Crate ringbuf

Expand description

Lock-free SPSC FIFO ring buffer with direct access to inner data.


At first you need to create the ring buffer itself. HeapRb is recommended but you may choose another one.

After the ring buffer is created it may be splitted into pair of Producer and Consumer. Producer is used to insert items to the ring buffer, consumer - to remove items from it.


There are several types of ring buffers provided:

  • LocalRb. Only for single-threaded use.
  • SharedRb. Can be shared between threads. Its frequently used instances:
    • HeapRb. Contents are stored in dynamic memory. Recommended for use in most cases.
    • StaticRb. Contents can be stored in statically-allocated memory.

You may also provide your own generic parameters.


SharedRb needs to synchronize CPU cache between CPU cores. This synchronization has some overhead. To avoid multiple unnecessary synchronizations you may use methods that operate many items at once (push_slice/push_iter, pop_slice/pop_iter, etc.) or you can freeze producer or consumer and then synchronize threads manually (see items in frozen module).

For single-threaded usage LocalRb is recommended because it is slightly faster than SharedRb due to absence of CPU cache synchronization.



use ringbuf::{traits::*, HeapRb};

let rb = HeapRb::<i32>::new(2);
let (mut prod, mut cons) = rb.split();

assert_eq!(prod.try_push(2), Err(2));

assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), Some(0));


assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), Some(1));
assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), Some(2));
assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), None);

§No heap

use ringbuf::{traits::*, StaticRb};

const RB_SIZE: usize = 1;
let mut rb = StaticRb::<i32, RB_SIZE>::default();
let (mut prod, mut cons) = rb.split_ref();

assert_eq!(prod.try_push(123), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(prod.try_push(321), Err(321));

assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), Some(123));
assert_eq!(cons.try_pop(), None);


Ring buffer can be used in overwriting mode when insertion overwrites the latest element if the buffer is full.

use ringbuf::{traits::*, HeapRb};

let mut rb = HeapRb::<i32>::new(2);

assert_eq!(rb.push_overwrite(0), None);
assert_eq!(rb.push_overwrite(1), None);
assert_eq!(rb.push_overwrite(2), Some(0));

assert_eq!(rb.try_pop(), Some(1));
assert_eq!(rb.try_pop(), Some(2));
assert_eq!(rb.try_pop(), None);

Note that push_overwrite requires exclusive access to the ring buffer so to perform it concurrently you need to guard the ring buffer with mutex or some other lock.

§Implementation details

Each ring buffer here consists of the following parts:

  • Storage
  • Indices
  • Hold flags


Storage is a place where ring buffer items are actually stored. It must span a single contiguous memory area (e.g. we can obtain a slice or subslice of it). Ring buffer can own its storage or it can hold only a mutable reference to it. Storage length is refered as capacity.


Ring buffer also contains two indices: read and write.

read % capacity points to the oldest item in the storage. write % capacity points to empty slot next to the most recently inserted item.

When an item is extracted from the ring buffer it is taken from the read % capacity slot and then read index is incremented. New item is put into the write % capacity slot and write index is incremented after that.

Slots with indices between (in modular arithmetic) (read % capacity) (including) and (write % capacity) (excluding) contain items (are initialized). All other slots do not contain items (are uninitialized).

The actual values of read and write indices are modulo 2 * capacity instead of just capacity. It allows us to distinguish situations when the buffer is empty (read == write) and when the buffer is full ((write - read) % (2 * capacity) == capacity) without using an extra slot in container that cannot be occupied.

But this causes the existense of invalid combinations of indices. For example, we cannot store more than capacity items in the buffer, so (write - read) % (2 * capacity) is not allowed to be greater than capacity.

§Hold flags

Ring buffer can have at most one producer and at most one consumer at the same time. These flags indicates whether it’s safe to obtain a new producer or a consumer.


pub use rb::LocalRb;
pub use rb::SharedRb;
pub use traits::consumer;
pub use traits::producer;
pub use wrap::CachingCons;
pub use wrap::CachingProd;
pub use wrap::Cons;
pub use wrap::Obs;
pub use wrap::Prod;


Ring buffer implementations.
Storage types.
Ring buffer traits.
Producer and consumer implementations.


A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.


Moves at most count items from the src consumer to the dst producer.

Type Aliases§

Alias for HeapRb consumer.
Alias for HeapRb producer.
Heap-allocated ring buffer.
Alias for StaticRb consumer.
Alias for StaticRb producer.
Stack-allocated ring buffer with static capacity.