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#[cfg(feature = "collisions")]
use {
nalgebra::{Isometry3, Translation3, UnitQuaternion},
rs_opw_kinematics::constraints::{Constraints, BY_PREV},
// This example only makes sense with collisions feature enabled
// Visualization can optionally be disabled.
rs_opw_kinematics::collisions::{CheckMode, SafetyDistances, NEVER_COLLIDES},
rs_opw_kinematics::kinematic_traits::{J2, J3, J4, J6, J_BASE, J_TOOL},
/// Creates a sample robot for visualization. This function sets up
/// a Staubli RX160 robot using its specific parameter set.
/// Joint meshes are loaded from `.stl` files bundled in the test folder,
/// shared under the Apache license as part of the ROS Industrial project.
/// Additionally, four environment objects and a tool are created for the visualization.
#[cfg(feature = "collisions")]
pub fn create_rx160_robot() -> KinematicsWithShape {
use rs_opw_kinematics::read_trimesh::{load_trimesh_from_stl, load_trimesh_from_ply };
// Environment object to collide with.
let monolith = load_trimesh_from_stl("src/tests/data/object.stl");
// OPW parameters for Staubli RX 160
Parameters {
a1: 0.15,
a2: 0.0,
b: 0.0,
c1: 0.55,
c2: 0.825,
c3: 0.625,
c4: 0.11,
// Define constraints directly in degrees, converting internally to radians.
BY_PREV, // Prioritize previous joint position
// Joint meshes
// If your meshes, if offset in .stl file, use Trimesh::transform_vertices,
// you may also need Trimesh::scale in some extreme cases.
// If your joints or tool consist of multiple meshes, combine these
// with Trimesh::append
// Base link mesh
// Base transform, this is where the robot is standing
Translation3::new(0.4, 0.7, 0.0).into(),
// Tool mesh. Load it from .ply file for feature demonstration
// Tool transform, tip (not base) of the tool. The point past this
// transform is known as tool center point (TCP).
Translation3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.5).into(),
// Objects around the robot, with global transforms for them.
CollisionBody {
mesh: monolith.clone(),
pose: Isometry3::translation(1., 0., 0.),
CollisionBody {
mesh: monolith.clone(),
pose: Isometry3::translation(-1., 0., 0.),
CollisionBody {
mesh: monolith.clone(),
pose: Isometry3::translation(0., 1., 0.),
CollisionBody {
mesh: monolith.clone(),
pose: Isometry3::translation(0., -1., 0.),
SafetyDistances {
to_environment: 0.05, // Robot should not come closer than 5 cm to pillars
to_robot_default: 0.05, // No closer than 5 cm to itself.
special_distances: SafetyDistances::distances(&[
// Due construction of this robot, these joints are very close, so
// special rules are needed for them.
((J2, J_BASE), NEVER_COLLIDES), // base and J2 cannot collide
((J3, J_BASE), NEVER_COLLIDES), // base and J3 cannot collide
((J4, J_TOOL), 0.02_f32), // reduce distance requirement to 2 cm.
((J4, J6), 0.02_f32), // reduce distance requirement to 2 cm.
mode: CheckMode::AllCollsions, // we need to report all for visualization
// mode: CheckMode::NoCheck, // this is very fast but no collision check
/// This example builds and visualizes a complete robot using Bevy.
/// The visualization includes control sliders to adjust joint
/// angles, with real-time updates to the robot’s pose.
/// This feature is not part of the main library; rather, it is an
/// example intended to demonstrate functionality and confirm that
/// everything works as expected. You can modify this example to test
/// your own robot configuration.
#[cfg(feature = "collisions")]
fn main() {
// The robot itself.
let robot = create_rx160_robot();
// Do some inverse kinematics to show the concept.
let pose = Isometry3::from_parts(Translation3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.5), UnitQuaternion::identity());
let solutions = robot.inverse(&pose);
if robot.collides(&[173_f64.to_radians(), 0., -94_f64.to_radians(), 0., 0., 0.]) {
println!("Collision detected");
// In which position to show the robot on startup
let initial_angles = [173., -8., -94., 6., 83., 207.];
// Boundaries for XYZ draw-bars in visualization GUI
let tcp_box: [RangeInclusive<f64>; 3] = [-2.0..=2.0, -2.0..=2.0, 1.0..=2.0];
visualize(robot, initial_angles, tcp_box);
#[cfg(not(feature = "collisions"))]
fn main() {
println!("Build configuration does not support this example")
#[cfg(feature = "visualization")]
fn visualize(
robot: KinematicsWithShape,
initial_angles: [f32; 6],
tcp_box: [RangeInclusive<f64>; 3],
) {
use rs_opw_kinematics::visualization;
visualization::visualize_robot(robot, initial_angles, tcp_box);
#[cfg(all(feature = "collisions", not(feature = "visualization")))]
fn visualize(
robot: KinematicsWithShape,
initial_angles: [f32; 6],
tcp_box: [RangeInclusive<f64>; 3],
distances: &SafetyDistances,
) {
println!("Build configuration does not support visualization")