get as much real world usage with which to test it. That
802// means the "obviously correct" lever is an important one.
804// The specific reason to use Mara's pool is that it is likely faster and also
805// less likely to hit problems with spin-locks, although it is not completely
806// impervious to them.
808// The best solution to this problem, probably, is a truly lock free pool. That
809// could be done with a lock free linked list. The issue is the ABA problem. It
810// is difficult to avoid, and doing so is complex. BUT, the upshot of that is
811// that if we had a truly lock free pool, then we could also use it above in
812// the 'std' pool instead of a Mutex because it should be completely free the
813// problems that come from spin-locks.
814#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
815mod inner {
816    use core::{
817        cell::UnsafeCell,
818        panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe},
819        sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
820    };
822    use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec, vec::Vec};
824    /// A thread safe pool utilizing alloc-only features.
825    ///
826    /// Unlike the std version, it doesn't seem possible(?) to implement the
827    /// "thread owner" optimization because alloc-only doesn't have any concept
828    /// of threads. So the best we can do is just a normal stack. This will
829    /// increase latency in alloc-only environments.
830    pub(super) struct Pool<T, F> {
831        /// A stack of T values to hand out. These are used when a Pool is
832        /// accessed by a thread that didn't create it.
833        stack: Mutex<Vec<Box<T>>>,
834        /// A function to create more T values when stack is empty and a caller
835        /// has requested a T.
836        create: F,
837    }
839    // If T is UnwindSafe, then since we provide exclusive access to any
840    // particular value in the pool, it should therefore also be considered
841    // RefUnwindSafe.
842    impl<T: UnwindSafe, F: UnwindSafe> RefUnwindSafe for Pool<T, F> {}
844    impl<T, F> Pool<T, F> {
845        /// Create a new pool. The given closure is used to create values in
846        /// the pool when necessary.
847        pub(super) const fn new(create: F) -> Pool<T, F> {
848            Pool { stack: Mutex::new(vec![]), create }
849        }
850    }
852    impl<T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> Pool<T, F> {
853        /// Get a value from the pool. This may block if another thread is also
854        /// attempting to retrieve a value from the pool.
855        #[inline]
856        pub(super) fn get(&self) -> PoolGuard<'_, T, F> {
857            let mut stack = self.stack.lock();
858            let value = match stack.pop() {
859                None => Box::new((self.create)()),
860                Some(value) => value,
861            };
862            PoolGuard { pool: self, value: Some(value) }
863        }
865        #[inline]
866        fn put(&self, guard: PoolGuard<'_, T, F>) {
867            let mut guard = core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(guard);
868            if let Some(value) = guard.value.take() {
869                self.put_value(value);
870            }
871        }
873        /// Puts a value back into the pool. Callers don't need to call this.
874        /// Once the guard that's returned by 'get' is dropped, it is put back
875        /// into the pool automatically.
876        #[inline]
877        fn put_value(&self, value: Box<T>) {
878            let mut stack = self.stack.lock();
879            stack.push(value);
880        }
881    }
883    impl<T: core::fmt::Debug, F> core::fmt::Debug for Pool<T, F> {
884        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
885            f.debug_struct("Pool").field("stack", &self.stack).finish()
886        }
887    }
889    /// A guard that is returned when a caller requests a value from the pool.
890    pub(super) struct PoolGuard<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> {
891        /// The pool that this guard is attached to.
892        pool: &'a Pool<T, F>,
893        /// This is None after the guard has been put back into the pool.
894        value: Option<Box<T>>,
895    }
897    impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
898        /// Return the underlying value.
899        #[inline]
900        pub(super) fn value(&self) -> &T {
901            self.value.as_deref().unwrap()
902        }
904        /// Return the underlying value as a mutable borrow.
905        #[inline]
906        pub(super) fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
907            self.value.as_deref_mut().unwrap()
908        }
910        /// Consumes this guard and puts it back into the pool.
911        #[inline]
912        pub(super) fn put(this: PoolGuard<'_, T, F>) {
913            // Since this is effectively consuming the guard and putting the
914            // value back into the pool, there's no reason to run its Drop
915            // impl after doing this. I don't believe there is a correctness
916            // problem with doing so, but there's definitely a perf problem
917            // by redoing this work. So we avoid it.
918            let mut this = core::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(this);
919            this.put_imp();
920        }
922        /// Puts this guard back into the pool by only borrowing the guard as
923        /// mutable. This should be called at most once.
924        #[inline(always)]
925        fn put_imp(&mut self) {
926            if let Some(value) = self.value.take() {
927                self.pool.put_value(value);
928            }
929        }
930    }
932    impl<'a, T: Send, F: Fn() -> T> Drop for PoolGuard<'a, T, F> {
933        #[inline]
934        fn drop(&mut self) {
935            self.put_imp();
936        }
937    }
939    impl<'a, T: Send + core::fmt::Debug, F: Fn() -> T> core::fmt::Debug
940        for PoolGuard<'a, T, F>
941    {
942        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
943            f.debug_struct("PoolGuard")
944                .field("pool", &self.pool)
945                .field("value", &self.value)
946                .finish()
947        }
948    }
950    /// A spin-lock based mutex. Yes, I have read spinlocks cosnidered
951    /// harmful[1], and if there's a reasonable alternative choice, I'll
952    /// happily take it.
953    ///
954    /// I suspect the most likely alternative here is a Treiber stack, but
955    /// implementing one correctly in a way that avoids the ABA problem looks
956    /// subtle enough that I'm not sure I want to attempt that. But otherwise,
957    /// we only need a mutex in order to implement our pool, so if there's
958    /// something simpler we can use that works for our `Pool` use case, then
959    /// that would be great.
960    ///
961    /// Note that this mutex does not do poisoning.
962    ///
963    /// [1]:
964    #[derive(Debug)]
965    struct Mutex<T> {
966        locked: AtomicBool,
967        data: UnsafeCell<T>,
968    }
970    // SAFETY: Since a Mutex guarantees exclusive access, as long as we can
971    // send it across threads, it must also be Sync.
972    unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for Mutex<T> {}
974    impl<T> Mutex<T> {
975        /// Create a new mutex for protecting access to the given value across
976        /// multiple threads simultaneously.
977        const fn new(value: T) -> Mutex<T> {
978            Mutex {
979                locked: AtomicBool::new(false),
980                data: UnsafeCell::new(value),
981            }
982        }
984        /// Lock this mutex and return a guard providing exclusive access to
985        /// `T`. This blocks if some other thread has already locked this
986        /// mutex.
987        #[inline]
988        fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<'_, T> {
989            while self
990                .locked
991                .compare_exchange(
992                    false,
993                    true,
994                    Ordering::AcqRel,
995                    Ordering::Acquire,
996                )
997                .is_err()
998            {
999                core::hint::spin_loop();
1000            }
1001            // SAFETY: The only way we're here is if we successfully set
1002            // 'locked' to true, which implies we must be the only thread here
1003            // and thus have exclusive access to 'data'.
1004            let data = unsafe { &mut * };
1005            MutexGuard { locked: &self.locked, data }
1006        }
1007    }
1009    /// A guard that derefs to &T and &mut T. When it's dropped, the lock is
1010    /// released.
1011    #[derive(Debug)]
1012    struct MutexGuard<'a, T> {
1013        locked: &'a AtomicBool,
1014        data: &'a mut T,
1015    }
1017    impl<'a, T> core::ops::Deref for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
1018        type Target = T;
1020        #[inline]
1021        fn deref(&self) -> &T {
1023        }
1024    }
1026    impl<'a, T> core::ops::DerefMut for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
1027        #[inline]
1028        fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
1030        }
1031    }
1033    impl<'a, T> Drop for MutexGuard<'a, T> {
1034        #[inline]
1035        fn drop(&mut self) {
1036            // Drop means 'data' is no longer accessible, so we can unlock
1037            // the mutex.
1038  , Ordering::Release);
1039        }
1040    }
1044mod tests {
1045    use core::panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
1047    use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec, vec::Vec};
1049    use super::*;
1051    #[test]
1052    fn oibits() {
1053        fn assert_oitbits<T: Send + Sync + UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe>() {}
1054        assert_oitbits::<Pool<Vec<u32>>>();
1055        assert_oitbits::<Pool<core::cell::RefCell<Vec<u32>>>>();
1056        assert_oitbits::<
1057            Pool<
1058                Vec<u32>,
1059                Box<
1060                    dyn Fn() -> Vec<u32>
1061                        + Send
1062                        + Sync
1063                        + UnwindSafe
1064                        + RefUnwindSafe,
1065                >,
1066            >,
1067        >();
1068    }
1070    // Tests that Pool implements the "single owner" optimization. That is, the
1071    // thread that first accesses the pool gets its own copy, while all other
1072    // threads get distinct copies.
1073    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1074    #[test]
1075    fn thread_owner_optimization() {
1076        use std::{cell::RefCell, sync::Arc, vec};
1078        let pool: Arc<Pool<RefCell<Vec<char>>>> =
1079            Arc::new(Pool::new(|| RefCell::new(vec!['a'])));
1080        pool.get().borrow_mut().push('x');
1082        let pool1 = pool.clone();
1083        let t1 = std::thread::spawn(move || {
1084            let guard = pool1.get();
1085            guard.borrow_mut().push('y');
1086        });
1088        let pool2 = pool.clone();
1089        let t2 = std::thread::spawn(move || {
1090            let guard = pool2.get();
1091            guard.borrow_mut().push('z');
1092        });
1094        t1.join().unwrap();
1095        t2.join().unwrap();
1097        // If we didn't implement the single owner optimization, then one of
1098        // the threads above is likely to have mutated the [a, x] vec that
1099        // we stuffed in the pool before spawning the threads. But since
1100        // neither thread was first to access the pool, and because of the
1101        // optimization, we should be guaranteed that neither thread mutates
1102        // the special owned pool value.
1103        //
1104        // (Technically this is an implementation detail and not a contract of
1105        // Pool's API.)
1106        assert_eq!(vec!['a', 'x'], *pool.get().borrow());
1107    }
1109    // This tests that if the "owner" of a pool asks for two values, then it
1110    // gets two distinct values and not the same one. This test failed in the
1111    // course of developing the pool, which in turn resulted in UB because it
1112    // permitted getting aliasing &mut borrows to the same place in memory.
1113    #[test]
1114    fn thread_owner_distinct() {
1115        let pool = Pool::new(|| vec!['a']);
1117        {
1118            let mut g1 = pool.get();
1119            let v1 = &mut *g1;
1120            let mut g2 = pool.get();
1121            let v2 = &mut *g2;
1122            v1.push('b');
1123            v2.push('c');
1124            assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'b'], v1);
1125            assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'c'], v2);
1126        }
1127        // This isn't technically guaranteed, but we
1128        // expect to now get the "owned" value (the first
1129        // call to 'get()' above) now that it's back in
1130        // the pool.
1131        assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'b'], &mut *pool.get());
1132    }
1134    // This tests that we can share a guard with another thread, mutate the
1135    // underlying value and everything works. This failed in the course of
1136    // developing a pool since the pool permitted 'get()' to return the same
1137    // value to the owner thread, even before the previous value was put back
1138    // into the pool. This in turn resulted in this test producing a data race.
1139    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1140    #[test]
1141    fn thread_owner_sync() {
1142        let pool = Pool::new(|| vec!['a']);
1143        {
1144            let mut g1 = pool.get();
1145            let mut g2 = pool.get();
1146            std::thread::scope(|s| {
1147                s.spawn(|| {
1148                    g1.push('b');
1149                });
1150                s.spawn(|| {
1151                    g2.push('c');
1152                });
1153            });
1155            let v1 = &mut *g1;
1156            let v2 = &mut *g2;
1157            assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'b'], v1);
1158            assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'c'], v2);
1159        }
1161        // This isn't technically guaranteed, but we
1162        // expect to now get the "owned" value (the first
1163        // call to 'get()' above) now that it's back in
1164        // the pool.
1165        assert_eq!(&mut vec!['a', 'b'], &mut *pool.get());
1166    }
1168    // This tests that if we move a PoolGuard that is owned by the current
1169    // thread to another thread and drop it, then the thread owner doesn't
1170    // change. During development of the pool, this test failed because the
1171    // PoolGuard assumed it was dropped in the same thread from which it was
1172    // created, and thus used the current thread's ID as the owner, which could
1173    // be different than the actual owner of the pool.
1174    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1175    #[test]
1176    fn thread_owner_send_drop() {
1177        let pool = Pool::new(|| vec!['a']);
1178        // Establishes this thread as the owner.
1179        {
1180            pool.get().push('b');
1181        }
1182        std::thread::scope(|s| {
1183            // Sanity check that we get the same value back.
1184            // (Not technically guaranteed.)
1185            let mut g = pool.get();
1186            assert_eq!(&vec!['a', 'b'], &*g);
1187            // Now push it to another thread and drop it.
1188            s.spawn(move || {
1189                g.push('c');
1190            })
1191            .join()
1192            .unwrap();
1193        });
1194        // Now check that we're still the owner. This is not technically
1195        // guaranteed by the API, but is true in practice given the thread
1196        // owner optimization.
1197        assert_eq!(&vec!['a', 'b', 'c'], &*pool.get());
1198    }