Macro embed

embed!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Available on crate feature macro only.
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A macro for embedding JavaScript code into a binary.

Compiles a JavaScript module to bytecode and then compiles the resulting bytecode into the binary. Each file loaded is turned into its own module. The macro takes a list of paths to files to be compiled into a module with an option name. Module paths are relative to the crate manifest file.


use rquickjs::{embed, loader::Bundle, CatchResultExt, Context, Module, Runtime};

/// load the `my_module.js` file and name it myModule
static BUNDLE: Bundle = embed! {
    "myModule": "my_module.js",

fn main() {
    let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
    let ctx = Context::full(&rt).unwrap();

    rt.set_loader(BUNDLE, BUNDLE);
    ctx.with(|ctx| {
            import { foo } from 'myModule';
            if(foo() !== 2){
                throw new Error("Function didn't return the correct value");