Crate rquickjs

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High-level bindings to quickjs

The rquickjs crate provides safe high-level bindings to the quickjs javascript engine. This crate is heavily inspired by the rlua crate.

The Runtime and Context objects

The main entry point of this library is the Runtime struct. It represents the interperter state and is used to create Context objects. As the quickjs library does not support threading the runtime is locked behind a mutex. Multiple threads cannot run as script or create objects from the same runtime at the same time. The Context object represents a global environment. Contexts of the same runtime can share javascript objects like in browser between frames of the same origin.

Converting Values

This library has multiple traits for converting to and from javascript. The IntoJs trait is used for taking rust values and turning them into javascript values. The FromJs is for converting javascript value tKings Placeo rust. Note that this trait does not automatic coercion but the Coerced can be used to convert the values with coercion.

For values which represent the name of variables or indecies the trait IntoAtom is available to convert values to the represention quickjs requires.

Optional features


This crate can be customized via features. The following features is enabled by default but can be disabled when not needed: - classes enables support for ES6 classes. Any user-defined Rust type can be exported to JS as an ES6 class which can be derived and extended by JS. - properties enables support for object properties (Object.defineProperty). - exports adds an ability to read the module exports.


The following features may be enabled to get an extra functionality:

  • allocator adds support for custom allocators for Runtime. The allocators should implements std::alloc::Allocator trait and can be plugged on Runtime creation via Runtime::new_with_alloc.

  • rust-alloc forces using Rust’s global allocator by default instead of libc’s one.

  • loader adds support for custom ES6 modules resolvers and loaders. The resolvers and loaders should implements Resolver and Loader traits respectively and can be plugged in already existing Runtime before loading modules via Runtime::set_loader. The resolvers and loaders can be easily combined via tuples. When the previous resolver or loader failed the next one will be applied.

  • dyn-load adds support for loadable native modules (so/dll/dylib).

  • array-buffer adds support for ArrayBuffer and TypedArray.

  • futures adds support for async Rust. When enabled the library exports AsyncRuntime and AsyncContext. These are the asynchronous variants of the normal runtime and context. In order to ensure that QuickJS is used properly the runtime is placed behind a lock. For the normal runtime this is a normal mutex. You should avoid blocking threads in asynchronous rust so the async runtime uses a future aware mutex. In the async runtime Rust futures can be passed to JS as ES6 Promises and ES6 Promises can be given back as Rust futures.

  • macro enables some useful procedural macros which gets Rust/JS interop much easy. An attribute macros can be applied to functions, constants and modules. An derive macros can be used with structs and enums.

  • phf enables using Perfect Hash Function for builtin modules lookup


To gets build faster the numbers of arguments which can be passed to and given by the functions is limited to 6. If you need more arguments you can enabled feature max-args-N where N is number from 7 to 16.

Extra types

This crate has support for conversion of many Rust types like Option, Result, Vec and other collections. In addition an extra types support can be enabled via features:


The bindings is pre-built for the following platforms:

  • i686-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

  • x86_64-apple-darwin

  • i686-pc-windows-gnu, x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, i686-pc-windows-msvc, x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

To build the crate for unsupported target you must enable bindgen feature.


  • parallel enables multithreading support.

Note that the experimental features which may not works as expected. Use it for your own risk.


QuickJS can be configured to output some info which can help debug. The following features enables that:

  • dump-bytecode
  • dump-gc
  • dump-gc-free
  • dump-free
  • dump-leaks
  • dump-mem
  • dump-objects
  • dump-atoms
  • dump-shapes
  • dump-module-resolve
  • dump-promise
  • dump-read-object


  • allocatorallocator
    Tools for using different allocators with quickjs.
  • Javascript array types.
  • Quickjs atom functionality.
  • Javascript classes defined from rust.
  • JS Contexts related types.
  • Utilites for converting to and from javascript values.
  • Javascript function functionality
  • loaderloader
    Loaders and resolvers for loading JS modules.
  • Utility types and traits.
  • Types for loading and handling JS modules.
  • Module for types dealing with JS objects.
  • A group of often used types.
  • promisefutures
    Utilities for converting promises to futures and vice versa.
  • Native low-level bindings
  • Quickjs runtime related types.


  • async_withfutures
    A macro for safely using an asynchronous context while capturing the environment.
  • Short macro to define a cstring literal.
  • embedmacro
  • Helper macro to provide module init function. Use for exporting module definitions to be loaded as part of a dynamic library.
  • A macro for implementing StaticJsFunction for generic functions.


  • Rust representation of a javascript object optimized as an array.
  • ArrayBufferarray-buffer
    Rust representation of a javascript object of class ArrayBuffer.
  • An asynchronous single execution context with its own global variables and stack.
  • Asynchronous Quickjs runtime, entry point of the library.
  • A quickjs Atom.
  • Rust representation of a javascript big int.
  • A object which is instance of a rust class.
  • A single execution context with its own global variables and stack.
  • Context in use, passed to Context::with.
  • A javascript instance of Error
  • A javascript function.
  • A javascript module.
  • The placeholder which treated as null value
  • Rust representation of a javascript object.
  • The wrapper for JS values to keep it from GC
  • Quickjs runtime, entry point of the library.
  • Rust representation of a javascript string.
  • Rust representation of a javascript symbol.
  • TypedArrayarray-buffer
    Rust representation of a javascript objects of TypedArray classes.
  • The placeholder which treated as undefined value
  • Any javascript value


  • An error type containing possible thrown exception values.
  • Error type of the library.
  • The type of Javascript value


Type Definitions

  • Result type containing an the javascript exception if there was one.
  • Result type used throught the library.

Attribute Macros